Star Trek Online

What exactly is the joined trill, i know its DAX from ds9. Some organism which joins a host body and retains the life experience of the other bodies it has joined with. In game though how does this work? Is it simply more skill points to spend or what?
They stated cloaking will be available for federation vessels for missions only, i think klingons get it as ship equipment... But then there is no PVE content for klingons...

Erm, yes there is :). Just not a huge amount at the moment. More than anything there just isn't much of a story. But Cryptic do seem to be very hard at work correcting this!

Im not sure if its worth a monthly sub, partying seems random and the 'loot drops' are just plain weird while partying, like someone can do absoultely no dmg to a ship and yet they get the 'loot' also some of the items need better clarification of what exactly they do.

Yes, I agree the loot drops are random. Teaming is excellent though. Seemless and it doesn't feel forced. No Star Trek fan will let this pass by and the response from beta gets better and better with each patch and test.
They stated cloaking will be available for federation vessels for missions only, i think klingons get it as ship equipment... But then there is no PVE content for klingons...

I would have thought that the most intelligent thing to do would be to immediately start refitting every ship in the federation fleet with cloaking devices. Romulus and Remus are destroyed, the Romulans are all but irrelevant, the Klingons are no longer allies.

Essentially the Treaty of Algernon preventing the Federation from using cloaks is now worthless, so strategically its imperative to get every ship in the fleet equipped with one straight away. Its far too tactically advantageous not to.
I would have thought that the most intelligent thing to do would be to immediately start refitting every ship in the federation fleet with cloaking devices. Romulus and Remus are destroyed, the Romulans are all but irrelevant, the Klingons are no longer allies.

Essentially the Treaty of Algernon preventing the Federation from using cloaks is now worthless, so strategically its imperative to get every ship in the fleet equipped with one straight away. Its far too tactically advantageous not to.

Yeah I'd totally agree. Although after thinking about it, it probably would make a naff game as everyone would just have cloaks.
It would be rather good in some situtaions though; Think All Good Things, think triple nacelled Enterprise D appearing out of nowhere and blowing those Klingon petaQ to space dust -I'll have some of that :D
I've never been a Trekkie, but I do enjoy some good Star Trek once in a while. Whats the cheapest I can get this for? I get bored after a month, so 1 months sub is fine for me.
dam i want the NX prefix but it will be £45 quid to get it from direct2drive, guess i'll just stick with my amazon order.

was having some fun last night in a few fleet actions...
Is the Space 3d?

I notice in the screenshot that you have fore, aft, port and starboard shields but no shields for the top or bottom (or are they just not shown in that screenshot?). So does that mean that I can come down directly from above or below you and shoot where you have no shields? Or does the Space combat exist on a flat 2d plane? so upper and lower shields arent needed?
Nah it'll be like starfleet command where there is only a flat 2d environment so no up and down I reckon, not played it though but from the looks of the game I'm guessing no 3D movement like say X3 or Homeworld.
Is the Space 3d?

I notice in the screenshot that you have fore, aft, port and starboard shields but no shields for the top or bottom (or are they just not shown in that screenshot?). So does that mean that I can come down directly from above or below you and shoot where you have no shields? Or does the Space combat exist on a flat 2d plane? so upper and lower shields arent needed?

Its on a 3D plane ala EVE, theres just no top or bottom shields.
Think of the 4 sides of your shields as one quater of an sphere.
That quater encompases the entire area from the top down.
iv applied for the closed beta test with my mate
from what little iv seen/read it looks similer to eve

No way like EVE. Maybe a very very small bit. But no way on the scale EVE is. (my opinion)

The space battles are in 3D - though not sure about the shields layout concerning top and bottom protection

3d movement, but no Top or Bottom shields.
Hopfuly as time progresses space will become as vast as it is in EVE now.
After all, EVE was fairly small when it first started out, now its uttery bonkers the amount of systems there are.
Definatly looking forward to some large scale fleet battles though :D
Tacticly its going to be VERY intresting as you not only have to keep your damaged shields out of the line of fire from your target, you will also need to keep in mind your own attack angle as the ships have firing arcs.
That means no shooting phasers THROUGH your own bridge to hit tagets guys, your gonna have to chase and flank that sucker ;)
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