****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

It was 'ok' shame really with it being the final one. If you view it as a send off filled with easter eggs and nods to the others then it does that well but as it's own film it fell flat for me but was better then the last one.
The emotions are strong in here but I guess that's the internet these days its either a diabolical mess or best thing since slice bread and absolutely nothing in the middle.

I thought in general the film was enjoyable, 8/10. Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but overall it was a good watch.

Some great bits and some not so great bits and that's Hollywood these days. It visually looked great and sounded great but I agree with most that the first two acts could have been better, they just needed less going on. I felt like they could have done a couple of extra TLJ 'fixes' in the crawl to avoid having to do them on screen. The final act was very good and how it should have been all along.

There's some thoughts on the specifics:
I was surprised to see Harrison Ford, I didn't realise he was returning for the final film (people this wasn't a force ghost, he was in Kylo's head, they even said as much...).

The Good:
1) The last act was great and I'm glad it ended where it all started on Tatooine.
2) Billy Dee Williams was great.
3) Adam Driver was great.
4) By far Daisy Ridley's and Jon Boyega's best performances in the series.
5) C3PO had a meaningful entry in the film unlike the last one.
6) Ian McDiarmid's voice acting was great.

1) Rose...? I don't get all the Kelly Marie Tran hate, her performance was fine in both films, its just a shame the writing/character was poor in both films and just a waste of a character.
2) Maz Kanata and General Hux also felt a bit like a check box - there was just too many characters.
3) New droid was interesting but again yet another character. They could have saved it for something else as it was a good idea, just not needed here.

The not so good:
1) First two acts where at little shakey, a lot of building up to do in not a lot of time.
2) Way too much Carrie Fisher, I get they wanted to use what they could as a tribute to her but some of it felt forced.
3) Not enough Mark Hamill. I was surprised not to see Yoda (as well as the other force ghosts) at the end.
4) R2D2?
5) The crawl could have been better and done a bit more world building.
6) A few needless silly things which they added to the story like planet killing guns on Star Destroyers, the fleet of star destroyers was simply enough on their own...

I think one of the main problems with this trilogy is actually all the baggage that was bought from the original trilogy. They bought in a lot of new characters in TFA and TLJ but they also had to deal with all of the old big names. It was a mistake having so many characters in play from the start and just didn't leave much room for any of them to grow through the trilogy. It's not the first story to fall into this trap and will not be the last.

Overall it has come to a positive end and I'm looking forward to getting something outside the Skywaker saga, put all the old characters to bed and come out with something fresh. They can do it because the Mandalorian is frankly, fantastic and Rogue One (sort of Skywalker though!) was also great. Other entries into the SW universe like the Knights of the Old Republic games were also brilliant bits of story telling.
This film angered me for its absolutely sloppy plot hole filled storyline.

I mean are we supposed to believe that rey, with 2 lightsabers can overpower palpatine who we have seen can muster force lightening enough to decimate an armada?!
And lets not forget, this is a planet that nobody outside of the sith knew about, so why wernt they just in orbit anyway?!

Grrr im going to stop there. I enjoyed it for mindless starwars cos starwars, but jesus it was painful to watch for any semblance of actual story.
Rey overpowered Palpatine because she finally became connected to the other Jedis in the same way that all the Sith were connected to Palpatine. To the extent that makes them equal, he was comparatively a withered old prune. I can’t say that annoyed me at all.
Rey overpowered Palpatine because she finally became connected to the other Jedis in the same way that all the Sith were connected to Palpatine. To the extent that makes them equal, he was comparatively a withered old prune. I can’t say that annoyed me at all.

One thing I'll go back to as I saw it mentioned above.

Once the crawl was over there was a couple of audible sighs in the showing I was in.
This was a film designed for the big screen. When everyone around you is sniffing, talking, texting or munching on popcorn, doritos or cadburys mini twirl bites it's the perfect flm to disengage your brain, watch for a bit, daydream, snooze....basically a great film to relax with....a stress reliever if you will.

So basically, this movie is a good experience if you don't actually watch it? :p

Should have thought about taking a nap during it myself, would have came out of it in a better mood. lol...

In other news, the movie has bombed in China: https://movieweb.com/star-wars-9-china-box-office-bomb/

Sort of expected as the last two movies didn't do great there either.
One thing I'll go back to as I saw it mentioned above.

Once the crawl was over there was a couple of audible sighs in the showing I was in.

Agreed, it was pretty poor. It didn’t even make much sense. The early exposition was pretty cringeworthy too. Fortunately the pace soon moved it past that and as soon as they showed palpatine I was like :eek:
God what a mess.

Pacing was all over the place, dialogue made me cringe, plot had the kernels of something decent but the way they handled it was awful, too much fan service, too much time spent trying to dig their way out of the hole they put themselves in with TLJ.

