** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

The real killer is that they are going to release every 2-3 years thats bad, yes i know the original and prequels had 3 year gaps but they were trilogies.
Constant churning them out for the money, even though the prequels were bad, except for the end of Sith, the gap between trilogies had you waiting in anticipation.
If these are released constantly it will be, oh another star wars film released!
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this has to be a good thing, Disney can only do better than what Lucas did with the last 3 utter cack films - its a win win situation. They can just use the books as source material and it will be all good.

I wonder how much they paid - are Disney now bankrupt because of this deal lol.

edit. 4 billion - WOW.

Mickey Skywalker here we go!
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Disagree it taints the series like the prequels did, it may be an advantage Lucas did make the prequels though, because if only the original trilogy existed it would be worse news.
I grew up with the original trilogy im a 70s baby im sure people under a certain age dont give a ****.
They will probaly get the Disney kids in there, Bieber as a young Luke, the 7th film "Steamboat Jedi"

So if they aren't any good ignore them? Enjoy the original trilogy in glorious isolation. It isn't like a new film is going to make A New Hope suddenly worse.
I'm excite. Disney are behind some epic films as people have mentioned, I'm sure they know very well how fans of the franchise received EPS 1-3. Now the franchise owes them over $4B I'm sure they will do everything in their power not to **** it up... Although anything is possible.
The thing is, I loved the less polished version of the 80s, and if they do a good high budget graphics version I want to see the following:

No stupid characters.
Good puns and sarcastic humour a la Han Solo.
No more Yoda backflipping and marshal arts (he's dead now anyway).
No more prequels.
The death star was destroyed, but the Sith were never completely destroyed.
A better explanation, and use of The Force.
More epic space battle scenes.
Skywalker offspring and their story.
Re-establishing a Jedi order.
A deeper understanding/explanation of the split between light / dark side.
We've had the shock revelation of the death's stars ability to destroy planets - we need something equally powerful to threaten the rebel alliance.
I don't want the Sith to be wiped out per se, however, a new enemy of similar power?
Perhaps they were plunged into darkness after a big war, and the rebuilding of a rebel colony, learning to utilise the force better.
We've had the Anakin thing "immaculate birth" highest midichlorian count ever recorded - we need something similar again - but perhaps twins again with good/evil of equal power.
Either that or plunge way back before a prequel, before the empire or rebels even existed.
I want there to be an enemy that never quite gets defeated...

Or what would be cool to see would be an Empire defector like Zhaarin and Thrawn's interception of that or some sort of double cross etc...

There is so much scope.

Heck use Jedi Knight / Jedi Academy or Xwing/Tie Fighter games to expand on some of the ideas! That would be cool.
Will also be interesting to see how they take on the cosplay people. George Lucas always had a good word about them as long as they didn't do it to make money. Lucas often used the local 501st troopers at openings and other events. I suspect Disney will be more restrictive.

Seth McFarlane has already said on Twitter that he'd bet money that they'll no longer be able to do Star Wars stuff with Family Guy etc. Some may see that as a good thing though I guess...
$4bn for this?


Will be interesting to see if Disney recoup that.

The back catalogue of films that have been produced by Lucasfilm is not what they bought the company for.

The rights to Star Wars alone, as the biggest movie franchise in history are worth buying the company for and that is of course one of the main reasons.

Further to that, the other big one which gets less press in the mainstream news media is that the purchase also includes Industrial Light & Magic. Disney now own the biggest and most in demand VFX House in the industry.
I think an Old Republic film with new characters would probably be the best. There's a lot of material for them to draw on for carrying directly on but it would be a challenge, casting new actors as familiar characters, adapting novel plots to films (always a challenge)
Seth McFarlane has already said on Twitter that he'd bet money that they'll no longer be able to do Star Wars stuff with Family Guy etc. Some may see that as a good thing though I guess...
Definitely a good thing. After the A New Hope skit, the idea got old fast and became just silly.
I couldn't believe it when I read this last night. Its sound like good news and I hope they take star wars in a positive direction. Hopefully sit down and realize what went wrong with the prequels.
yeah, at first i thought 'this is bad' but then i realised lucas has already screwed up starwars anyway so what the hell, go for it.

hopefully disney will see a potential market and release the originals 'unimproved' in HD.
Give a trilogy based on Revan and Malak and The Old Republic!

That would be so good, but I imagine if Episode VII it'll be post Vader demise and KoToR being set so long ago it's unlikely.

A lot of people seem to have a warped view of Disney though and just associate them with Disney Classics/Mickey - Disney are behind a lot of big movies which are adult orientated as well.

I am confident at this point, some of that is blinded by my fanboy'ism - but I got me a smile on my face this morning!
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