** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

That would be so good, but I imagine if Episode VII it'll be post Vader demise and KoToR being set so long ago it's unlikely.

True, but according to the article I read there will be films every 2-3 years after Episodes 7-9, I can't imagine they would carry on the same storyline forever so perhaps they would look at different parts of the lore. Fingers crossed.
Seth McFarlane has already said on Twitter that he'd bet money that they'll no longer be able to do Star Wars stuff with Family Guy etc. Some may see that as a good thing though I guess...

Definitely a good thing. After the A New Hope skit, the idea got old fast and became just silly.

I thought Seth McFarlane had already said he was fed up with Family Guy and planning to end it? So not sure it really matters.

I've got to say though that while I enjoy Family Guy, I always found the Star Wars specials to just be the films but acted out by the Family Guy cast, it wasn't really that funny compared to a normal episode.
I thought Seth McFarlane had already said he was fed up with Family Guy and planning to end it? So not sure it really matters.

I was just using it as a precedent. I'm saying it doesn't bode well for anyone wanting to do Star Wars parody or homage stuff as they'll probably be more closely guarded of their trademarks and whatnot. Will no doubt lead to things like this sort of ridiculousness: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-17350103
The death star was destroyed, but the Sith were never completely destroyed..

Not all the death stars were destroyed even after Rotj ;)

A better explanation, and use of The Force..

Done extremely well in the expanded universe, hopefully they can carry it across to be shown how utterly awesome Luke becomes.

Skywalker offspring and their story.
Re-establishing a Jedi order..

Again done in the Jedi academy trilogy, it would be difficult to beat that in terms of writing for episodes 7/8 and 9. Lukes wife is one of the most popular characters in the expanded universe and it would be utter madness not to use her.

A deeper understanding/explanation of the split between light / dark side.
We've had the shock revelation of the death's stars ability to destroy planets - we need something equally powerful to threaten the rebel alliance.
I don't want the Sith to be wiped out per se, however, a new enemy of similar power?

And this is the story they have to do, the Battle with the Yuuzhan Vong who cannot be felt in the force and you get more on the origins of the force.


We've had the Anakin thing "immaculate birth" highest midichlorian count ever recorded - we need something similar again - but perhaps twins again with good/evil of equal power.

Written already, Leia and Hans twins. Jacen and Jaina.

It will be interesting to see how they attack this with a film every 2 years. You end up in a scenario where you will have to change actors every few films due to them aging. 7-9 are going to be the end of Lukes story so it's going to be difficult to guess where they slot that in age wise.

Early as in the Thrawn trilogy or much later with the Vong. I personally think later would be better because it's a handing over from the old jedi to the younger ones.

I've almost finished the last book in the fate of the jedi series and every book has been better than anything lucas dreamed up, including the originals. There is so much scope there as said, how much they draw upon it will make or break this for disney. Lucas spent so much time and effort making sure the expanded universe was canon, I just cannot see them being allowed to trample on that.

New films must include the Noghri :)

I think an Old Republic film with new characters would probably be the best. There's a lot of material for them to draw on for carrying directly on but it would be a challenge, casting new actors as familiar characters, adapting novel plots to films (always a challenge)

The Bane trilogy would be awesome, how the rule of two came about and what led up to Palpatines speech on living forever.
I was just using it as a precedent. I'm saying it doesn't bode well for anyone wanting to do Star Wars parody or homage stuff as they'll probably be more closely guarded of their trademarks and whatnot. Will no doubt lead to things like this sort of ridiculousness: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-17350103

You might be right.

At the end of the day though, Star Wars has been parodied to death, it just isn't funny anymore!
Sounds like you're on the same wavelength as me! :cool: :D

They should commission us to write it! ;)


It will be interesting to see how many of the writers like Zahn, Denning etc they lean on for stories. These writers already have a 'council' set up where they discuss ideas and make sure everything they are writing at the same time doesn't interfere with the canon.

I'm going to hazard an early guess that they go for the Jedi academy set. The tail end of the empire and the handing over to the Solos kids which they can cast harry potter style from a very young age and keep them onboard for years.

If the day comes where they get to Han and Leia's youngest son, Anakins story, I will wet myself. :D
Guys can we have expanded universe stuff in spoiler tags? I've read some of it but if they're going to use it for films then it would be nice to not spoil it before it's even made :p
Guys can we have expanded universe stuff in spoiler tags? I've read some of it but if they're going to use it for films then it would be nice to not spoil it before it's even made :p

Sure thing :)

Although chances are they won't use it for films and **** all over 20 years of work making it canon :D

Like the god awful Force Unleashed 1 and 2.
Would love for them to go back to the Darth Bane days, but they won't, therefore I am saying sigh!

If it was me I'd keep doing the prequel stuff in the style of the clone wars and do films for the continuing cash in (saga) :D

Hopefully disney will get the older toys remade and I can force this stuff onto my son ;)
"Canon refers to an authoritative list of books that the Lucas Licensing editors consider an authentic part of the official Star Wars history. Our goal is to present a continuous and unified history of the Star Wars galaxy, insofar as that history does not conflict with, or undermine the meaning of Mr. Lucas's Star Wars saga of films and screenplays."

That explains it very well too, note at the bottom stuff like this....

A conversation between Lucas and John Knoll in a web diary during the production of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith showed more of the movie/Expanded Universe relationship:

"So how did Anakin get that scar, George?" asks John Knoll.

"I don't know. Ask Howard," says George, referring to President of Lucas Licensing Howard Roffman. "That's one of those things that happens in the novels between the movies. I just put it there. He has to explain how it got there. I think Anakin got it slipping in the bathtub, but of course, he's not going to tell anybody that."

So hopefully if George kept to advice from people in the expanded universe they will make sure disney do to?
I love this:
I'd like 7-9 and then a long while after that an entirely fresh Old Republic saga. Darth Bane and the Rule of Two beginnings etc. Or even better the whole Mandalorian/Exar Kun thing? I can't remember the exact details but I've always loved the sound of the early Sith stuff.
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