**** Star Wars: Battlefront ****

Why, when you post this?


Never even seen the movies because they're old? Good grief. I'm genuinely excited to try the beta, though my 7950 might struggle abit.

Didn't say I was looking forward to trying it though. ;)

I'm excited to see peoples reactions, and exicted for the fact BF4 will probably be very quiet during the beta stages.

Just because someone hasn't seen the films doesn't mean they can't enjoy a game. I've never seen Mad Max but like the game.
Just seen that the playable heroes/jedis will be in this beta, awaits to see one player owning the entire team or for them to be completely and utterly useless...


Performance for me was superb on my pc in sig and it is by far the best looking game I have ever seen, the tatooine survival map looked really realistic.
Even if the beta is amazing, I still won't buy it because:

- BF 4 beta was amazing, final release of bf 4 was pure ****
- BFH beta was amazing with a lot of promise with regards to developers doing what the community wanted and really listening/implementing the changes but come final release, they didn't do what we wanted i.e. weapon balance, netcode updates, reduce TTK and as a result, not doing those changes amongst others completely killed the game
Even if the beta is amazing, I still won't buy it because:

- BF 4 beta was amazing, final release of bf 4 was pure ****
- BFH beta was amazing with a lot of promise with regards to developers doing what the community wanted and really listening/implementing the changes but come final release, they didn't do what we wanted i.e. weapon balance, netcode updates, reduce TTK and as a result, not doing those changes amongst others completely killed the game

BF4 was so bad we only got 1000+ hours each out of it. Waste of money! :p
HL beta was a joke, game is a joke.

I want a more Vietnam! :)
haha yeah it certainly improved, just a shame it took them about 6/7 months to fix it though :p

Thankfully I wasn't one of the many to having crashes etc. but the netcode/hit reg. and just the game in general was poor.

See I really enjoyed the alpha/beta for hardline :(

And yup, would love to see another vietnam setting/game.
haha yeah it certainly improved, just a shame it took them about 6/7 months to fix it though :p

Thankfully I wasn't one of the many to having crashes etc. but the netcode/hit reg. and just the game in general was poor.

See I really enjoyed the alpha/beta for hardline :(

And yup, would love to see another vietnam setting/game.

I enjoyed the beta too, but it was still a joke. Once the novelty of hot wire ran out, and the reality of the instant TTK and the massively OP commander (hacker) became clear, the game was dead for me. Blood money and heist had potential though.
From what I recall, the beta wasn't too bad for the TTK and hit reg.

Considering bf 4 had the improved netcode/hit reg. patch for 5+ months, it was a joke that they couldn't and afaik (?) still don't have those improvements patched......
Don't worry it is nothing like BF, they have removed all skill elements completely and made it as linear as possible (at least for that hoth level) so it will be alive/fun for a few months, after that, it will be dead (unless they have listened to the community)

If a game has a very low to 0 skill ceiling then there is no longevity.
The problem with them doing a WW2 game is that it wouldn't have enough unlocks and gadgets. I'd love to see one but given the trend it seems unlikely.
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