I absolutely agree they were defintiely platforms but I don't remember watching them as a kid in the 80's and thinking someone was trying to pour their political beliefs down my throat.
I dunno man...early TNG was very preachy!
Also they were presented as a reflection of politics in often good sci-fi form. Modern Trek TV seems a lot more judgemental with it's politics in that regard. It doesn't show that we have move beyond these things and the future is better, apparently we're still struggling with early 21st problems and hiding how horrible we are.
I think that Nick Meyer had it right when he said that all works are a part of their time. And we're in incredibly cynical, angry, bitter times right now - mostly at, and due to, media and politics. So politicians don't come out well in STP (Clancy, the Federation leadership), and neither do news media personalities (the one that gets shredded by Picard in the first episode). The people who do come out better are the Picards and Rikers and Hughs and Sevens of the universe - people who will take a stand for the values that the Federation was created to uphold.
In-universe it's ~30 years past TNG. 20 years past the (chronologically) last film. The Federation has been through a lot since TNG. Plus, we're also not seeing it from the 'enlightened' perspective of a Starfleet ship and crew. Does it not make sense that things would be a little less neat 'n tidy?