
Luckily, we don't have many in the house, about 2-3 little ones. However, our garage has too many to count, from small to large ones which shed skin....

Some cats seem to like eating spiders, not all. So you could get a cat OP, to protect you, if it likes eating spiders.

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Another couple of months and it'll be time for those giant abdomen garden spiders to set up residence in our gardens which are usually at a height which means you ended up kissing them before you realise what you've just walked into :D
How are some of you picking up spiders? Best I can manage is a glass and some paper. If I put my hand anywhere near one, it goes from 0 to 60Mph in an instant! That gets my heart racing.

I don't like moths. I'm okay with butterflies.
Spiders also my biggest fear.. or basically any creepy-crawlies. Suck 'em up with a vacuum cleaner, and then taper the end with a piece of bog roll so it won't crawl out.

at night if i'm reading the ipad in the dark, usually get those lil bugs/flies which are attracted to light, and they can be a pain when you can hear them buzz by
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lol can't tell if it's sarcasm

I have Trypophobia, don't you guys dare post pictures of small holes!

Nah, threads about fears in the past have had photos thrown in without spoilers, then the threads get binned because people can’t play nice.

I don’t mind if people want to share a picture, as long as it’s in spoiler tags for the benefit of others
How are some of you picking up spiders? Best I can manage is a glass and some paper. If I put my hand anywhere near one, it goes from 0 to 60Mph in an instant! That gets my heart racing.

I don't like moths. I'm okay with butterflies.

Apart from false widows and funnel webs, I just pick them up, but that is rare as they are not doing any harm indoors.
I'm not that bothered about spiders, but if the climate keeps going the way it is, and my part of the country gets colonized with scorpions, then I shall have to have words. I believe there is already one species that has colonized the south already, so they can sod off in advance.
Nah, threads about fears in the past have had photos thrown in without spoilers, then the threads get binned because people can’t play nice.

I don’t mind if people want to share a picture, as long as it’s in spoiler tags for the benefit of others
I’m very thankful for it. Even photos of big spiders make me jump…. Yes I’m a big wuss etc etc.
I have mosquito nets on all the windows and the balcony door.

They still must teleport inside the house when I open the front door.

Not seen many this year though I'm actually wondering if my robot vac gets them... as they seem to like almost floor level in my cool bedroom
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I have mosquito nets on all the windows and the balcony door.

They still must teleport inside the house when I open the front door.

Not seen many this year though I'm actually wondering if my robot vac gets them... as they seem to like almost floor level in my cool bedroom
Stick a few of these around the corners.

Stick a few of these around the corners.
I've got some fly strips in a kitchen cupboard I could use but I don't want to find out what walks in my bedroom...

I stuck some down in the storage cupboard near the door.

It's got a woodlice, and about 5-6 silverfish :S

It's been down for about a year though
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A mate of mine is absolutely terrified of bugs (any bugs) which I find a bit amusing as he's the size of Eddie Hall and as tough as nails.
He completely freaks out when I show him pics of these from my garden, or even worse if he's round and sees one..



I get quite a few hornets in the garden which cause me a mild panic to say the least, but I did put my big boy pants on to take this pic a few years ago..
I then hid behind sofa for a week

A mate of mine is absolutely terrified of bugs (any bugs) which I find a bit amusing as he's the size of Eddie Hall and as tough as nails.
He completely freaks out when I show him pics of these from my garden, or even worse if he's round and sees one..



I get quite a few hornets in the garden which cause me a mild panic to say the least, but I did put my big boy pants on to take this pic a few years ago..
I then hid behind sofa for a week

Reported requesting a location change to Klendathu.
Love spiders, I leave them alone in my flat as they reduce bugs and flies.

Off topic. Is it legal to buy and own a black widow spider? Asking for a friend
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