Splitting Up with Misses

platypus said:
Yo Weekends in bed? How boring.

mmmmmm not boring to me YAHHAY :D

you got to face her now because if you dont do it now, i think she will
make a point to meet up with you come back or go around your mom and dads place
you would not want your mom and dad sideing with her because you was a wuss?

now would you?
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cleanbluesky said:
You love her but you dont see a future with her?

You need to go away and think about this.

I'd be willing to bet that the reason you're not capable is that you are not being honest with yourself about what you feel/think

Love is not enough for everybody, I will be gutted on many levels its over. Being in love is awesome - but is it awesome enough to ultimately no realise your dreams? To many people it is, many people change the direction of their life and make very large changes to accomodate poeple they love - for them that love is worth the sacrifice.

I'm not making this big a change for love, if I do I'm even more stupid. (The exception to this is my brother)
Says the person dealing out insults over a internet forum
And by that you mean what?
Cause what you quoted aint an insult, my opinion of this man is that he is a coward. Dumping his missus over the phone, too scared to face up to things, shameful.
So let me get this straight.

You feel having a car nice car is more important than your girlfriend? Is that really what you think?

If so, then I have only one thing to say to you:

Nice one mate :D
It's not just the moral thing though Rich, there's more closure with it being face to face than over the phone. If he truly wants to end it, her blubbering shouldn't sway him. He just needs to stick to his guns and remember why he's ending it if she starts laying the tears on thick.
AthlonTom said:
I suppose its very hard for you guys to get only my side of the story and still be able to not think I'm a cretin.
Not at all, I can sadly identify with most of what you're saying.
pitchfork said:
And by the you mean what, my opinion of this man is that he is a useless coward. Dumping his missus over the phone, shameful.
Well being as you don't know me and I'm not in a position to dump her face to face without lieing for months (cowardly in itself).

I'm all for other solutions?

Would you lie to the girl you love for two months - get home and split with her, which is pretty decietful and involve more lies.

Or would you call her and get it over with and give her a chance to get herself sorted while your not around.
Rich_L said:
Do it over the phone if you want, you're not exactly going to be her favourite person afterwards so it doesn't really make much difference apart from whether you should go with the cliché that face-to-face is 'better'.

If anything doing it by phone makes it easier in the long run as she'll probably have a lesser opinion of you which'll give her a leg-up in getting over you. Also you can be more rational and stick to your guns rather than being faced with a blubbering emotional wreck which could end up with you making decisions you'll regret in the cold light of day.

Good point, As we have said it seems right for you to break up with her, no one is saying it isnt, but we are saying it is a bit harsh doing it over the phone, but try it.

Let us know how it goes :)

OK, a fresh opinion on this:

Why on Earth is it all about ending it face-to-face? Personally if people are a distance apart, I absolutely prefer the phone. Or even MSN. Text is a bit rubbish as it isn't real time, and you're not really in a conversation. Travelling a fair distance to see someone, or waiting days or weeks before being able to see someone, and *then* ending it - sounds awful to me.

But phone allows her to go quiet, to keep her face and reaction private should she want to, and gives you the freedom not to made to feel even worse by seeing her cry.

Also, if my man was away for 2 months, and then broke up with me immediately upon his return, that would be awful. I agree that having enforced time apart by your trip away post-breakup could only be a good thing. I wouldn't like the thought of him having spent a couple of months pretending everything was fine.

Go for it Tom. I think your reasoning is fine.
Have you actually made any proper effort to try and understand why she does the things she does? I know you've mentioned that you've spoken to her about a few things, but this can all really depend on how the conversation goes. Discuss it with her calmly and try to understand why she does what she does. You've said yourself that you're away all week so she doesn't get to see you, and then at the weekend she wants to spend all her free time with you? You have loads of free time to yourself in the evenings during those weeks and so does she, so it's only fair for her to expect that you both do things together over the weekend. Fair enough, the things you're doing do suck from a bloke's perspective, so if you're not happy doing things like that, then suggest a few other things to do. My Mrs used to want me to go shopping with her all the time, until I explained to her that I really dislike it and didn't want to go all the time, maybe one-off yeah, but not every weekend. She has no issues going with her friends now and I get the space I need instead of having to go shopping and it didn't cause any tension in our relationship at all. She actually respected me more for telling her rather than forcing myself to go along everytime.

