****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

As per my edit - it was not ‘earthly welding’. Whatever process made it glow. Perhaps some sort of chemical or Sith power?

edit - welding, not wedding :p
Lol I didn't consider welding in a galaxy far, far away :p. Perhaps an on the nose symbol of his fractured/torn nature. Off to see it a second time in a few days, still not sure what I make of it.
Watched it with the wife, who is a huge fan, and we both really enjoyed it.

Some quite emotional moments and interesting character developments and it seemed to go quickly.

Worthy film.
Watched it today, its got a lot of cringe. The special effects and music are amazing, but It feels like it was written by a group of teenage girls. I didn't expect much as the first two are pretty average but my OCD made me want to watch the final episode, and oh my Its hard to enjoy a film when the main characters are so dull you just don't care if they live or die. I don't care what anybody else says but this film clearly shows that Rey is a Mary Sue. 3/10 and joint worst star wars film with the last Jedi.
I gave up 5 mins in. Remember the last film the fighters couldn't be to far from the main ship? Why was Ray always zoning out and looking like she just smelt her own fart every 10mins? Since when could they just "heal" people? What was Rens story again? Just..just all of it. Absolute garbage writing and apart from the SFX teams, no one else seemed like they wanted to be there.
Basically wiped out the last 2 dog fart offerings. Not sure what the point in any of the secondary characters were even so far as Finn and po.
Looked great. Music was great. Missed opportunity.
Remember the last film the fighters couldn't be to far from the main ship?

I hate to break it to you but they couldn't be far from the cover their own ships, it's nothing to do with the range of the craft. They would just get splatted by the Rebel ships defensive guns without the said cover. I'd suggest getting a rage on about something else, they even explained it with dialog in the film.

What you could have said is "How did Ben get to the final showdown in a regular Tie fighter which doesn't have a hyper drive?" and you would have had a good, be it very nit picky point. But there are bigger/more obvious issues in this film.

Whats the big deal about force heal? It's not just @cu3ed's comment, a few people have mentioned it.

While it hasn't appeared in the official cannon until Ep. 7 of the Mandilorian it's a fairly well established power in the extended universe. In the RoS even talks about gaining the power of immortality.
Whats the big deal about force heal?

After all the Mary Sue memes JJ just couldn't stop himself - couldn't leave one motherloving special force ability to "baby yoda", had to make Rey claim it back (I think she even says something like "I think I can do this"), and then better it. But is there a plot armour device cheaper than untaught ability to instantly heal and revive at will?
Seems its opened to a lower box office than tfa or tlj, still crack a billion more than likely but I doubt they'll get as much as they were expecting.
Seems its opened to a lower box office than tfa or tlj, still crack a billion more than likely but I doubt they'll get as much as they were expecting.

Yeah if they had actually planned out a storyline from the start then TROS could have been challenging Endgame for records. I think it will be lucky to beat TLJ. Disney left billions on the table I expect them to take much more care over future Star Wars projects rather than trying to wing it and hoping the fanbase will watch any garbage the put out
If Disney gave them a reason to care at all what happened to these characters they'd go and see it. Disney failed, stop trying to blame the audience for not being open minded.

Plenty of "the audience" seemed to enjoy it and care what happened, I guess that just makes us super-uncool in 2019 to not hate on Star Wars + Disney but frankly I'd rather lose out on a few internet points and be able to have fun watching the end of the movie series I've been a fan of all this time... To each their own
Plenty of "the audience" seemed to enjoy it and care what happened, I guess that just makes us super-uncool in 2019 to not hate on Star Wars + Disney but frankly I'd rather lose out on a few internet points and be able to have fun watching the end of the movie series I've been a fan of all this time... To each their own

where does cool come into anything? We’re discussing Star Wars on an Internet forum about about overclocking.
I'm possibly seeing this today and am going in with a view of, JJ will get a free pass to some extent as Johnson **** over what plot seeds he planted in force awakens when he did last jedi.
where does cool come into anything? We’re discussing Star Wars on an Internet forum about about overclocking.

Didn't you get the memo? Everything that used to be traditionally "un-cool" and "nerdy" is now pretty much the opposite; playing games, liking sci-fi and fantasy stuff, programming... So the only way to preserve your prior counter-culture is to dive deeper into extremes (see "80s" retro revival and the resurgence of D&D etc.) and/or hate on whatever the most popular incantation of the things you used to champion happens to be

Sadly it does come into everything, we'll never know for sure but I bet the sequel trilogy would be in a vastly different place if the huge social media campaign of hate over every aspect of it hadn't been in full swing since TFA. People go online and post negativity about these things when they've not even been to see the movie themselves, the amount of "Rise of Skywalker is a complete trainwreck" videos that pop up on all the hack movie review channels instantly on release (because it's very well known that negative news get the most clicks and engagement). The modern world we live in now is so much more about grandstanding and posturing than it ever has been; it's less important what you actually thought about the movie and more important what others perceive you thought about it (see also going out, going on holiday etc. who cares about enjoying it; gotta get all those good selfies and status updates!)

I mean even the movies themselves have been affected by trying to appease people online (first TFA to try and hype things, TLJ to "subvert" people's theories, then TROS to try and quell that negativity). Do you think the beloved OT was weighed down by constant exposure to fan theories and opinions and insane amounts of pressure, negativity and criticism (on this scale)? "Oh we decided to subvert and explain away the whole 'I am your father' thing when we made ROTJ because people online really didn't react well to it online after ESB"... Frankly in the face of all this it's kind of incredible this trilogy turned out as good as it did. But I don't expect anyone to agree or change their mind in any way over this because you're not allowed to do that anymore either
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