** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

Star Wars Family Guy was fairly crap

Star Wars Robot Chicken is where it was at.

Oh hell yes, Star Wars Robot Chicken wiped the floor with SW:Family Guy!.

As for Disney breathing life back into the Star Wars franchise, in all honesty, they really couldn't do any worse than GL & the vomit inducing Jar Jar Binks...

he has a 2.5% stake in shares, for Disney that is a lot

Ah thanks, I didn't realise it would be so little but so much from disneys point of view. It must be hard to hand over that much control of an IP that is yours. I can't even throw away my 100 odd read star wars novels let alone controlling rights :D

It must have caused some sleepless nights. Surely he could have found a partner to do the films but have a greater controlling share than that?
It was probably so cheap because Lucas has trashed most of the worth of the Star Wars IP with the dance off games and the excessive merchandise.
Not all the death stars were destroyed even after Rotj ;)

Done extremely well in the expanded universe, hopefully they can carry it across to be shown how utterly awesome Luke becomes.

Again done in the Jedi academy trilogy, it would be difficult to beat that in terms of writing for episodes 7/8 and 9. Lukes wife is one of the most popular characters in the expanded universe and it would be utter madness not to use her.

And this is the story they have to do, the Battle with the Yuuzhan Vong who cannot be felt in the force and you get more on the origins of the force.


Written already, Leia and Hans twins. Jacen and Jaina.

It will be interesting to see how they attack this with a film every 2 years. You end up in a scenario where you will have to change actors every few films due to them aging. 7-9 are going to be the end of Lukes story so it's going to be difficult to guess where they slot that in age wise.

Early as in the Thrawn trilogy or much later with the Vong. I personally think later would be better because it's a handing over from the old jedi to the younger ones.

I've almost finished the last book in the fate of the jedi series and every book has been better than anything lucas dreamed up, including the originals. There is so much scope there as said, how much they draw upon it will make or break this for disney. Lucas spent so much time and effort making sure the expanded universe was canon, I just cannot see them being allowed to trample on that.

New films must include the Noghri :)

The Bane trilogy would be awesome, how the rule of two came about and what led up to Palpatines speech on living forever.

Agree 100% with all of this. I share your views good sir.
Lucas obviously didn't get as good a deal as Jobs did when he sold Pixar I guess. Jobs sold Pixar for $10m and got a massive amount of shares in Disney which are now worth roughly £4bn and a place on the board. Poor Lucas.

In all seriousness though, I think ep 7,8 and 9 will **** all over the EU in the same way that the Clone Wars show did with the Republic Commando novels. I can't see them using the original characters at all either, Ford, Hamill and Fisher are all ancient now and I doubt they'd have an inclination to take up their former roles again. This pretty much rules out the Thrawn Trilogy and anything prior to the Legacy era of the EU (Cade Skywalker etc.).

If they do something in the timeline where Luka, Leia and Han are still alive, I'm pretty sure they'll concentrate on completely new characters and just give reference to the originals for continuity. Even if they concentrated on the Solo kids, they'd have a tough time not including Han, Leia and Luke in the films as their stories are so heavily intertwined. Interesting times nonetheless, and I'm very very much looking forward to 2015.

Edit: As to the gents above discussing NJO, I'm sure this is the first positive feedback I've heard about NJO from anyone other than myself! I loved that series, warts and all. The Star Wars universe has never seemed so brutal as it was in that era... I'd honestly love to see it in film, I just can't see it happening without Luke et al. :(
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Lucas obviously didn't get as good a deal as Jobs did when he sold Pixar I guess. Jobs sold Pixar for $10m and got a massive amount of shares in Disney which are now worth roughly £4bn and a place on the board. Poor Lucas.

In all seriousness though, I think ep 7,8 and 9 will **** all over the EU in the same way that the Clone Wars show did with the Republic Commando novels. I can't see them using the original characters at all either, Ford, Hamill and Fisher are all ancient now and I doubt they'd have an inclination to take up their former roles again. This pretty much rules out the Thrawn Trilogy and anything prior to the Legacy era of the EU (Cade Skywalker etc.).

If they do something in the timeline where Luka, Leia and Han are still alive, I'm pretty sure they'll concentrate on completely new characters and just give reference to the originals for continuity. Even if they concentrated on the Solo kids, they'd have a tough time not including Han, Leia and Luke in the films as their stories are so heavily intertwined. Interesting times nonetheless, and I'm very very much looking forward to 2015.

Edit: As to the gents above discussing NJO, I'm sure this is the first positive feedback I've heard about NJO from anyone other than myself! I loved that series, warts and all. The Star Wars universe has never seemed so brutal as it was in that era... I'd honestly love to see it in film, I just can't see it happening without Luke et al. :(

CGI has come on leaps and bounds.

Look at how good the CGI version of 'Jeff bridges' looked in the newer Tron movie. That could well be a possibility with the likes of Ford, Hamill and Fisher. :)
I actually thought that CGI looked awful, but the rest of the film looked awesome.

I didn't think it was that bad.

Definitely no to CGI actors, we're heavily in the uncanny valley with Jeff Bridges.

I'd rather they just recast them, I don't see a problem with that. (cough Nathan Fillion as Solo :p)
I just want to see proper storm troopers in proper storm trooper uniforms again, not some ridiculous copy paste cgi droid army or the *******ised ones in the clone war movie. Proper actual storm troopers. And proper bog standard TIE fighters too while I'm at it.
In all seriousness though, I think ep 7,8 and 9 will **** all over the EU in the same way that the Clone Wars show did with the Republic Commando novels. I can't see them using the original characters at all either, Ford, Hamill and Fisher are all ancient now and I doubt they'd have an inclination to take up their former roles again. This pretty much rules out the Thrawn Trilogy and anything prior to the Legacy era of the EU (Cade Skywalker etc.).

In the interview Lucas said the idea was to finish the story from the original characters, so it would have to be pre Legacy someone in the timeline. I will just find it weird using other actors, I don't think I could get my head around it. Even on book covers they have old representations of the original actors. In my head when I read the books that's how I see them and have for nearly 30 years.

For me I don't think it will work.

Yeah the NJO...

Was an awesome set of books for me. So many awesome characters came of age and imagine how good Anakins 'last stand' would be on film. All my favs are great in that series of books. Nice and dark as well with the breakings of Jacen. I've really enjoyed the Fate of the Jedi series but NJO was my fav post ROTJ. I really didn't like the Cadeus storylines, they wimped out on Luke killing him with the BS excuse that killing him would be revenge and a slip to the darkside.
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