Star Trek: Picard

Jeez, how did this thread get to >100 pages? New trailer, I'm a sucker for trailers so setting my expectations to low after season 1.

Prediction time - it'll be better than STD S4, but fandumb will say it isn't because [insert 'stuff that STD actually did worse' here].
Ehhhhh, starfleet ships (that are actually recognisable, one appears to be a steamrunner and 2 novas maybe?) attacking, presumably in an attempt to stop them time travelling. Seems like a setup from voyager
Looks poor to me. A few remember berries and a tired looking time travel storyline so they can film in "today's world" as it's much cheaper. Reminds me of old Dr Who with John Pertwee when they ran out of money for it.
I'm really looking forward to this :) Trailer looks great and I loved the pace of the last series, good to see them all in action again.
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