If this is the show us your AC thread, then here is mine.. note the cunning use of a fake drainpipe for cable routing which matches the other side of the house. Really pleased with the LG indoor unit and the outdoor one is nice and quite, not that it would bother anyone.
Nice and neat install!
The bigger the outdoor unit the louder it can get I guess, with mine being 3 indoor ones to one outdoor one it's more of a consideration to make. Running 1 unit it's pretty quiet though for sure. All 3 on max it can go reasonably loud.
Very nice
@HungryHippos Did you get to the bottom of the noise from one of your units?
Kind of? Hard to say for sure lol! Long read ahead, I'd like to edit it shorter but it contains everything I can think of that's relevant.
All 3 of my units seem to have some kind of bug with the vanes. I set them to point the air directly downwards and initially they do that, but within 30-60 mins I find the command has been ignored and the vanes have gone horizontal instead blowing the air horizontally.
They came over last week, removed the gas from the system (confirmed no leak/loss of gas).
Removed unit from lounge wall, did something with the pipework, put it back. Regassed system and pressure tested again.
All good so far that unit is definitely quieter now.
The one in the bedroom is making noises now though instead, so can't catch a break!
I am not expecting total silence, but I find it hard to describe the noise of the unit to people when they ask what sound it's making.
Uploaded vid of upstairs one:
I guess no one else hears such noises as mine on their systems?
You have to have headphones on or whack the sound up to hear it properly. The gurgley/creaking sound it's making cuts over the whooshing air sound. I am sensitive to weird sounds like this so I find it bugs me being in the same room as it.
Units are operationally fine as far as I can tell and cooling performance seems good. Had them all on at 24 the other day when we had the hot weather, kept house nicely at that level. May see how they do at 23 later this week on the hot days.
I still owe them 50% of the money for the job, which I would have happily paid if it wasn't for this problem. I may need to ask what they want to do tomorrow with that, as I'd like to keep some back until the problem is confirmed as resolved.