****Star Wars: Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker - Official Thread****

I'm calling it now. That Death Star wreckage is the DS-1, so it's either on Yavin or one of it's moons. Most likely Yavin 4, and the 'Force tree' that Poe's parents planted will feature somehow.
Huh TIL the Emperor actually cloned himself and managed to come back to life after being thrown down the Death Star (2) shaft

Throughout the rest of the Galactic Civil War, the remnants of the Empire experienced a sharp decline while the Alliance reformed itself into the New Republic. However, Sidious did not stay dead, and eventually used a rare and ancient Force technique to transfer his spirit into one of many clone bodies stored on the Deep Core world of Byss. In 10 ABY, Emperor Palpatine resurfaced in the galaxy in a bid to rebuild his Empire, temporarily converting Luke Skywalker to the dark side and installing him as his apprentice. Sidious' efforts to live forever, however, were undermined by subversives within his own inner circle, including his Royal Guard Carnor Jax. With the last supplies of healthy clone bodies sabotaged and their genetic source material contaminated by his allies, Palpatine desperately tried to take over the body of Darth Vader's youngest grandchild, the infant Anakin Solo, in 11 ABY. Sidious' spirit, however, was intercepted by the dying Jedi Knight Empatojayos Brand, who dragged the Sith Lord down into the depths of the Force forever, though his legacy continued to live for countless years.


What I don't understand is, what is canon from this and what is not ?
Just mentioned in the mandalorian thread, Disney basically **** canned all the extended universe stuff at the point they took over.

Ah well that sucks, I knew they order 66'd a bunch of stuff just wasn't sure :(

Maybe they're going to take some of the old canon now not canon and remake it canon ie Palps comes back as a clone ?
Force ghost Palpatine haunting the ruins of the old Death Star would be cool, maybe revealing the truth about Vader to Kylo and playing the manipulation games with Rey.

I doubt he'll be back as the villain, at least I hope he's not as there's been zero build up for it.
Just for those that haven't/didn't see it. Here's the moment Ian McDiarmid comes on stage after the trailer played at celebration and said 'Roll it again' in his best Palpatine voice. :)

(skip to 1:25:00 if it just plays from the start.


Quite looking forward to going to the cinema to see this, good brain off space opera stuff. Don't give a rat's ass about all the fandom nonsense. Enjoyed the TFA and TLJ.
This, this and this again. Far too many people complaining about them rather than just sitting down and enjoying a film for what it is.
7/8 times I did just that.

But then TLJ was jarring enough to pull me away from mindless enjoyment to being irritated.
7/8 times I did just that.

But then TLJ was jarring enough to pull me away from mindless enjoyment to being irritated.
It’s far more fun to just go with it.

Some of the criticisms were really over the top though. I have no idea why everyone was quite so hateful of Rose... nobodies favourite but, eh, you shouldn’t be that hateful of anything in life tbh.

Except for L3. My god, L3, FML.
It’s far more fun to just go with it.

Some of the criticisms were really over the top though. I have no idea why everyone was quite so hateful of Rose... nobodies favourite but, eh, you shouldn’t be that hateful of anything in life tbh.

Except for L3. My god, L3, FML.

I found Rose much more annoying! Don't get me wrong, the abuse the actress got was ridiculous BUT the character...
Finn decides to kamikaze the battering ram/cannon thing in an attempt to save everyone. So what does she do? Kamikazes into him in a crash which should have killed both of them, allowing the cannon to blow the door and in theory for the new order chaps to waltz in and massacre everyone they hold dear.
Brilliant work there Rose...

Edit: it'd be a bit like the President flying his jet into the chap about to suicide the city ship in Independence Day in an attempt to stop him killing himself.
It’s far more fun to just go with it.

Some of the criticisms were really over the top though. I have no idea why everyone was quite so hateful of Rose... nobodies favourite but, eh, you shouldn’t be that hateful of anything in life tbh.

Except for L3. My god, L3, FML.

Not really OTT, she was a chubby asian character shoehorned in to have a romance with the black lead and show that multiculturalism and unhealthy body shape is socially accepted. Forcing this sort of representation into films is ridiculous.
It’s far more fun to just go with it.

Some of the criticisms were really over the top though. I have no idea why everyone was quite so hateful of Rose... nobodies favourite but, eh, you shouldn’t be that hateful of anything in life tbh.

Except for L3. My god, L3, FML.

I’d usually say the same for most films but TLJ was poor , there was so many cringeworthy moments it made jar jar seem a worthy addition to the prequels

Luke throwing the lightsaber , Luke milking and drinking that thing with his weird look and dribble , kylos chest scene, rose (basically any scene with her in) , holdo putting Dameron in his place even though there was no need, those stupid horse things, porgs, the way so many scenes had to feature some attempt at humour, yoda being like a childish giggling little ***** , Leia space flying scene, rey not finding it hard t juggle thousands of huge rocks , the whole casino place, smoke easily killed, killing off Luke , space bombers

It was like Rian Johnson though it was supposed to be a child’s comedy flick, there was never any sense of danger from anyone , even though we know the heroes usually prevail at least most movies give that suspense and sense that they’re going to lose, it just felt flat

One scene I did enjoy was rey in the force hole thingy when she encountered endless versions of herself, I felt this could have been played on more as well as the more mystical side of the force

All in all it was a poor plot and the wrong director imo
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