Throughout the rest of the Galactic Civil War, the remnants of the Empire experienced a sharp decline while the Alliance reformed itself into the New Republic. However, Sidious did not stay dead, and eventually used a rare and ancient Force
technique to transfer his
spirit into one of many
clone bodies stored on the
Deep Core world of
Byss. In
10 ABY, Emperor Palpatine resurfaced in the galaxy in a bid to rebuild his Empire, temporarily converting Luke Skywalker to the dark side and installing him as his apprentice. Sidious' efforts to live forever, however, were undermined by subversives within his own inner circle, including his
Royal Guard Carnor Jax. With the last supplies of healthy clone bodies sabotaged and their genetic source material contaminated by his allies, Palpatine desperately tried to take over the body of Darth Vader's youngest grandchild, the infant
Anakin Solo, in
11 ABY. Sidious' spirit, however, was intercepted by the dying Jedi Knight
Empatojayos Brand, who dragged the Sith Lord down into the depths of the Force forever, though his legacy continued to live for countless years.