/\/\/\ correct. The USS Sao Paolo was renamed when the Original Defiant was destroyed with the help of a Breen Weapon in DS9 Season 7.
Nice to have someone agree. You put it better than I could. It missed the mark for me, but others have enjoyed it so it can't be that bad, I just seem to find the things you mention soiled the appeal.Dialogue, acting and plot all ropey. The science was so tenuous. It all felt like a skeletal story to just justify the nostalgia, which was still enjoyable.
The random cheap jokes missed the mark too.
The casting for Picard's son is so unbelievable too.
That was one of the reasons why the Galaxy Class Enterprise D was seen as a luxury cruise liner and not a battleship, even though it is kitted out to be one. It's a slow, lumbering, but still fairly nimble, but not a shuttle level of nimble, beast. That's why the Sovereign Class Enteprise E was seen as the faster and more nimble upgrade, with even more armaments and less of the "luxury". And even then, the Sovereign class was not going to be turning on a dime, although it'll certainly have a much tigher radius. What the Enterprise D was doing traversing the insides of the Cube was shuttle levels of movement and control (which previously established in Trek canon, it has no such capability). So I very much agree that it was one of "those" moments, where you had to just go with the "rule of cool" and not established logic. (Remember in the very first episode of TNG, the Enterprise D took a massive swing around, almost all the time when getting away from something, never a turn on a drop of a dime, not even Voyager was doing anything like that and that was much smaller, lighter, manueverable and faster)Data piloting inside the cube.... ridiculous.
It’s also her Character.Yup and to think she is only 5 years away from being 60 years old. Puts the kybosh on those people who insist that "older" women cant be hot.
I really want to play Armada again but haven't got a PC. Tell me some alternate ways to play it without spending £1k+ on another PC that will gather dust once I'm finished.![]()
Interesting, I was looking at one of those mini PCs with a laptop chip so that might actually work. I did actually watch a bit of a "let's play" video on YouTube after posting this and realised how **** the graphics areI played it on Intel integrated graphics in a laptop that was 10-15 years old. So any integrated graphics card in a laptop would play it with ease.
Interesting, I was looking at one of those mini PCs with a laptop chip so that might actually work. I did actually watch a bit of a "let's play" video on YouTube after posting this and realised how **** the graphics are![]()
I would be very surprised if Janeway didnt show up in the final ep. She's an admiral after all and there's been no mention of what's happened to her so far.
She's going to turn up in Voyager, Sisko's also going to make an appearance in the Defiant...
That was an acceptable send off and one I could be happy with finishing "Picard" as a series. It certainly finished on a high, that said...
It obviously sets up a number of potential spin offs or a continuation with the new younger crew on the enterprise.
I just hope if they do continue it under the Picard name or other series, that they can pivot hard and bring the focus to the new crew, yes cameos and fan service are always great, but at some point the batton has to pass on.
Also, renaming the Titan? Mehhhhh I dont know, I was hoping we would get to see a new bad ass Enterprise-E style design.
I will fight anyone who says that's not the best episode of a Star Trek. That was incredible.
If course it needed all the heritage and nostalgia to give it a platform to be that good, but hot damn. I think I shouted "yes!" at the telly 3-4 times.
Oooo that was a 10.
Pretty much down to Patrick Stewart wanting to "go solo" he initially didn't want it to be a TNG reunion, but the only season that was well received WAS the TNG reunion. Though it would take some creative writing to have 3 seasons of the original TNG crew fart arsing around the universe in a decommissioned star ship for the lulz. It's likely due to the first 2 seasons being so meh that this stands out as being very good.
But nothing will beat the original TNG.
Anyone care to explain how the Queen got like melded into the Cube? Is this from when she got a virus from Janeway and she somehow made it to Earth?