** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

31 Dec 2005
I'm expecting and hoping Like is basically the yoda figure in this film. I'd be happy him not being in it until the very end or when things are at their worst.... A 5 minute cameo of Epic significance would be fine by me.

If they have Luke turning to the dark side that IMHO ****es all over the legacy and pain and everything Luke and us the audience went through....

People need to rewatch this ...the good side doesnt beat the dark side through skill or better lightsaber combat....it beats the dark side through a force more powerful than the dark side can possibly imagine :D

i will ragequit the cinema if they have Luke turning...massive betrayal imo
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Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
Right from the start Lucas had a vision for 3 prequels and 3 sequels. But we know that Abrams did not take on board any of his ideas. So what we will be seeing is not the story as initially planned back in the 70's. We won't actually know what the true ending for the original characters would have been.
6 Jun 2009
No Mans Land
How is any of that or anything else negative. I don't think you can read and understand properly. Feel free to highlight all this negativity on the film I have posted, that post you quoted isn't even remotely negative.

There you go there's all my posts in this thread


So much negativity, or maybe not.

If Han get's it I think I will cheer in the cinema

I'm also not feeling Fisher in this. I just see the ragged nutter she become

What's the matter with Han and Leia? They are iconic characters in the Star Wars world.

I'm just happy to see some of the old cast back again, something I thought I'd never see again.

Can't you just be happy there is a new Star Wars film(s) coming out!

Chill out.
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9 May 2005
Not liking two characters is not hating the film. I doubt there are many people who have read as many star wars books as I have and even then I hated the chapters with Han and Leia. I just never warmed to them. If Han dies that's me being happy they decided to kill him off, don't see how that's negative. I prefer that to them killing chewie in the EU.

I just hope or wish it was boba putting him down. :D

So from all my posts you got that as a negative about the films, er ok.
9 May 2005
People need to rewatch this ...the good side doesnt beat the dark side through skill or better lightsaber combat....it beats the dark side through a force more powerful than the dark side can possibly imagine :D

i will ragequit the cinema if they have Luke turning...massive betrayal imo

Although I agree with the betrayal, the good side only beat the dark side because vader turned. Luke was certainly not more powerful,than they could Imagine, he sat on the floor getting whipped. :D

As my 6 year old says, Luke never beat anyone! Even boba was luck! I have spent a couple of years trying to convince him Luke isn't a total douche, I hope they don't prove him right :D
31 Dec 2005
Although I agree with the betrayal, the good side only beat the dark side because vader turned. Luke was certainly not more powerful,than they could Imagine, he sat on the floor getting whipped. :D

As my 6 year old says, Luke never beat anyone! Even boba was luck! I have spent a couple of years trying to convince him Luke isn't a total douche, I hope they don't prove him right :D

That was my point. The good side won basically because of Love..that's the thing which was more powerful than they could possibly imagine.
Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
Right from the start Lucas had a vision for 3 prequels and 3 sequels. But we know that Abrams did not take on board any of his ideas. So what we will be seeing is not the story as initially planned back in the 70's. We won't actually know what the true ending for the original characters would have been.

Did he though? All I ever read about was him knowing the history, (as in, what he ended up making 1-3 out of) and having a totally different type of very rough idea of what the characters could go on to do past episode 6, but in a purely academic sense; he never had any intention of making it. He said that working out what actually happens to Luke et al is something he could do if he really tried to, but that there was really no real reason to. That sounds a great deal not like what you are saying, to me. I haven't really looked anything up about it to be honest, just what I've come across. I'll be happy to be corrected! As for whether they listened to him when it came to this film and him being a "consultant", ignoring him is the best thing they could possibly do IMO.
9 May 2005
As for whether they listened to him when it came to this film and him being a "consultant", ignoring him is the best thing they could possibly do IMO.

When you look at the terrible acting in the prequels, the originals were no better, like that deleted scene above I posted. Hamill was a poor actor, I was just 8 so didn't care. I don't have a problem with lucas ideas, he just forgot to edit out the crap and no one had the balls to tell him. I cringe when I watch the originals with my son, like he will cringe in 20 years when he watches AOTC :D

I have read so much conflicting stuff from him over the years it's best to take it all with a pinch of salt. That is was Lukes story, then Anakins and so on. That the plan for the last 3 was to have luke in a obi wan type of role. I guess that's what I have always hoped for. That's what I got with the EU, luke doing what we always thought he would, re-establish the order. I can understand why they may have drifted from that.

