** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

25 Jun 2005
On a hill
I loved the trailer, it impressed me more than I thought it would. The music, the camera work, Daisy Ridley, the way Han is telling the new generation about the events of his prime - similar to how Old Ben was telling the younger generation about his day.

The first time I saw the trailer was on my phone outside and the picture was blurry, I freaked at the scene where Kylo Ren is doing some force stuff to Poe because it really looked like a shaved Mark Hamill on my phone :p I thought that he'd somehow captured Luke and was trying to turn him or something, because at that moment he says "I will finish what you started" referring to Vader :o I was having palpitations.

Bizarrely the aspect of the trailer that really excited me most of all was the beginning. Rey's lonely, isolated scavenger life. I thought it was excellent, really character focussed and told you so much about her in just a few shots. The part where she looks up from the table and sees the distant starship leaving the planet with that far away, longing look she gives. It's just like Luke wanting away from Tatooine and I think it will echo her role in the new trilogy as being the new Luke. I know it's early days but I really think they picked the right girl for that role.

Cant freakin wait for this movie! :D
7 Aug 2013
Even in the PT there were a lot more practical effects than people realize. In the new ones it's a case of them keeping the CG to a minimum, and when they do use it, making it look like a model anyway. I kinda hope (although I very much doubt it) they'll make the AT-AT's have a slightly "stop-motion" model feel to them :)

And the music.....good grief, that music.
Totally forgot to mention the music. I know man. I know.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Bizarrely the aspect of the trailer that really excited me most of all was the beginning. Rey's lonely, isolated scavenger life. I thought it was excellent, really character focussed and told you so much about her in just a few shots.

I really liked that first bit - could easily sit through an hour of story based on that alone before the movie started proper - hope its not just a quick scene and moving on.
30 Nov 2003
Has anyone booked tickets for next years Star Wars celebration at the London excel? I missed out in 2007 as I was away, but made sure I have got tickets this time :)
24 Dec 2004
I'm expecting and hoping Like is basically the yoda figure in this film. I'd be happy him not being in it until the very end or when things are at their worst.... A 5 minute cameo of Epic significance would be fine by me.

If they have Luke turning to the dark side that IMHO ****es all over the legacy and pain and everything Luke and us the audience went through....

People need to rewatch this ...the good side doesnt beat the dark side through skill or better lightsaber combat....it beats the dark side through a force more powerful than the dark side can possibly imagine :D

i will ragequit the cinema if they have Luke turning...massive betrayal imo

My money is on Luke killing Han Solo...... Although I hope not.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
Why does Luke even need to train them apart from the reason to restart the order. He would be pretty young by Jedi standards and very powerful by this point. Unless they spin some kind of story about his dodgy hand and electrified body. Looking forward to finding out what has been going on in the gap, something the initial spiel will hopefully shed some light on.
29 May 2003
Haven't read the ENTIRE thread, so either someone may have noticed this already or it might have been rumoured for ages, but take a look at one of the animated GIFs on this page, specifically the one of Rey looking up in tears:


Is that the corpse of a wookiee, possibly/presumably Chewbacca, in the foreground :eek: ?
12 Jul 2010
Telford, Shropshire
Haven't read the ENTIRE thread, so either someone may have noticed this already or it might have been rumoured for ages, but take a look at one of the animated GIFs on this page, specifically the one of Rey looking up in tears:


Is that the corpse of a wookiee, possibly/presumably Chewbacca, in the foreground :eek: ?

Mate and me noticed this, but it looks like Chewie is just sprawling over a corpse wearing a leather jacket, guessing han
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
I wasn't impressed by the trailer... *runs away with troll face*

First viewing I wasn't that blown away by it but on repeat viewings there is a lot actually implied and/or hidden away in it that makes me a lot more interested once I noticed/picked up on them.

Though recognised a couple of the real life locations on subsequent viewings (especially the one at 1:30 in) - hope they are a bit more disguised in the movie as that kind of broke the immersion a bit.
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