** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

19 Oct 2002
I'm betting Luke Skywalker dies at the end and it is left on a cliffhanger kind of thing, with his kids being the only hope. We will see.

This is kind of my worry...

I'm not entirely sure how I'd react to any of the original cast being killed off. There are loads of suggestions/rumours that Han Solo will be killed. I actually think it could be quite a dangerous thing for the movies. It could potentially backfire and alienate the people who grew up with the characters.
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3 Jun 2007
just got home and watched it on the big screen and surround sound.. got a bit choked up when the music kicked in..

I really cant see them killing off Luke. he is the only one left to train Jedi so no Luke the Jedi die off quickly..

I thought I heard Luke as a character will be in it till episode 9.. might be wrong..
1 Jun 2013
This is kind of my worry...

I'm not entirely sure how I'd react to any of the original cast being killed off. There are loads of suggestions/rumours that Han Solo will be killed. I actually think it could be quite a dangerous thing for the movies. It could potentially backfire and alienate the people who grew up with the characters.

There was talk that Harrison Ford insisted on his character being killed off. Maybe Ford wanted a good death scene, otherwise what, Han Solo dies in an old people's home? Maybe they want to draw a line between the old movies and the new ones, passing the baton onwards. Maybe Ford just wanted to do one movie, and not come back for any more over the next few years.

If the new characters are as good as the old ones, it will work. It will just be more stories in the continuing Star Wars universe, with new Jedi and Sith fighting the ongoing battle between good and evil.
22 Sep 2011
Staffordshire Somewhere
There was talk that Harrison Ford insisted on his character being killed off. Maybe Ford wanted a good death scene, otherwise what, Han Solo dies in an old people's home? Maybe they want to draw a line between the old movies and the new ones, passing the baton onwards. Maybe Ford just wanted to do one movie, and not come back for any more over the next few years.

If the new characters are as good as the old ones, it will work. It will just be more stories in the continuing Star Wars universe, with new Jedi and Sith fighting the ongoing battle between good and evil.

Hopefully with no teddy bears this time!
18 Oct 2002
The thing i find odd about the trailer...

It's implied that the events of 4,5 and 6 are basically old stories that people tell and its unsure if there's any truth to them. How does the destruction of 2 death stars, the deaths of Darth Vader and Darth Sidious who basically owned the galaxy, the Jedi Knights who were the senates police essentially lapse into stories that may or may not be true? Yeah it may be 30 or 40 years later but its not as if these events went unnoticed across the galaxy. Unless the first order started some type of cover up campaign which i suppose would be the cheap and easy way to explain it?
22 Jul 2012
I guess most citizens wouldn't have a clue about what was going on. All they knew is that the Empire and the Rebels were going at it.
The real details were only really known to those directly involved.

Not sure why that needs to be spoiler tagged.
Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
The thing i find odd about the trailer...

It's implied that the events of 4,5 and 6 are basically old stories that people tell and its unsure if there's any truth to them. How does the destruction of 2 death stars, the deaths of Darth Vader and Darth Sidious who basically owned the galaxy, the Jedi Knights who were the senates police essentially lapse into stories that may or may not be true? Yeah it may be 30 or 40 years later but its not as if these events went unnoticed across the galaxy. Unless the first order started some type of cover up campaign which i suppose would be the cheap and easy way to explain it?

People have already forgotten the force and the Republic by episode IV. That's less than 20 years since vader went vader. Why would anyone really know the ins and outs of it, unless they were directly involved in it? We don't really know what happens between politicians now, and definitely not what really happens in conflict, so why would random nobodies in the Star Wars universe, where most things happen in different star systems! As well as that pretty major reason, it's pretty safe to say Daisy's character is a bit of a orphaned junker type, so wouldn't have mad access to that kind of knowledge and is probably pretty busy trying to survive. Also, Finn works for the bad guys. If he believed/knew about what happened before then he wouldn't have been working for the bad guys! Seems pretty obvious to me.
31 Dec 2005
Gerard thats my feelings exactly ^^ just seems odd that major historical events happened within 40 years and yet people dont know about them .. we need solo to tell the story of who the Jedi are etc... its not even been half a century ffs
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Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
Gerard thats my feelings exactly ^^ just seems odd that major historical events happened within 40 years and yet people dont know about them .. we need solo to tell the story of who the Jedi are etc... its not even been half a century ffs

Still not sure how you've all come to the conclusion that no one knows about all the things that happened in 4-6. All the trailer says is "the stories, are they true?" and "yep".

Pretty vague. I wouldn't be jumping to any conclusions over that.

:edit: also, why would Han be telling them who the Jedi are? He has no clue who the Jedi are/were! Pretty sure no one does, unless Yoda gave Luke a seriously horrendous crash course in Republic history, while somehow avoiding the whole "oh yeah by the way your Dad killed them all" bit.
10 Jan 2004
I get the feeling the stories are like legends, its all hearsay and rumour about how the empire fell and we have no idea of how fast the Order filled the gap. Imagine hearing stories growing up then you meet someone who was in them...you'd damn well ask him was it all true!
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