I think he might have tried, failed and gone into hiding. I hope we do see him being the kick ass jedi just once before he dies. :)

disney? no thx , i'm not ready for a festival of equal diversity and political correctness in the star wars universe

All I want is for them to give up on Rebels and go back to the Clone Wars series, rebels is terrible. Right now I don't see they have done anything wrong. It doesn't look a great detachment from the previous ones.
1 Jun 2013
so he claimed - i don't believe it, i don't think he had any idea what he was doing as the prequels showed.

At best I think he had a treatment for the three movies, which could have been nothing more than one page of summary.

TBH, I get the feeling that Star Wars has been a double-edged sword for Lucas. His greatest and unexpected success at a young age, he had no where to go but down. His name is on the company and he took the credit, yet there were other key people that deserved more recognition. SW financed and cemented his career, yet what did he direct since? The prequels were panned by the very fans who should have loved it.

When you hear him talk about SW, he never comes across as even liking it very much. He gives me the impression that he thinks it's beneath his talents, yet it's given him so much opportunity. He's like an actor that makes a lot of cash playing a part in a big summer blockbuster, but then tells the interviews that he's only doing it for the money and that it's not really acting or the sort of film he watches.
8 Nov 2003
I'm expecting and hoping Like is basically the yoda figure in this film. I'd be happy him not being in it until the very end or when things are at their worst.... A 5 minute cameo of Epic significance would be fine by me.

If they have Luke turning to the dark side that IMHO ****es all over the legacy and pain and everything Luke and us the audience went through....

People need to rewatch this ...the good side doesnt beat the dark side through skill or better lightsaber combat....it beats the dark side through a force more powerful than the dark side can possibly imagine :D

i will ragequit the cinema if they have Luke turning...massive betrayal imo

After all these years I only just noticed this recently. At 5.50-5.51 on the video above you can hear the word pain being spoken as the emperor fries Luke.
22 Jul 2015
Edinburgh, Scotland
When you hear him talk about SW, he never comes across as even liking it very much.

Totally agree - he has never really been the type of guy to show any enthusiasm for his work and, if I'm being honest, he's never really ever come across as very interesting in the interviews I've seen him in.

I can remember holding such a reverence of Lucas - one of my 'hero' directors which I held in the same breath as Ridley Scott, Spielberg, Raimi and James Cameron. And then the prequels happened and it became clear that the once-visionary and creative man he used to be has just become a businessman and not much else. Which is rather disappointing.
7 Aug 2013
Well that new trailer blew me away. I'd always liked Star Wars, but haven't exactly been a 'super fan' since I was a kid. But that trailer, oh my. It not only looks amazing for a Star Wars movie, it looks like some next level cinematography and CGI is going on, too. Everything was just absolutely *stunning* to look at.

I also like how this movie is going for a more serious tone. Yea, it's not exactly how the previous movies were, but I like it a lot, just like how I loved when Nolan took Batman and made it darker, more grown up and more dramatic.

Super excited now and I didn't think I would be. Booked tickets to see it at Leicester Square with the new IMAX Laser projection on my birthday.
14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
Well that new trailer blew me away. I'd always liked Star Wars, but haven't exactly been a 'super fan' since I was a kid. But that trailer, oh my. It not only looks amazing for a Star Wars movie, it looks like some next level cinematography and CGI is going on, too. Everything was just absolutely *stunning* to look at.

I also like how this movie is going for a more serious tone. Yea, it's not exactly how the previous movies were, but I like it a lot, just like how I loved when Nolan took Batman and made it darker, more grown up and more dramatic.

Super excited now and I didn't think I would be. Booked tickets to see it at Leicester Square with the new IMAX Laser projection on my birthday.

Even in the PT there were a lot more practical effects than people realize. In the new ones it's a case of them keeping the CG to a minimum, and when they do use it, making it look like a model anyway. I kinda hope (although I very much doubt it) they'll make the AT-AT's have a slightly "stop-motion" model feel to them :)

And the music.....good grief, that music.
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