** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

13 Nov 2013
You can't mistake the opinions of critics and raving star wars fan boys on the internet for the opinion of the mass population who saw those movies.
Did the vast majority of people who went to see them enjoy them ? Yes

Do you realise there's an invention called "The Internet" which allows people to voice their opinions en masse and which makes it easy to determine whether they enjoy a film or not, on average? Not only did the latest Star Wars films get bad reviews from critics, they were not received well by the general public either, as seen on most of the sites which allow user scoring.

Did the vast majority of people who went to see them enjoy them ? Not really.

I'm sure the new Star Wars will make money but I suspect it won't cause any jaw drops because, this time, people won't just grab their tickets blindly.
22 Nov 2005
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
Ratings: 8.7/10 from 640,804 users

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Ratings: 8.8/10 from 572,082 users

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
Ratings: 8.4/10 from 452,054 users

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
Ratings: 6.6/10 from 383,795 users

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Ratings: 6.8/10 from 327,215 users

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Ratings: 7.7/10 from 368,468 users
9 May 2005
Do you realise there's an invention called "The Internet" which allows people to voice their opinions en masse and which makes it easy to determine whether they enjoy a film or not, on average? Not only did the latest Star Wars films get bad reviews from critics, they were not received well by the general public either, as seen on most of the sites which allow user scoring.

Did the vast majority of people who went to see them enjoy them ? Not really.

I'm sure the new Star Wars will make money but I suspect it won't cause any jaw drops because, this time, people won't just grab their tickets blindly.

Not many kids are writing internet reviews compared to adults who can't get past the nostalgia of the old ones. Those films and these new films are written purely to drag in new generations of children. Nearly every boy in my family loves the prequels. That is the point of them, not 30-40 somethings who will watch the films and ignore 99% of the merchandising that goes hand in hand with these films.

Disney aren't making these films for those of us that watched new hope in the cinema, we are a bonus to main goal.

As I said I video'd my son watching the Dooku Anakin Obi wan and Yoda standoff in the appalling AOTC. To him it was the most marvellous thing he had ever seen.

Which lego set does he look at and beg for anytime we see it...


A pretty rubbish lego set but the film did it's job of hooking yet another small boy into years of star wars toys. That's why disney paid so much money for the franchise, not old men that can't see past the woeful acting, lines and story issues in the original trilogy. :D Don't get me wrong my view was the same as every one else's until I had a boy of my own and watched the effect :(
9 May 2005

Funnily enough at work last week I said I just need to live until December 2015 to see the first one with my son (he will be 6 then). I don't even want to watch the film, I just want to watch him.

Anyway the best bit of that link...

I know people that felt burned by the prequels, but I recommend to everyone to watch the whole of THE CLONE WARS series – it may even evolve your feelings about the films. You might see that I was right all along… giggle. Seriously though… it is THE CLONE WARS. It is what the films were missing and it is epic. Some of the best STAR WARS action you’ll ever see – but also – you learn what’s up with the disappearing and the Force Ghosts. You get greater depth upon Palpatine, Anakin, OB1, Yoda – and even Jar Jar is greatly redeemed. Dave Filoni did tremendous work on that show and should really be heralded for it.

So true, the Clone war series is the best thing to come from the SW universe in 30 years.
9 Mar 2006
Woah....better than KOTOR? It was good but not that good. The problem with the series is that while there were some great episodes there were also a lot of irritating episodes.

KOTOR is unmatched in the universe.
15 Aug 2007
Outside in the bushes
I know people that felt burned by the prequels, but I recommend to everyone to watch the whole of THE CLONE WARS series – it may even evolve your feelings about the films.

No Amount of CG ******** is going to change my mind about those films or their spawn SFAIC:
Star Wars = IV,V,VI & EU

Prequels and anything based on/spawned by them = Cash Cow of extremely bad quality Fiction not to be associated with the master pieces previously mentioned.

Sequels = Even though they're going to kill off the original EU canon I'm holding hope that JJ will do a good job if it turns out like the prequels however he won't be safe on this planet ever again!
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18 Oct 2002
Funnily enough at work last week I said I just need to live until December 2015 to see the first one with my son (he will be 6 then). I don't even want to watch the film, I just want to watch him.

Anyway the best bit of that link...

I know people that felt burned by the prequels, but I recommend to everyone to watch the whole of THE CLONE WARS series – it may even evolve your feelings about the films. You might see that I was right all along… giggle. Seriously though… it is THE CLONE WARS. It is what the films were missing and it is epic. Some of the best STAR WARS action you’ll ever see – but also – you learn what’s up with the disappearing and the Force Ghosts. You get greater depth upon Palpatine, Anakin, OB1, Yoda – and even Jar Jar is greatly redeemed. Dave Filoni did tremendous work on that show and should really be heralded for it.

So true, the Clone war series is the best thing to come from the SW universe in 30 years.

Is the series markedly different to the Clone Wars Animated film that predates it, as that is an utter pile of babyish garbage.
I agree what he did was to create a future foray of SW fans, however children are stupid beings and would like Yoda mask on a stick if you waved it in front of them.
Creating a film the children could have enjoyed would have been easy and should not have spoiled it for anyone over the age of 10.
9 May 2005
Prequels and anything based on/spawned by them = Cash Cow of extremely bad quality Fiction not to be associated with the master pieces previously mentioned.

Sequels = Even though they're going to kill off the original EU canon I'm holding hope that JJ will do a good job if it turns out like the prequels however he won't be safe on this planet ever again!

So you are willing to acknowledge woeful EU stuff that's post ROTJ but not take in some of the great stuff done in the clone wars or before because of the prequel trilogy. Well that's incredibly short sighted isn't it?

There are books that are worse than even in the prequels post ROTJ:

A forest apart
Tatooine Ghost
The crystal Star
The black fleet trilogy
Corellian trilogy
Survivors quest
The god awful Dark Nest trilogy
Millenium falcon

All as much drivel as the Phantom menace. They are just as much cash cows spawned off the back of the originals. The Bane trilogy is better than 95% of the post rotj EU. Clone emperors and a clone Luke from his recovered hand on cloud city, seriously on reflection I'm glad they have killed 95% of the EU. Some great characters and some terrible writing, just like the prequels and the original films.
14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
Funnily enough at work last week I said I just need to live until December 2015 to see the first one with my son (he will be 6 then). I don't even want to watch the film, I just want to watch him.

Almost the same for me. My little boy will be 4 when Ep VII comes out so he'll be a bit young to appreciate it. But I was exactly the same age when Ep IV came out, so he'll be following in my footsteps. I'm trying not to get too excited because he might not be at all interested in Star Wars. I mean, SW was my whole life when I was a kid.....but times have changed a lot. But the thought of him being excited about SW is almost too much for me to handle :o
9 May 2005
Almost the same for me. My little boy will be 4 when Ep VII comes out so he'll be a bit young to appreciate it. But I was exactly the same age when Ep IV came out, so he'll be following in my footsteps. I'm trying not to get too excited because he might not be at all interested in Star Wars. I mean, SW was my whole life when I was a kid.....but times have changed a lot. But the thought of him being excited about SW is almost too much for me to handle :o

Yeah it's always a worry :D My son was desperate to watch it because he knew his dad loved it from seeing books on my book shelf. He was four when he started watching it and I was very reluctant to let him because I did the same with one of my nephews and he hated it.

We have a big family and lots of nephews and only one from the lot hasn't fallen in love with it, I guess the odds are high yours will too judging by the amount of SW toys still swamping toy shops and toy sections. :)
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