** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

I was dubious of the continuation of the franchise, but also felt anyone would be better than Lucas.

Now i'm feeling rather optimistic, whilst JJ does overdo the lens flare etc, he knows how to make a solid 'please all' blockbuster.
Not a bad choice if true.

Mission Impossible 3, Super 8 and Star Trek were all good films. That and the also successful TV stuff he has done with Lost, Alias and Fringe, demonstrates there is no shortage of creativity either.
Who's that fool that did the Prometheus script? Along as he stays away.

That was Damon Lindelol

Not sure how I feel about this, probably means Michael Giachino will be scoring the films which I suppose isn't too bad considering it could have been much worse (Hans Zimmer *shudder*).

If true this now means that JJ Abrahms has complete creative control of my childhood.
JJ Abrams was the safest choice by Disney, His Star Trek reboot was phenomenal in that it respects the original crew but also brought new life to the franchise, a lot of people might disagree, but he done as well as anybody possibly could, and Into Darkness looks to be following that.

Saying that, I feels it's also a pretty boring choice, i'd have loved to see them go ballsy with the director choice, Matthew Vaughn was my choice, but director's like Matt Reeves, David Fincher, David O Russell, somebody who can bring a real edge to the franchise would have been exciting, I want it go nittier and grittier, it's got feel like Empire Strikes back the entire way through, where you just don't feel settled throughout.

It's in very safe hands, and they could have gone a lot worse (Brad Bird - Can't shoot Live-action sequences for toffee).
After the last abysmal outings, it's time to put this franchise to bed.


You can watch the original trilogy and enjoy it without the prequels. Prequels don't change the other films. Just don't count them. If you don't like these, don't watch/count them as part of the experience.

Everything can standalone, same with the trek universe, there are some stinkers in the Trek films and series, takes nothing absolutely away from the good. Same with any franchise.

It's always a shame when they get it wrong, feel's like a missed opportunity but the next film is always a chance to get it right.
Abrams Star Trek film was perfectly entertaining and not a bad film by any stretch, but it wasn't Trek... It just doesn't fit in.

So I wonder how Episode VII will roll. The idea of it becoming a reboot is repugnant, unless of course he fancied rebooting the prequels and creating a proper action adventure story out of them, rather than the bland, charmless offal we got from George. ;)

Whatever directon it takes it has to feel like the original trilogy and have sharp and accessible characters.
Joss Whedon would be my choice. For both directing and helping with the script.

If it doesn't *feel* like Star Wars... there will be nerd rage of epic proportions.
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