** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

Watched it tonight and thought it sucked. Didn't like the two new characters, Young Sherlock Holmes was an abysmal villain, the acting in places was comically bad and a lot of the film was just a rehash of A New Hope. Gutted :(
i think people need to really wait until 8 and 9 are out, or at least 8 until they judge this one accurately. there were clearly disappointing parts (death star part 3 for instance), but clearly so many bits that will lead to the next films.
I thought it was massively over rated. I went to a midnight screening with some (very nerdy) friends who were gushing about it and had full Forceboners by the end of the film. I thought it was mediocre at best.
Young Sherlock Holmes was an abysmal villain.

Just noticed :D He does look a lot like him. I never saw that Sherlock actor in anything else after that - ohdearwhatapitynevermind. I had the misfortune to be working in a Cinema when that film was on. Not one of Barry Levinsons better films TBH - I much preferred Good Morning Vietnam & Rain Man.
I was quite surprised at how good this film was. Not as bad as a lot of people are saying. The new death star did still bug me, but apart from that, good fun.
I've only just got round to watching this, even managed to avoid every spoiler for the last 5 months which was nice, but I can't help but feeling a bit disappointed. Everything felt very rushed and the story felt a bit disjointed in places...i don't know if my expectations were a bit too high or what, but a few aspects of the film left me feeling like "they've known each other 5 minutes, yet all of a sudden they're talking like they've known each other 5 years"

Overall i enjoyed the film, but considering i spent the last 2 days re-watching the old 3 which were epic, it left me a little underwhelmed.
Watched it tonight and thought it sucked. Didn't like the two new characters, Young Sherlock Holmes was an abysmal villain, the acting in places was comically bad and a lot of the film was just a rehash of A New Hope. Gutted :(

Films for Kids can't suck apparently...

But Like you TFA is garbage...People forget that you can have Thrills and spills and huge special effects..But you can also have story and decent writing.

Mad Max...Perfect spectacle...No Plot
Jurassic world ..perfect spectacle...No plot

People who like it are ultimately responsible for the demise of quality cinema being produced and rubbish being churned out to vacuous audiences.

Unless audiences change and expect storytelling then Hollywood will just churn out Guff polished with CGI...

A plate of food on FB can get hundreds of likes these days...Modern day audiences have changed...They seem to be easily pleased...(bless them) :p

But I for one do not have to be part of it...And any film is fair games these days...

And merit is only due when effort is made...TFA is lazy film making with a plot like a sieve. Its absolute dross...
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Films for Kids can't suck apparently...

Exactly the opposite, films for kids do suck but now and then adults are entertained by them.
To name one, The Last Starfighter - classic but sucks huge ones.
Harry Potter is not too bad either, in fact there's 100s that suck but hugely entertaining.
People who like it are ultimately responsible for the demise of quality cinema being produced and rubbish being churned out to vacuous audiences.
Nothing has changed. Filmmaking is both art and entertainment, and a proportion of films will always cater to the extremes. Very few people were expecting a new Star Wars film to be high art, or to have a deep and coherent storyline. They were expecting it to be a story of good vs evil where the good guys ultimately win, there's a bit of moral dilemma and basically be a thrill ride. Where the prequels got it wrong was trying to shoehorn a story (and politics) into a series that's really quite simplistic.

Hollywood and its contemporaries are still creating story-driven films. There are plenty of intellectually demanding films out there. There'll always be independent filmmakers, and arguably even more so now where it's relatively cheap to produce a film.

The problem here isn't that cinema audiences are getting dumber. The problem is that you've set Star Wars on a pedestal (and even though I agree the original trilogy are good films, it's a pedestal that isn't really deserved) and you feel that if a film in the series doesn't conform to your preconceptions of what it should be, it isn't worthy. In fact, the Star Wars films have always been about *entertaining* and I would argue that's exactly what TFA set out to do, and achieved in spades. Of course, these opinions are entirely subjective and I respect your right to hold the opinion that it wasn't a good film. What I don't agree with is the extrapolation that because you don't like it, it must be because audiences are "vacuous".
Films for Kids can't suck apparently...

But Like you TFA is garbage...People forget that you can have Thrills and spills and huge special effects..But you can also have story and decent writing.

Mad Max...Perfect spectacle...No Plot
Jurassic world ..perfect spectacle...No plot

People who like it are ultimately responsible for the demise of quality cinema being produced and rubbish being churned out to vacuous audiences.

Unless audiences change and expect storytelling then Hollywood will just churn out Guff polished with CGI...

A plate of food on FB can get hundreds of likes these days...Modern day audiences have changed...They seem to be easily pleased...(bless them) :p

But I for one do not have to be part of it...And any film is fair games these days...

And merit is only due when effort is made...TFA is lazy film making with a plot like a sieve. Its absolute dross...

The irony is strong in this one!
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