It can be tough having a girlfriend, but the big fact here is that you've said yourself that you love her and you obviously care for her deeply otherwise you wouldn't want to take care of her when she's upset. I don't believe that splitting up with her is the answer in this scenario, particularly given how long you've known each other. Both you and her should be more than open-minded enough to discuss and realise what you both need out of the relationship, and make whatever changes are necessary.

If you truly do feel that splitting up with her is the only option, then doing it face to face is the only way. Don't phone her, don't text her, don't email her. She at least deserves to hear it from you directly rather than through technology.

At the end of the day, if you truly have spoken with her about all of this and she still isn't willing to compromise then you don't have much choice, but if she cries when you leave for the working week she obviously cares about you a great deal and that means that she can make every effort to change if you give her the opportunity to do so. So try giving her that chance, properly. I know you've said you've spoken to her, but this is an extremely one-sided post at the moment so it's impossible for you or us to be objective about what you've said to her.

Good luck mate :)

Edit: one further thing to add here. There are a lot more important things than materialistic items. I understand you have goals and want a good things out of life, but you also have a girlfriend and you need to take her into consideration as well. Is it all really worthwhile splitting up with her just for a few material things?
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[TW]Fox said:
So let me get this straight.

You feel having a car nice car is more important than your girlfriend? Is that really what you think?

If so, then I have only one thing to say to you:

Nice one mate :D

Well I think you've missed some key points in you analysis :)

But I feel reasonable confident I'll be able to get my car by Christmas, in fact until the other week I didn't realise how much I miss tinkering with my own car (can't touch the company one at all, though its booked in for mapping on tuesday)
sara said:
Why on Earth is it all about ending it face-to-face?

I think it depends on the relationship though surely? There's no problem in dumping someone via phone, text or even post it note, if it's a quick fling or something.

However a years worth of a relationship requires something a little more formal IMO.
I see what you mean now about paying for the house and stuff, not much point in paying even half for a house you're spending 2 days a week in. I think the way you're living your life at the moment you dont have time for a proper relationship anyway...

Over the phone or face to face, they're both going to be difficult on her by the sounds of it, I can see a repeat of one of the posts above where they would'nt leave for ages etc... Personally I would still do it face to face... To comfort them and help them understand.

And I dont think what you're doing in general is selfish, it just seems like you don't have 'settling down' as a priority, especially as it seems to be such a big move, financially and mentally. I understand that you want to work and buy the things you want, I'm the same, but... My wants are simple so its easy for me to comprimise. :)
Do NOT do it over the phone. If I were her I would think you were doing it because you had found someone else in London and couldn't bare to face me.

You would have been better off doing it before leaving for 2 months but if possible, I would return home to do it. Good luck...
iCraig said:
I think it depends on the relationship though surely? There's no problem in dumping someone via phone, text or even post it note, if it's a quick fling or something.

However a years worth of a relationship requires something a little more formal IMO.

I agree - but how can I lie to her for a few months? How is that in anyway more "noble"?
iCraig said:
It's not just the moral thing though Rich, there's more closure with it being face to face than over the phone. If he truly wants to end it, her blubbering shouldn't sway him. He just needs to stick to his guns and remember why he's ending it if she starts laying the tears on thick.
I know that's supposed to be the case with 'closure' but I have my doubts - the relationships over - whether the person finds out face-to-face, by phone, text, e-mail or by finding the person in bed with someone else, the fact remains that the relationship is over and the other person has to deal with that.

The only closure issue that arises from lack of 'face-to-face' is if the other person thinks that they can change the person's mind if they see them, just that one last time...maybe it'll all be different...make it clear that isn't going to happen and I don't really see a problem with breaking up over the phone.

He just needs to stick to his guns and remember why he's ending it if she starts laying the tears on thick.
Easy to say that, but I know plenty of guys who've ended up in relationships months longer than they should have been because they can't bear to see the girl they still have some feelings for so upset.

My advice to AthlonTom if he's gonna do it over the phone is simply don't leave any doors open, be blunt and honest and don't string it on with heart-felt chats for the next x months until you might see her, don't prolong the agony after the inital break-up by having long heart-felt chats, tell her it's over and you have nothing more to say. Make her realise there isn't a glimmer of an open door, the relationship is finished and there's no chance of getting back together - that way she won't waste months of her life hoping that you'll have a change of heart and come knocking on her door one day with flowers, which later down the line she may even come to appreciate.
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