** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

I thought It was very average. I didn't care for any of the new character. I think iv'e been spoilt by the KOTOR game as nothing in Star wars movie world comes anywhere near as good as that game.
Watched this again at work in Dolby Atmos. Loved the bit where Kylo is hunting Rey in the forest the first time. Great sound.

I have to say the only thing that bothered me was Han's face when he died. Very cheesy, looks like a 6th form drama school death :p

Adam Driver as Kylo Ren was a master stroke in casting. Every time I've seen it I've liked him even more in that role. I hope we see him get darker and more brutal, although beyond killing your own father I'm not how far they can go :p
I watched it again last weekend, still think its ok but one thing still bugs the hell out of me.

All I am going to say is.. Mary Sue... :D
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Bit late to the party but purchased this over the weekend and watched for the first time.
I was pleasantly surprised.
It definitely had more of the feel that the originals had, and didn't just feel like a CGI fest.
Some quite exciting moments, although a couple of cheesy moments too. Still not entirely sure about the reformed Stormtrooper Fin, as they were always faceless warriors. I guess that is why the new twist in the new film.

I didn't really feel it was the reboot of the original that so many have said. Perhaps I just missed that part, but there was enough of a new story for me.
I watched this again at home recently - first time since the cinema. I really enjoyed it. Despite it feeling a re-hash even more obviously than before, comparing it with the new X-men film (which I saw the day before) was like night and day in terms of polish and the likability of characters. The humour was excellent (particularly the Kylo Ren scenes - where he is practically pantomime esque, in a fun way) and the action was great. How they made BB8 lovable rather than really annoying was a great feat too. Probably the best family action film I've seen in awhile.

Also, it seemed even more obvious to that Kylo Ren is actually Luke's son and was adopted. Just for the following dialogue:

"I killed my father!"
"No Kylo..... I am your father!!"
He's a Skywalker Incest Baby!!!!!!!

Jedi's weren't allowed to have kids (maybe to prevent Super Force Babies) so when Luke and Leia get it on thats two force users combined to create the "Ultimate Force Baby" which explains everything :D
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Skywalker Incest Baby, so the new thing is thinking that Luke force-raped his own sister lol, god I love the internet.... :D
Obi wan movie confirmed?
I don't believe it's been confirmed to be happening, only confirmed they're talking about it. Ewan McGregor has said he'd definitely be on board if it happened. They need a film for 2020. This year is The last Jedi (surprised there's been no full trailer yet), Han Solo in 2018, Episode 9 in 2019 so another 'Star Wars Story' for 2020. That will likely be the Obi Wan film.
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