****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

Nice responsible parenting.


I can tell you now my child will learn more and have the most awesome day. Starwars at 10, lunch out, choose some Christmas presents. See the lights then we are painting plates at a crockery place in the afternoon.

But you go ahead and think what you need to think.

Probably best to avoid having children. You don't sound you would be much fun as a parent.

I can tell you now my child will learn more and have the most awesome day. Starwars at 10, lunch out, choose some Christmas presents. See the lights then we are painting plates at a crockery place in the afternoon.

But you go ahead and think what you need to think.

Probably best to avoid having children. You don't sound you would be much fun as a parent.

Doesn't change the fact what you are doing is illegal.

I can tell you now my child will learn more and have the most awesome day. Starwars at 10, lunch out, choose some Christmas presents. See the lights then we are painting plates at a crockery place in the afternoon.

But you go ahead and think what you need to think.

Probably best to avoid having children. You don't sound you would be much fun as a parent.
As someone that works in education this post horrifies me.

The mental gymnastics you have done to justify taking your child out of school for a MOVIE is staggering.
Ah yes, that single day of learning will make your child a genius vs the positive memories they'll have from a fun day with Dad which will apparently educationally scar them for the rest of their life!!!!!!!

A "one time" day away from school loses nothing educationally (or sick days wouldn't exist) and can be caught-up within a week whereas conversely, having a day away from school every week means a lot - "as someone that works in education" you should know the difference and have the maturity your profession requires to understand that, rather than using hyperbole with "this post horrifies me" to describe a single day off with the same vehemence as someone who takes their kid out of school for a day every week.

Also, it has been my experience that most of the people who use the 'As someone who......' line tend to be those with lesser life experiences who can't resist sucking the joy out of everything they touch (and I include myself in that as I say it myself at times). I've no idea if this applies to you, it's just been my experience in life so far.
As someone that works in education this post horrifies me.

The mental gymnastics you have done to justify taking your child out of school for a MOVIE is staggering.

Ha ha you crack me up. My child has at this stage 100% attendance this term. I have been on a long term project with work and this will be more than a movie it's a day out well earned by her and myself.

I am just lucky my 7 year old girl likes Rey and starwars and not frozen :p
Ah yes, that single day of learning will make your child a genius vs the positive memories they'll have from a fun day with Dad which will apparently educationally scar them for the rest of their life!!!!!!!

The same can be achieved by doing it on a Saturday or Sunday instead without taking a child out of school.
Just to keep on topic, I was taken out of school to see all three original Star Wars movies (along with Star Trek: The Motion Picture and The Wrath of Khan) and yet it did my education no harm whatsoever. That guy above who is 'horrified' about a kid being taken to see a movie on a school day would've been a blubbering mess if he was around back in the day when we were routinely taken out of school for two weeks at a time for holidays.

Daisy was obviously thinking of the male privilege she doesn't have, not of any of the other ones that she does.

In her interview, asked if she thought her privilege made it easier to deal with fame, Ridley apparently seemed shocked and replied: "The privilege I have - how? No, genuinely, how?"

According to the article, when writer Nosheen Iqbal explained she meant in terms of class and wealth, and added that it was not a criticism, Ridley went on to say there was little difference between her experiences and those of Boyega.

"John grew up on a council estate in Peckham and I think me and him are similar enough that… no."

Asked whether private school gave her additional confidence, she replied: "No. I think, also, it has taken me a little while to be okay with it.

Obviously she was traumatised by her private education and wealthy background. Poor thing. I hope the money, fame and opportunity from becoming a film actress is some comfort to her, and helps her heal.
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