Star Trek Online

I don't think death has any consequences, I haven't noticed any.

You simply respawn as you said, though I guess this may change later. It seems the balance of some the missions is off. Some are incredibly easy and others quite difficult especially if you're playing Solo.
Free Borg Bridge officer if anyone wants it, for some reason Amazon sent me 2 codes and Cryptic will only let me have one.

Free Borg Bridge officer if anyone wants it, for some reason Amazon sent me 2 codes and Cryptic will only let me have one.


:( Missed it. Still gutted amazon cancelled my pre-order :(

Bah! Look like more maintenance today, 11am -> 3pm.

11am - 1pm. And if they are only fixing K7, it will probably only be down for an hour.

Please can I get an invite mate, its Porkford@Porkford, ta :)

We used to tell people things like that whenever servers went down in work - some people would laugh, some would scowl at us, and I think some people actually took us at our word that the plasma manifolds needed to be cleaned :)
Other half and I had some fun with this last night, but probably more frustration, being new to the whole MMO thing.

While we figured out how to team up, and sometimes managed to play through missions together, it could be very hard to actually find each other.

Sometimes it's hard to figure out if we are even in the same instance. Other times, if we have found each other and then lose track of each other, I find the map next to useless for seeing where the other person in my yeam is.

Also, while we were having some amount of fun, e both couldn't help wonder why this was an MMO rather than some kind of co-op game. For now we are unsure what about this game warrants a monthly subscription.

Just not getting any sense of the massive part of MMORPG.

And is there any way to just jump to other places in the galaxy, just to go wandering? Or do you only get out into space by accepting missions?
Also, while we were having some amount of fun, e both couldn't help wonder why this was an MMO rather than some kind of co-op game. For now we are unsure what about this game warrants a monthly subscription.

Just not getting any sense of the massive part of MMORPG.

And is there any way to just jump to other places in the galaxy, just to go wandering? Or do you only get out into space by accepting missions?

I've noticed once you're in a fleet (guild) it seems to lump you all into the same instance by default, which is very handy.

Head to starbase 27 in the starting sector to see the 'massively' bit in action. I'd thought to head there the other night, thinking it was just another base I could re-supply at, but the battle going on when I warped in was just awe inspiring. What I thought was going to be a quick stop over turned into a massive battle, ground rescue mission, and another huge space battle on the way back out.

You get given exploration missions on a regular basis, which usually involves visiting a certain number of planets in another sector. Each one seems to have a small ground mission or space battle to do.

There don't seem to be any 'open' planets you can just beam down to and wander around and see other players, which is a shame. I'd have liked a few ground based hubs.
Still only level 9 at the moment :(... The game is addictive as hell though.

I'd like to join the fleet too it that'as OK?


Everyone are welcome :). Will add you when I get back on after the patching.

I've noticed once you're in a fleet (guild) it seems to lump you all into the same instance by default, which is very handy.

Head to starbase 27 in the starting sector to see the 'massively' bit in action. I'd thought to head there the other night, thinking it was just another base I could re-supply at, but the battle going on when I warped in was just awe inspiring. What I thought was going to be a quick stop over turned into a massive battle, ground rescue mission, and another huge space battle on the way back out.

You get given exploration missions on a regular basis, which usually involves visiting a certain number of planets in another sector. Each one seems to have a small ground mission or space battle to do.

There don't seem to be any 'open' planets you can just beam down to and wander around and see other players, which is a shame. I'd have liked a few ground based hubs.

Yes, go to a fleet action and you will see the massive part. Open teaming is also broken at the moment (at least for me), so this could be another reason why it feels empty. Also, joining our fleet and the "OcUK" chat channel will help :)
wozencl said “I don't think death has any consequences, I haven't noticed any.”
When you die your ship crew die. The less crew you have the worse your ships performs.
wozencl said “I don't think death has any consequences, I haven't noticed any.”
When you die your ship crew die. The less crew you have the worse your ships performs.

Well, at least there is some penalty. Not that I noticed it.

Managed to get my ship blown up last night, and didn't seem like I had been hit with any penalty It didn't even restart my progress in the mission - still had 2/4 kills. Might be something to reset all kills?
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