** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

Kathleen Kennedy will be the President of lucasfilm... so you could think of that being a massive link to Steven Spielberg.

Could he be the next director? Is that a good thing? I've still got mixed feelings on it.
This is only going to go one way & that is bad :(

I've had time to think about and digest this news, and....

I'm looking forward to seeing what Disney will do with Episode VII... I'm also genuinely curious to see if they'll go the green screen route for shooting, or if they'll do on-location shots and have crazy amounts of models/toys to play with (as they had in the original trilogy). But yeah, this is the company that helped bring us Pixar films... and now help create them. This is a company that's helped to bring us the Marvel Studios films, including that awesome film every man and his dog seems to love...The Avengers. So let's not write them off already! They're more than capable of bringing us a decent, adult-orientated film.

Besides, they've got the power to reel in any amount of screenplay writers, directors or producers as they deem fit to finish this project and give it the 'respect' it deserves. I'm just hoping Lucas' role in all this is to sit at the back and explain why something in the expanded universe is so... rather than actually collaborating with the script writers/directors.

I'd personally love to see somebody like Edgar Wright or Kevin Smith given a shot of this. They're such massive nerds for the original material that I think they'd probably make a film worth watching. That being said, I can't help but feel Gore Verbinski will get it... as he's done some of the bigger Disney films in recent memory and they may want a safe-hand to steer the first film to financial success.

So yeah... just my take on it.
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I remember once the green cross code man told me there will be 9 Star Wars films. Possibly another trilogy then? We need to know what happens after the Return of the Jedi! I really hope Disney do it justice. :p
Star Wars dead after Disney buy out?

What do you think? I was born in the 70s so grew up with the original trilogy then disappointed by the prequels then Lucas adding lots of tweaks to every re-release.
But now he has sold out to Disney when he didn't have to, Disney ave already announced episode 7 for 2015! But this isn't the worst of it they are going to churn out a new film every 2-3 years!
I know traditional Lucas done this original trilogy 77,80,83 prequels 99,02,05 but this sounds like they are going every 3 years with no end in sight, what will this lead to Yoda being replace by Mickey Mouse!:(
I fear for the IP, I really do. I can't see Disney directing the movie away from the prequel happy-go-lucky, friendly silly alien, non too risky nature. We'll be seeing more cartoons, CGI screen-filled non-sense and a complete further shallowing of a once deep and intriguing fiction.

I'm not going to get myself excited for this. Not until I at least see a movie trailer. Disney have done nothing that compels me to believe they can bring the original magic back to Star Wars, or at least point it into a great direction for the future. It's just not going to happen.
This is truly sad I grew up with the original trilogy, the saddest part is that they're going to churn out a new film every 3 years, what next replace Yoda with Mickey Mouse?
I remember once the green cross code man told me there will be 9 Star Wars films. Possibly another trilogy then? We need to know what happens after the Return of the Jedi! I really hope Disney do it justice. :p

The green cross code man is David Prowse who played Darth Vader.
Also Gl had far more medlling in the books and characters than that.

No he didn't, it's explained at the end of one of the new jedi order books. He only wanted to choose if and when Luke dies. The only other character he made them kill was Anakin due to the clash he didn't like with his Anakin in EP3.

Other than that he's been hands off.
wasn't the franchise beaten to death by Lucas anyway?

let someone new milk it for a change..

Yeah your probably right thinking about it, i mean if he hadn't made the prequels this would have been more of a disaster as the original trilogy are/were classics but the prequels were garbage and all the tweaking Lucas kept doing.
Not really sure how this can be a bad thing. If they make rubbish movies, nothing is lost as Lucas wasn't going to make any more films anyway and you can always not watch them. If they make great movies then we all have something more to watch.
Not really sure how this can be a bad thing. If they make rubbish movies, nothing is lost as Lucas wasn't going to make any more films anyway and you can always not watch them. If they make great movies then we all have something more to watch.

Disagree it taints the series like the prequels did, it may be an advantage Lucas did make the prequels though, because if only the original trilogy existed it would be worse news.
I grew up with the original trilogy im a 70s baby im sure people under a certain age dont give a ****.
They will probaly get the Disney kids in there, Bieber as a young Luke, the 7th film "Steamboat Jedi"
Best news EVER!!!

Anything that takes the directorial reins out of Lucas’s hands is to be applauded, look how good Clone Wars has been with him only advising.

They just need to build a team to write, create and produce these movies, treat it like a business within a business like they do with Marvel.

I for one welcome out new Mouse over lords!!

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