Stalker Coin

Is it that?

Looks crap.

I have a keyring that came with my PC case that has a "unique" number on it too. Its made of the same metal as your coin, I'd post pics, but really cant see the point, its scratched to hell already as I have it on my car keys since the old ring fell off, and lets face it, no-one wants to see it. Its just a bit of tat mate.
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It looks like one of those things you get to put in supermarket trolleys so you don't have to use a pound coin.
I have read the website of the kid designing it and getting it made, and just don't understand why. Fair play he sold 100 of them, but why?

Maybe at some geeks convention he can flop it out and impress someone :/
No its not. I could just make my own. Be just as worthless as yours.

Agreed. As the maker of the coins hasnt got any IP protection on the coins, you can just copy coin 1/100, or coin 100/100 (whichever you feel to be more valuable) and flog it as unique.

Heads up for seeing these on ebay soon, only £3.50 + P&P :D
I cannot see how this will possibly worth more than mere sentimental value in years to come. Ok, maybe a few quid, but not much.

It's not 'rare' per se, it wasn't given by the game company for a particularly difficult ingame achievement, therefore I can't see it ever being worth much. It's just a souvenir made by a Stalker fan.

The GTA IV 'Key to Libety City' is in a similar vein, but was made exclusively by R* themselves for an ingame achievement. They sell for a couple of hundred dollars IIRC, and I doubt they'll ever fetch silly money.
Tefal has been turned,.so soon.
But i feel skyfall my be turning my way.
for such a small game have a look.
But it is to late to get a/my coin.
I was never one way or the other, I was asking a serious question earlier :P

I cant find how many of them have been made. Probably more than 100 though. I am quite dubious that the stalker coin is fan made.

But then we should probably have this discussion in 50 years time, or when we're all dead.

BTW, make sure you put all this collectors stuff in a box marked "collectors stuff do not throw out!!" or maybe when you kick the bucket they will just decide to throw it out lol or maybe you will even forget.

Is it that?

Looks crap.

I have a keyring that came with my PC case that has a "unique" number on it too. Its made of the same metal as your coin, I'd post pics, but really cant see the point, its scratched to hell already as I have it on my car keys since the old ring fell off, and lets face it, no-one wants to see it. Its just a bit of tat mate.

Yes that is it, and i am sad that you feel the need to diss someone elsess work.
Shame on you.
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