** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

Man of Honour
9 Jan 2007
Watched the trailer again and have to say I'm properly hyped for this, I just hope it lives up to it!

Do you really need to spam every scene from the trailer to up your post count? :p

Some people prefer to see a good still rather than trying to catch glimpse of a scene on a video. You don't have to look if you don't want to .:p
8 Nov 2003
The more and more I research into it, the more convinced I am that luke has turned.

It's 2015, secrets are almost impossible to keep now we have the internet and leaks all over the place. Deception is the key.

He was still a jedi at the end of the ROTJ, as the three ghosts were smiling at him and would have sensed the dark side in him.

Luke was an idiot, he was a mummy boy really. It wouldn't take much to turn him, and 30 years is a long time.

Loving it when people say, look at the released photos, look at the actors names, that's lukes hand on R2-D2 lol

Well the Emperor and Vader couldn't turn him.
9 May 2005
As much as I hate the idea of Luke turning because it pees over the originals and the thought of what Luke would become from my youth, at least he might not be such a huge wimp. It makes little sense to have him turn.

I think Lukes story line will be the one area of this new film I won't like. Hopefully I will be proved wrong, Lucas one character he kept an iron grip over in the EU was Luke, he was the only they weren't allowed to kill.

A Skywalker gone bad, then reedemed story with a nobody on sand planet has already been done. I'm also not feeling Fisher in this. I just see the ragged nutter she become. I hope her screentime is small because she could barely act in the first place but was tolerated because she was so nice looking.

18 Oct 2002
So many positives from that trailer. It didn't show the entire film, check! It looked fantastic, a great mix of live action/sets and CG. So many questions. Evoked memories of past Star Wars brilliantly. I simply cannot see how this film will do badly. Pumped :D.
9 May 2005
Yeah well that was a mistake, showing it to my 6 year old SW fan before bed time. 4000 questions before bedtime and he's worried about Luke being Kylo Ren and turning to the darkside.
9 May 2005
I'm betting Luke Skywalker dies at the end and it is left on a cliffhanger kind of thing, with his kids being the only hope. We will see.

I'm betting he's hardly in it at all and the original stuff about him being lost is close to the mark, they find him and that's the cliffhangar making you want more at the end of the film.

Killing Luke would be a very bold move early on and without him having an epic out would wee all over the original films. I think they have to do it just not this early. Luke was always destined to be this hugely powerful new hope. They have to show him fulfilling some of that potential and then kill him. They can't really keep him around too long with the new look otherwise you just say to yourself why doesn't luke go do it. I am hoping they kill Han as I have said multiple times in this thread, such a shallow over hyped character of nothing. If Han get's it I think I will cheer in the cinema. ;) Luke will die at the end of the trilogy is where my money is.
6 Jun 2009
No Mans Land
I'm betting he's hardly in it at all and the original stuff about him being lost is close to the mark, they find him and that's the cliffhangar making you want more at the end of the film.

Killing Luke would be a very bold move early on and without him having an epic out would wee all over the original films. I think they have to do it just not this early. Luke was always destined to be this hugely powerful new hope. They have to show him fulfilling some of that potential and then kill him. They can't really keep him around too long with the new look otherwise you just say to yourself why doesn't luke go do it. I am hoping they kill Han as I have said multiple times in this thread, such a shallow over hyped character of nothing. If Han get's it I think I will cheer in the cinema. ;) Luke will die at the end of the trilogy is where my money is.

Better still don't bother watching it at all.

You seem to want to hate this film. Everything you post is negative.

I find your lack of faith disturbing. . .
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19 Oct 2002
Even if they do kill off Luke, he's likely to become a force ghost.

I thought initially they may use him in the same way as Obi-Wan, as a means for the force to communicate with the new characters.
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