The first 3 Episodes of Picard S1 I felt were pretty decent, unfortunately it went downhill from there.
The series resolution was terrible but overall i'd say it was better than Discovery.
Like some of the posters above I find Discovery just feels like it's ramming a diversity agenda down your throat and it feels so forced & fake.
I didn't like discovery overall. But not totally.
For me. Discovery had a lot of issues.
Started well, although I never liked Michael. I didn't like her acting, I didn't like it being all about her rather that Sci-fi.
I liked since characters. Lorca, philipa. But they nerfed her going through.
But the good guys? They were super cheesy.
I didn't like spore drive. It's ridiculous. Saru was OK. But generally the characters were almost comedic. But in a bad way.
I didn't like the time travel bit (I rarely do like time travel, it's plot hole crazy at best of times). It felt like a very chaotic show that didn't know where it was going to me. It always felt like 'we are doing this crazy thing.. Now we need to explain to the viewers how we are doing it. And the explanation was never great... We need to remove distance.. The ship can jump.. It requires biology, it requires one person.. Oh and... Etc etc.
The general story started OK. But became absolutely ridiculous.
Best bit was space battles seeing ship jump was cool. But overall I barely got through it. Never a good sign when the best bits are flash, bang.
I don't usually mind diversity ramming. But yeah I could see an almost tick box exercise here. I never thought 'oh ds9 has a black captain' for example. But here yes. You can see it. It's no bad thing if done well but it did become too much of a plot Point here.