** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

The thought came to mind whether he would have got more had the first three films (Eps 1-3) been better received by the fans.

I think it was a good thing to be honest. Disney tend to do a good job on the whole (definitely some exceptions) but I've often thought they could have done at least another trilogy (eps 7-9 possibly).

What Fans think has nothing to do with the film franchise, nor does it influence any financial decisions.

Star Wars makes money, regardless of whether fans like or don't like how the film pans out. At the end of the day, people will go and see the films because its Star Wars. As much as 'hardcore' fans might denounce it or be annoyed with it, you can be sure that they will still turn up at a midnight screening, dressed as a Stormtrooper with ticket in hand.
I think only good things will come from this. The next films can't be worse than the first 2 of the PT.

And also my star wars prop replicas may go back up in value ;)
Sod that, just give me battlefront 3. Cod with a Star Wars skin.

I think I may have enjoyed the fate series because I audio booked the lot to catch up with books I hadn't read. The narrator is excellent and kept me glued to it. I pretty much audio book then all now if unabridged.

Red harvest was odd, considering death troopers now. Notice the blane set has just come out on audio book. I might go through that again :)

If you caught up on it quickly with audio books then that may have helped. I bought each book as and when it came out and it was a long and expensive slog. I couldn't help but feel that they just ran out of ideas and just decided on the concept of Abeloth and then thought we'll throw a planet of Sith in for good measure. Between them both it still ended up feeling a bit mediocre. If I'd read them back to back then it might have been better but it just felt like it failed to deliver over too long a period of time. Nothing ever felt like it hung in the balance so much as just being another episode of the Skywalker road trip. I'm probably being overly harsh. It's just that I've loved most of the series in recent times and felt this one was severely lacking.

I'd happily take another, well, a well thought out Battlefront. They were starting to go in the right direction and it's a shame the series was canned before it became more refined. A new Battlefront based on the new Battlefield engine and as well realised would probably have my wife filing for divorce. :D

I've not read Red Harvest yet although I read Death Troopers. It wasn't bad although exactly what I'd have expected when you combine zombies with Star Wars...an odd combination but still reasonably enjoyable. The Bane books were good and they'd definitely make a good set of films.
In Light of these news of course the re-scheduling of the 3D re-releases makes total sense.....
By the time Return of the Jedi 3D has left the cinemas it'll be time for Episode 7 3D.
I was never a fan of Star wars to begin with but I do wonder what sort of a job Disney would be capable of doing having seen the fantastic four?
As much as 'hardcore' fans might denounce it or be annoyed with it, you can be sure that they will still turn up at a midnight screening, dressed as a Stormtrooper with ticket in hand.

Shame George couldn't sell it to apple! ;) A new one every year! :D

If you caught up on it quickly with audio books then that may have helped. I bought each book as and when it came out and it was a long and expensive slog. .

Yeah I've had that before, these days even with books I don't start until they are all out in the set. Otherwise 6 months later or more I can't remember the thread well enough. I didn't start the NJO until about 12-15 of the books were out. I tend to go read the standalone books as filler.

Now they are all pretty much going on audio book I will just get them that way for £6 each and burn through a book every fortnight on my commute. It will have taken me less than 3 months to do the Fate series on audio book. It's nice to listen to when gardening or car cleaning too :D
I think people forget that the original trilogy was also for kids... its just we were kids at the time.

We are not going to get a dark Nolan reboot of Star Wars no matter how awesome that would be for us now as adults.

This is why I have no hope for the franchise, I want to see a dark and nasty adult version now. But Disney will take it and then utterly destroy it. Well, what's left of it. It'll be bambi having a mild disagreement with darth goofy. They'll probably make it a musical.
This is why I have no hope for the franchise, I want to see a dark and nasty adult version now. But Disney will take it and then utterly destroy it. Well, what's left of it. It'll be bambi having a mild disagreement with darth goofy. They'll probably make it a musical.

Well, an adult version of SW was never going happen. At the same time I'm sure Disney won't make it completely for little kids either. There is a middle ground if they do it right. Granted, we're unlikely to see anything like the smoldering remains of Aunts/Uncles or various body parts getting chopped off by lightsabres. However, it could still appeal to adult fans if they get the script right and keep Lucas on the sidelines.

Maybe I'm just too optimistic.....but I really believe they're going to try and make this work. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the merchandising and potential monies was the main reason for buying Lucasfilm, but I really also believe the people at Disney are SW fans too.
This is why I have no hope for the franchise, I want to see a dark and nasty adult version now. But Disney will take it and then utterly destroy it. Well, what's left of it. It'll be bambi having a mild disagreement with darth goofy. They'll probably make it a musical.

You mean like they did with the marvel films..... oh wait.

As bad as the prequels were, I would still watch them again. Some great CGI keeps me interested (John Carter was poor but great CGI). I look forward to 2015 and the next 3 films :) Ohhh and good job George isn't involved :)
Lucas gives most of the money he just made to charity.... what a dude! :)


That entire article seems to reference statements made two years ago, and isn't remotely current, he was recently directly quoted as stating this sale is like his 'retirement fund' with which he will pursue his philanthropy and his other interests.

Still, he'll do much more for charity than Steve Jobs ever managed.
This is why I have no hope for the franchise, I want to see a dark and nasty adult version now. But Disney will take it and then utterly destroy it. Well, what's left of it. It'll be bambi having a mild disagreement with darth goofy. They'll probably make it a musical.

It got all sparky and bright with the merchandising assoicated with epsidoe 6, and was made worse by episodes 1 2 and 3.
Star wars was destroyed many many years ago, we just refused to believe it.

Disney cannot possibly make it worse, if they actually make a kids movie, then it'll be a good kids movie. They won't make the Lucas mistake.

There is no try, they will do. Either a film for kids, or a film for everyone. Marketing and merchandising they will make, Jar Jar they will not. Film they will make, not CGI with wooden human puppets.
That entire article seems to reference statements made two years ago, and isn't remotely current, he was recently directly quoted as stating this sale is like his 'retirement fund' with which he will pursue his philanthropy and his other interests.

Still, he'll do much more for charity than Steve Jobs ever managed.

Seems like he has reaffirmed his commitment to this, hats off to him most certainly
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