Star Trek Online

Those sound new?

There's a calender built into the UI now with rotating hourly events. I'll try and give a brief run down.

Defra Invasion.. Borg Ground invasion of Defra.. there are 4 zones each with 2 easy missions, 2 medium missions and a hard mission. Complete these are you can fight an assimilated Gorn.. Some unique items available here.

Officer Reports.. This ties in with the Foundry Daily.. do 3 foundry missions, get 1440 Dilithium, whislt this event is active, you'll get more skill points (not very useful for VA's but nice for non-VA's)

Starfleet/KDF Academy. For a hour this event is a mini game based in the relevant academy.. There are various blue orbs.. Run to one scan it.. it'll either, spawn a week foe for you to kill, which will drop a Partical Fragment, or will present you with the option to do a 2nd scan with 2 options, get it right and you get 2 Particle Fragments.. Save enough Fragments and you can buy an ore container.. more fragments = more ore... however keep them to long they'll vanish.

Multiphasic Scan.. For those crafters out there. Whilst this event is going on, scanning an anomoly will yield more than the normal types of particals for that area. (for example instead of 4 Chronometrics, you'll possible get 5 Chorono's, + 1 of another, + 1 of another and maybe more).

Path to 2409.. This is a very quick event. There's 2 lore dailies that you can do in SFA / Klink Academy.. One is to get a datachip.. Use the datachip for an accolade. The chip has info about the history of Star Trek before the game takes place. This ties in with the question machines.. they'll pick a random question to ask.. Get the answer right, you get skill points, and 480 Dilithium, fail, and you get to try again tomorrow. Whilst this event is running you get 2 chips instead of 1.

Fed / Klink Mirror.. This is a mini shoot fest.. a space station with 4 groups of foes.. and 4 satellites.. Move to a satellite, upload the virus, and a group of ships will come to you, splode them all, goto next satellite. Kill all 4 groups and a boss appears, splode all to get a random level appropiate drop (including purples), and 480 Dilithium. Usually takes 10-15 minutes so you can do it mulitple times in the hour.. Fed toons do the Fed Mirror, Klinks do the Klink one.

Tour The Universe.. I like this event :D Starting at the bar on ESD (or First City), you visit all the sector's of all the maps, once you've hit all the sectors of all the maps.. you return to ESD and start again.. here's the best bit for each Faction cleared (Fed / Rommie / Klink / Cardie et al..) you get 50,000 EC, which adds upto 350,000 EC for the entire verse.. and with the right equipment you can do it 4 times in the hour.. You also get Exploration and Trade CXP for each faction cleared.

CXP I hear you say? Well this is the new thing with S5.. Diplomacy has been re-scaled and moved to the Doff system (explaining this would take a number of posts). The tiers are the same and the rewards are the same as well (Transwarps to whereever), however you also get 1 green Doff for T1, 1 green for T2, 1 Blue Doff for T3, and a Purple Doff for T4. Once unlocked you can buy the other doffs for Dilithium.

Diplomacy is only one track in this new system.. There's also medical, exploration, colonisation, trading, engineering, recruitment, science, espionage and development. Each map has some assignments, and you have a pool of Doff's available to send on those assignments.. These assignments can take from 15 minutes, to 3 days. But you don't have to be ingame for them to finish. The rarer doffs have better traits, are more likely to succeed with their assignments, and will give higher rewards than commons.

This Doff system is still being added to and it is anticipated that crafting will also move to the Doff system at some point in the future.

Any chance you can get me an invite to the OcUK fleet? I'm Devon@Huw. Cheers!

SFA is fun, tho i can just last 30 mins ish so as doing it for a whole hour is tiresome. Got about 38 particles tho so got 1k dilithium tonight.

If anyones playing sto for the next half hour pop over to sfa and start scanning for particles or killing klingons.
Is there a penalty when dying in this nowadays? I tried it when it was first out and couldn't play more than half an hour at a time as it was so repetitive! In a space battle if you died you simply spawned 20 seconds away and just flew straight back in to battle. No tactics required just rinse and repeat until the other ship died!

I was a big EvE fan and the best thing about that was the adrenaline rush in a battle as you really didn't want to lose your ship. Made people hang back and put tactics into the battle which never applied in ST Online :(
Is there a penalty when dying in this nowadays?

Unless something's changed since I last played, when you die you can incur an "injury" whether to your body (ground missions) or to your ship, which needs to be repaired for a cost. The injuries result in stat penalties.
Unless something's changed since I last played, when you die you can incur an "injury" whether to your body (ground missions) or to your ship, which needs to be repaired for a cost. The injuries result in stat penalties.

That is only in Advanced or Elite mode... Normal mode is no penalty.
OK, why did I stop playing this exactly? It's a fantastic MMO! Plenty to do, at least for my low-level character, absolute bliss for Trekkies (which I am), and the space combat is brilliant. I never get sick of it. Unlike most MMOs, the (space) battles are different every time, more or less, whereas in standard MMOs you follow exactly the same pattern for every mob.

I'm still kind of bewildered; the interface could do with being a bit more informative, especially the tooltips. But I'm slowly learning and just having a blast. It's even torn me away from Rift.

We need more fleet members! Come on guys, it's FREE now!
Well i am back playing it now, seeing whats new and catching up with all the changes that have happen since I last played.

Just give me a shout when you pop on.
I finally got round to ordering this game(I know its free next week) but got a very good deal on Gold Edition version which should arrive tomorrow or day after,any tips you can give me as a first time player in STO?
I think two fleet admirals are around a lot (me and anon e mouse) , its free to play now for any previous subs and then going fully public soon.
I've been mainly playing with the Doff system.

As such I've now maxed the Diplomacy, Colonisation and Engineering tracks. I've finished all the cluster renown's, and as of this morning only have 2 cluster support doffs to attain.
Didn't realise it hasn't gone public yet, explains why it was so quiet on there. Seems like a lot has changed.

Yeah, besides the ground missions still being horrid, everything seems much better than I remember. I'm really enjoying the game.
I can't wait to give this a try on Tuesday, I've never played an MMORPG before but I've always fancied giving this ago. I take I'll be alright to play this on a Q6700@3GHz, 4Gb, 5770 1Gb at max settings at 1920x1200?
Just downloaded this and had a play around with it, I can't remember at what point to you pick your ship class, Science, Escort, Cruiser?

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