I'm looking forward to seeing what Disney will do with Episode VII... I'm also genuinely curious to see if they'll go the green screen route for shooting, or if they'll do on-location shots and have crazy amounts of models/toys to play with (as they had in the original trilogy). But yeah, this is the company that helped bring us Pixar films... and now help create them. This is a company that's helped to bring us the Marvel Studios films, including that awesome film every man and his dog seems to love...The Avengers. So let's not write them off already! They're more than capable of bringing us a decent, adult-orientated film.
Besides, they've got the power to reel in any amount of screenplay writers, directors or producers as they deem fit to finish this project and give it the 'respect' it deserves. I'm just hoping Lucas' role in all this is to sit at the back and explain why something in the expanded universe is so... rather than actually collaborating with the script writers/directors.
I'd personally love to see somebody like Edgar Wright or Kevin Smith given a shot of this. They're such massive nerds for the original material that I think they'd probably make a film worth watching. That being said, I can't help but feel Gore Verbinski will get it... as he's done some of the bigger Disney films in recent memory and they may want a safe-hand to steer the first film to financial success.
So yeah... just my take on it.