** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

Has there been any news on the return of Williams for the score? I really hope they get him back despite him now being 80 and nearing 90 by the time Episode IX arrives.

Interesting point. The only person that could take on the momentous task of doing the score, would be Hans Zimmer. I'm not sure how he'd make Star Wars sound, but he's the only other composer right now that has the ability to take the job. The fact he is composing a new musical score for the new Superman movie titled: Man of Steel, that comes out next year, is a pretty good example. Plus, Disney has used Zimmer for all their Pirates of the Caribbean movies, so with that in mind that probably makes him an even more likely candidate for the job, if John Williams does decide not to do it.
I didn't mean that he should, I meant he would be one of the few composers who would likely fit the bill for Disney.

May I ask why you feel Hans Zimmer wouldn't be able to do the job?

I find his music too clinical, I never feel anything when listening to it. The music neither adds nor detracts from the film itself, it's just there droning on in the background, it goes no-where, does nothing, just simply exists (The recent Batman films were very guilty of this). What little themes he does incorporate into his scores become overused and long outstay their welcome. Finally, though to be fair on this one the man is quite prodigious and anyone who produces such volume of work is guilty of the same, his music just sounds samey.

I realise I'm quite alone in my feelings regarding his music and I can also name two films on which he was the composer where I enjoyed the score (namely The Lion King and Gladiator though I tend to avoid the more extreme bombastic tracks). There have also been one or two standalone tracks that were excellent though they escape me now.

It's just my opinion that the score is as crucial to the film and I don't feel that a Hans Zimmer score has enhanced the experience as a score should from what I heard of his work other than the ones mentioned above.
I find his music too clinical, I never feel anything when listening to it. The music neither adds nor detracts from the film itself, it's just there droning on in the background, it goes no-where, does nothing, just simply exists (The recent Batman films were very guilty of this). What little themes he does incorporate into his scores become overused and long outstay their welcome. Finally, though to be fair on this one the man is quite prodigious and anyone who produces such volume of work is guilty of the same, his music just sounds samey.

I realise I'm quite alone in my feelings regarding his music and I can also name two films on which he was the composer where I enjoyed the score (namely The Lion King and Gladiator though I tend to avoid the more extreme bombastic tracks). There have also been one or two standalone tracks that were excellent though they escape me now.

It's just my opinion that the score is as crucial to the film and I don't feel that a Hans Zimmer score has enhanced the experience as a score should from what I heard of his work other than the ones mentioned above.

Fair enough.

I do agree with you on some of your points though. He does indeed sound a little bit samey in the stuff he has done. I just don't know any other composer these days who can pull off a big sound for Star Wars. I think waiting to see how his musical score for Man of Steel turns out will give us a good indication on whether he can do themes as well as John Williams - if Hans Zimmer is chosen to compose for Star Wars that is.
As a fan of Fringe, this is good!

First teaser screens of the new movie:



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