****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

Seeing some reviews saying it's good, others saying it's a disaster.

Probably some are easily amused/dazzled by some fancy effects and can't see the flaws that are bleedingly obvious to everyone else.

I hope I'm wrong but seeing the kind of comments those that are gushing over it are making I'm not inspired.
There were reports of TLJ being the best SW movie EVAR early on too, and still do see them, so not holding out much hope. Either way, I currently don't have any plans to make a trip to see it, so it'll be an afterthought if I do sit down in a cinema over the next month with nothing better to do.
There were reports of TLJ being the best SW movie EVAR early on too, and still do see them, so not holding out much hope. Either way, I currently don't have any plans to make a trip to see it, so it'll be an afterthought if I do sit down in a cinema over the next month with nothing better to do.

Booked a Friday showing but yeah not really buying into hype of the reviews so will be pleasantly surprised if it is any good.
Lower your expectations a LOT & do not expect things to be explained onscreen :( they just kinda of happen in a jumbled mess fashion :rolleyes: pacing is also way too fast at times. To reduce the running time they cram way too much in & jump forwards which creates a jumbled mess :(

The ONLY thing which saves it from being a complete TLJ level disaster are Ian Mcdiarmid just blows everyone else away acting ability wise. He is just so skilled in this role & a real delight :D Without him the movie would be in even BIGGER trouble!
Lower your expectations a LOT & do not expect things to be explained onscreen :( they just kinda of happen in a jumbled mess fashion :rolleyes: pacing is also way too fast at times. To reduce the running time they cram way too much in & jump forwards which creates a jumbled mess :(

The ONLY thing which saves it from being a complete TLJ level disaster are Ian Mcdiarmid just blows everyone else away acting ability wise. He is just so skilled in this role & a real delight :D Without him the movie would be in even BIGGER trouble!
Bringing the emperor back as if it was his plan all along reeks of desperation just fanservice i bet they only did it because of the disaster that was the Last Jedi lets face it the Disney Star Wars are a bit of a let down with no likeable characters.
Ouch, Rotten Tomatoes isn't looking too good at the moment!

Usually I don't defend films but come on man. It's not even been released to the general public and your pointing to an RT score made up from 43 people? Not really a clear indication is it. Half of those people have probably been paid and the other half (all 20 of them) probably slate it to boost their own ego.

That she means nothing until the fans start scoring it.
Bringing the emperor back as if it was his plan all along reeks of desperation just fanservice i bet they only did it because of the disaster that was the Last Jedi lets face it the Disney Star Wars are a bit of a let down with no likeable characters.
That was not even their original plan :eek:it was George Lucas's original idea for the new trilogy which Disney ignored! :rolleyes: Then when TLJ underperformed Disney asked George Lucas to become involved again in some capacity so he provided his story materials & ideas from his archive! The death star ruins in the ocean of endor was originally a big part of what became the Force Awakens but Luke was the one who would dive into the wreckage & find the remains of the Emperor! Instead JJ thought he knew better & got Rey to scav the star destroyed ruins :rolleyes:
You are so right it does reek of desperation fan service as Disney do not have a clue about what to do with Star Wars so the latest movie has had so many intentional leaks. On Monday they released a small teaser which even shows the start of the movie after the main title crawl :rolleyes::( that is how desperate they are :eek: Its always time & money are the problems with any sequel & fan expectations are hard to match but Disney really have the wrong people running the Star Wars franchise as they just want to push a SJW PC agenda first & foremost instead of create good old fashioned entertainment for all the family to enjoy!!
When I walk into the cinema on Friday afternoon I shall be assuming it’s going to be ****, the same way I felt when I left TLJ screening a few years ago, but I am more than happy to be proven wrong.

I know a lot of people didn’t like TFA but I enjoyed it. Yes it may have been a rehash of Star Wars but after the terrible prequels, pressing the reset button did the trick for me. I’ll never have the excited feeling I had as a 10 year old queuing to see Star Wars just after Xmas 1977, George Lucas and Jar Jar ******* Binks put paid to that (as did getting older of course), but as this one is JJ again I’m prepared to take the risk and go to the cinema.
A YouTuber who does film, TV and games reviews. I think he's a former projectionist. Been watching him for a couple of years now and quite like him :).

and with 1.63 Million subscribes he is over 10x more watched/read than magazines like Empire etc for film reviews which shows how far print media numbers have fallen!
It cannot possibly be worse than TLJ.

To be honest, I'm a bit over the Skywalker saga in general, its such a rich universe, you can jump forward or backward in time and still create a compelling story.
I watched RoTJ with my kids 5 and 6 last night and really ejoyed it. They liked the Ewoks:rolleyes:
I have to say I really like Rebels it felt more Star Wars than the new trilogy has so far. Although I did get shivers from TFA but it was ultimately style over substance goo not great with some serous flaws. Rogue One and Solo were good on their own and I didn't feel they diminished anything.
Mostly I'm just annoyed that Disney haven't cherished Star Wars the way they should have it's been a cash cow without enough care and attention paid at a strategic level and anything good has relied on individual vision not a corporate one.
I hope JJ pulls off a miracle but I'll wait a fair few weeks before going to see.
If you build up that it'll be as bad if not worse than TLJ then maybe you'llget a pleasant surprise after. I know that's what I'll try and do. :D
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