** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

8 Nov 2003
My first view of the trailer was at 5:15 this morning (while the view count was still in the low 200k's :D) and my initial reaction was "Okay... feels rather like rebooted Star Trek." This worried me a bit, because while they're entertaining films, they're just not Trek, at least to me.

Now back from work and having re-watched the trailer about a million times, I think it may be the best trailer I've ever seen. The score was mindblowing! :eek:

This is exactly what happened to me but 10mins later. I actually watched it without sound so not to wake the missus and was a bit meh with all the ships zooming around. I then watched it with sound and the music changed everything, since then I have watched it a million times on my home cinema system and :eek:
3 Jun 2007
This is exactly what happened to me but 10mins later. I actually watched it without sound so not to wake the missus and was a bit meh with all the ships zooming around. I then watched it with sound and the music changed everything, since then I have watched it a million times on my home cinema system and :eek:

Does the youtube video have surround sound encoded?
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
By the Old Gods, those shots of X-Wings fighting with TIEs (quoted several times) are just like my teenage brain wanted to see and imagined when I played "Rogue Leader" on my N64.

I'm actually beginning to think that Abrams may not have dropped the ball on this one. Still, I wait to be disappointed.

I did like those scenes of gratuitous line ups of stuff like storm troopers, etc. gives me hope that it will be a great movie. None the least they made for great trailer footage.
1 Jun 2013
This is exactly what happened to me but 10mins later. I actually watched it without sound so not to wake the missus and was a bit meh with all the ships zooming around. I then watched it with sound and the music changed everything, since then I have watched it a million times on my home cinema system and :eek:

Star Wars owes a massive debt to John Williams. That score is iconic, and whenever you hear it, in a movie, game, or fireworks concert, you instantly know what it is and you're taken to a galaxy far, far away.
14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
I really, REALLY, want to know what George Lucas thinks. Not in a mean way or anything.....just very curious. Must be very weird handing off your life's work, and he's not been involved all that much with TFA by all accounts. Bitterness? Relief? Regret? Unfortunately, I doubt he's jumped on the "reaction video" bandwagon :)
21 Feb 2010
Aberdare, Wales
Star Wars owes a massive debt to John Williams. That score is iconic, and whenever you hear it, in a movie, game, or fireworks concert, you instantly know what it is and you're taken to a galaxy far, far away.

I was wondering how the original score was going to be "remixed" but it really does sound amazing.

Was hoping to see a glimpse of Luke's beard at least, teasing sods :D
21 Oct 2011
Star Wars owes a massive debt to John Williams. That score is iconic, and whenever you hear it, in a movie, game, or fireworks concert, you instantly know what it is and you're taken to a galaxy far, far away.

As a person of a certain age who got to see the original Star Wars at the cinema, every time I see, and hear, the 20th Century Fox searchlight screen before a movie I instantly expect the Star Wars theme to start.
31 Dec 2007
plan for day of release:

Get up

Watch Episode 1, eat
Watch Episode 2, eat
Watch Episode 3, drink
Watch Episode 4, eat
Watch Episode 5, drink
Watch Episode 6, eat

Go to Cinema, Episode 7, sex wee everywhere
13 Oct 2003
Left of the middle
I'm not a massive Star Wars fan but that trailer has done a fine job of selling the film, plus that score is one of, if not, best ever scores. I'll be going to watch it at an Imax screening for sure, needs must!
1 Jun 2013
I really, REALLY, want to know what George Lucas thinks. Not in a mean way or anything.....just very curious. Must be very weird handing off your life's work, and he's not been involved all that much with TFA by all accounts. Bitterness? Relief? Regret? Unfortunately, I doubt he's jumped on the "reaction video" bandwagon :)

I did see an interview with him on another project he's working on, and there was some grumble that Abrams had used none of his ideas on the new film. That's probably why it will be good. Lucas did say he's looking forward to seeing it as a fan, and to be blown away like everyone else.

Linky 1, Linky 2

But in a separate sit-down with Cinema Blend, Lucas has said Disney has gone in a different direction. “The [ideas] that I sold to Disney, they came up to the decision that they didn't really want to do those. So they made up their own. So it's not the ones that I originally wrote.”
The script for The Force Awakens, which reunites the cast from the original trilogy with a group of young actors including Adam Driver and John Boyega, was originally worked on by Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3) before he was replaced by Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan (who wrote The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi).
My bold.
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