** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

Those few pictures of a 'real' half built Falcon and X-Wing just blow the prequels and their wall to wall CGI in to oblivion. I love those ships.

The hype train is going to be ridiculous for this film. :D
I do hope Luke has more of a role than old Jedi giving advice. As much as I like the Falcon as a ship, Falcon means Han and Han is dull as a modern hero. I can only hope as he will be so old it's been passed down to one of his kids with Chewie.

Having watched the clone wars episode where they explain the chosen one better I do wonder if that's where they will take Lukes storyline. A way to get rid of him without killing him.

I was speaking to a guy at work a couple of weeks back who has been on the set for the MF.

Where I am we are not working on the new Star Wars :(
Don't say that! The film will be nothing without him. :(

Realistically what do you expect? We'd be very very lucky if we see him recover enough to be sitting in every scene to hide the plaster cast on his foot. If he's in the picture at all.

I can only think if they want him at full capacity then they'll have to delay the picture for a year. I don't see that happening somehow
I bet Abrams is having a heart attack right now. To be fair though it depends how bad the break is, he might be able to be quite mobile after a month or two. I bet they wait for him as long as possible, whats the alternative, write him out of the movie? doubt it.
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