** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

18 Oct 2002
People have already forgotten the force and the Republic by episode IV. That's less than 20 years since vader went vader. Why would anyone really know the ins and outs of it, unless they were directly involved in it? We don't really know what happens between politicians now, and definitely not what really happens in conflict, so why would random nobodies in the Star Wars universe, where most things happen in different star systems!

Yeah but the fact is there's not a lot of back story in episode 4, it just basically starts off talking about the evil empire, the rebels and not much else. Its not as if they knew for sure these movies would be a trilogy so the back story was pretty thin until it was elaborated on after the fact Also the empire is the Galactic empire so obviously it affects pretty much everyone, so the death of its 2 head honcho's you'd think would spread like wildfire, and that was pretty much shown in the celebration at the end of Jedi.

You could also argue why doesn't Vader in Empire recognise c3po (considering he built him) and r2 as they spent a load of years together before he went bad. Just an example of adding things after the fact when other things contradict it or seem odd.
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14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
I think it's a case of

a) The Empire probably controlled information and destroyed any evidence of history they didn't want people learning about. Like many empires on this planet have done. Of course, that might have gone to carp once RotJ was over, but still.

b) The galaxy is HUGE. Maybe by the time any news filtered to the outer rim it was almost just like rumors.

That's how you can justify it anyway, but of course you have to be willing to fill in the blanks with SW. I'm fine with that.
31 May 2009
I did see an interview with him on another project he's working on, and there was some grumble that Abrams had used none of his ideas on the new film. That's probably why it will be good. Lucas did say he's looking forward to seeing it as a fan, and to be blown away like everyone else.

Linky 1, Linky 2

My bold.

That is great news.
Throwing away any potential idea Lucas had to sell soft toys, and instead make a collction of good movies, knowing the toys will sell themselves anyway. Good work disney, they understand movies, fans and advertising. Great.
29 Jan 2008
Personally I want to see the Empire start to kick there asses like in the Empire Strikes back :D

yup... I mean before the Emperor took his no nonsense approach the senate seemed to be some form of farcical organisation much like the EU

and then some Jedi fundamentalist who is quite bigoted about the Emperor's religious beliefs decides to join an insurgency and carry out terror attacks blowing up two key military bases

think of all the construction workers they killed blowing up those death stars... its like 9/11 several times over
29 Jan 2008
Gerard thats my feelings exactly ^^ just seems odd that major historical events happened within 40 years and yet people dont know about them .. we need solo to tell the story of who the Jedi are etc... its not even been half a century ffs

yeah but they had a whole Jedi council in 1,2,3 then in film IV they've got military commanders in the empire questioning Darth Vader's beliefs (one of them being a bit shocked to be strangled to death from a distance) and people like Luke not knowing much about Jedis/the force etc.. etc..
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
I just hope there is a good explanation to what Luke, the rebels etc have all been up to and that they don't make all of the previous films meaningless with a reboot type approach.
18 Oct 2002
yeah but they had a whole Jedi council in 1,2,3 then in film IV they've got military commanders in the empire questioning Darth Vader's beliefs (one of them being a bit shocked to be strangled to death from a distance) and people like Luke not knowing much about Jedis/the force etc.. etc..

As said that's more down to the back-story being really basic and was added to after the fact, which obviously makes some aspects of the movies seem odd.
10 Apr 2007
Marketing team have done a fantastic job on this film.. everyone is hyped and we barely know anything about the film!!

It's great to have had a trailer that hasn't given everything away like most films these days, can't wait to see it!!
Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
I just hope there is a good explanation to what Luke, the rebels etc have all been up to and that they don't make all of the previous films meaningless with a reboot type approach.

Why would you fear that that might happen, from seeing the trailer? Someone asks Han - somebody who knows what happened in the previous episodes - about the stories and he confirms that yes, it's all true. If that isn't the opposite of what you're fearing might happen then I don't know what is! I highly doubt they'll go full retcon.
Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
So, booked 7pm tickets on 17th in Bristol.

Was told in a work meeting today I'm up in London all day that day and can go up the night before. Wouldn't be able to make the 7pm in Bristol D:

So just booked for 6:30am at the BFI IMAX instead :D \o/
26 Feb 2009
Norn Iron
Wouldn't be that surprising if people didn't know about Luke fighting Vader/Emperor in ROTJ. He did sneak off to the death star and go alone to face them. Then the death star blew up (which if you think about it would have killed them anyway). Plus I doubt Luke returned and started bragging about defeating the evil Vader etc.
30 Sep 2005
The more and more I research into it, the more convinced I am that luke has turned.

It's 2015, secrets are almost impossible to keep now we have the internet and leaks all over the place. Deception is the key.

He was still a jedi at the end of the ROTJ, as the three ghosts were smiling at him and would have sensed the dark side in him.

Luke was an idiot, he was a mummy boy really. It wouldn't take much to turn him, and 30 years is a long time.

Loving it when people say, look at the released photos, look at the actors names, that's lukes hand on R2-D2 lol
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