Spartans unite! Tonight, we dine on the NHS!

Stoodle pls, u little tinker.
Cable Push Downs
20kg 25/25/25

OH Cable & Push Down SS
12.5kg / 7.5kg
12.5kg / 10kg

Bench Dips
10kg 15
20kg 15/15
Drop set
20kg / 15kg / 10kg / BW
10kg / BW

Hammer Curlz
12kg 15/12
10kg 15

Seated DB Curlz
10kg 12/12/12

BB Giant Set
20kg 10 + 5 slow negs
15kg 15 + 5 slow negs
10kg 20

20kg 15
Meh, was alright.

20kg 10
40kg 8
60kg 8/7/7
Behind neck
52.5kg 8/8

DB Press
28kg 8/6/7
22kg 10/8

BB Front Raise
30kg 10/10/10

Face Pulls
17.5kg 12/12/12

Reverse Flyes
12kg 10/10

Shrugs smith
70kg 12
90kg 12
100kg 10
No spotter, no care :(
60kg 10
85kg 6
80kg 8/7
60kg 10/9

DB Inc Press
30kg 7/8/8

DB Flyes
12.5kg 10/10/10

10kg 8/7
BW 8
Wanted a 210, couldn't even repeat a 200, luls.
Pull Ups
10kg 8/8/7

80kg 8
120kg 5
160kg 1
200kg f/f/f
140kg 5/5/5

Lat pull Down behind head
70kg 10/8/8

30kg 10/10/10

BB Curlz
25kg 12/10/10
High tempo

Close Grip
25kg 10/10/10

Hammer Curlz
10kg 8/8/8

Pumps in all kinds of directions.
I'd actually written this session off. Got home and I was not in the mood to drive to the gym at all, so decided to sack it off. Then realised I had to go to the shop, and it's virtually next door. FFS, can't be having that.... So went down, tired off my face and not feeling great, but persevered.

So as the great saying goes, it is better to have trained and gained, than never have trained at all.

40kg 10
60kg 8/7/6
Behind Neck
55kg 6/6
50kg 7

DB Press
27.5kg 6/7/6
17.5kg 12/12

BB Front Raises
20kg 10/10/10
Random arm session, pump achieved, heavy things moved around.
Cable Push Down
25kg 12
15kg 25/20/20

15kg 10/10/10/12

Cable Supersets
10kg 10/10
10kg 10/10
10kg 8/8

BB Curlz
30kg 10/10/10/10

DB Curlz
12.5kg 10/8/8

Preacher Machine Curlz
15kg 8/8/8
Could a mod check the thread security settings please? It must be locked to just me, as no one else seems to be able to post.

In what respect Tobes? That cable machine is different to my usual at Bannatynes too (been training at Grants all week), it's hot much more resistance!
25kg for pushdowns just seems a bit low, I'd expect you to be doing 30-35 for working sets easy. But then every cable machine is different
Normally do 30 for sets of 12, and been meaning to up that. Was surprised at how heavy 25kg was at Grants, then decided to do some pre-exhaustion instead
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