This trilogy was worse than the prequels imo.
overall I liked it

My only major gripe was the choppyness / rush of the first 1/2
It was like a 4 hour film cut to 2.5 hrs, very messy and could have easily been simplified and it would have made it a much more enjoyable and coherent film

Kylo opening was awesome n spooky
Kylo / Ben scenes were all awesome, Ben + Han scene was great, Once Ben was back all of his scenes were gold, the shrug and the "ow" both added so much to his character, loved it! Ben plus Rey stuff worked good
Rey stuff was all good
Palps was nice n evil
C3PO and Poe both made me laugh several times
Liked Hux being a weasel lol
Rey + Finn + Poe worked well, liked it when they boarded the Star destroyer
Ahch To stuff was good, but too rushed?
Tatooine ending was fitting

Time cheating, like rey is on her way to Exogol and they are watching in base, then they take off and follow but arrive only a few mins later (very quick journey?) meanwhile Falcon files to core worlds, builds up huge fleet and arrives a few mins later?
Leia stuff was fair enough, it didn't look fake that she was there, just a bit obvious that her lines didnt fit what was going on all the time. they did their best i suppose
Deathstar star destroyers, bit silly
"Lightspeed skipping" was fine, but the ties following them didnt make sense?
The crawl was a bit lol

The pacing of the first 1/2 so messy and all over the place
Worst crime for me was Ben taking an old Tie fighter (no hyperdrive) to Exogol, could have given him a shuttle or something, very nerdy pettyness but it really bugs me :D
That huge fleet turns up but then you barely see it again - bit pointless
Lando story clearly cut right down - his daughter? spoilers said he had much bigger story
I am easy to please, I enjoyed it. There is some pretty lame parts but overall it was pretty on the eye, had a load of action

I found i connected much more with Finn who was fairly decent in this film but Poe is far to arcade, they tried to make him a young Han Solo he just doesn't have the depth at all

If your a star wars fan ( i am ) i think you will enjoy it for what it offers. The only thing with the this trilogy is i could happily watch the original 3 two or three times a year but the new ones i dont really want to watch them again.

Seeing the Falcon kick a** iss always a pleasure
Rey overpowered Palpatine because she finally became connected to the other Jedis in the same way that all the Sith were connected to Palpatine. To the extent that makes them equal, he was comparatively a withered old prune. I can’t say that annoyed me at all.

Yoda was also a "Withered old Prune", he was the most powerful Jedi in terms of his Force alignment and Palpatine outgunned him in episode 3.
God awful like the rest of the Disney trilogy. The Prequels are bad but at least they were ambitious and expanded the universe and lore. This "trilogy" was rushed with no master plan and just re-hashed the OT without creating any iconic characters, moments, imagery or even music of its own.

The Last Jedi was an abomination but this is the worst kind of attempt at appeasing the fans, with bewildering plot points and awful, pandering fan service.
Decent read if you have seen the movie and I agree...

**SPOILERS** https://www.aintitcool.com/ekm-days-of-the-fourth-rise-of-skywalker-82683/

Pretty good take on it, this movie is abrams episode 8+9 slammed together and leaves tlj looking like a standalone as it almost totally ignores that movie.

Can't help but feel if they done an episode 10 the outcome would have been better instead of trying to force it all into once movie. Far too much skipping over characters for the sake of trying to wedge it into a time restraint.
Really enjoyed it as did my kid. Waaaaay to many chubby 35 - 50 year olds picking it apart and forgetting it was for a new generation of kids as well as the old guard. Most people did not pick apart the original movies because they watched that as youngsters themselves. It's comical seeing some of these disappointed comments.

I would love to send you all in to pick apart frozen2 :D

Some people need to get a grip. My new starwars movie order is:

Return of the Jedi ( my first introduction to star wars )
Empire Strikes back
New hope
Rise of Skywalker
Force awakens
The last Jedi
Georges mid life crysis x 3
They wanted a return of a bad guy which negates what vader did?

Anakin tells Rey, “bring back the balance as I did.” Just because the prophecy was fulfilled doesn’t mean the Sith can’t return?

I quite like this write up - https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www....-of-skywalker-easter-eggs-and-references.html

Pretty good take on it, this movie is abrams episode 8+9 slammed together and leaves tlj looking like a standalone as it almost totally ignores that movie.

Can't help but feel if they done an episode 10 the outcome would have been better instead of trying to force it all into once movie. Far too much skipping over characters for the sake of trying to wedge it into a time restraint.

It definitely felt that way. I’m glad they didn’t drag it out further though, time for a new trilogy. Hopefully based around the time of KOTOR.
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