** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

20 Oct 2002
Looks a bit Top Gun to me :o

Nice gesture. It was the unedited version aswell so it will be the absolute full director version, and not your typical 'theatrical' version that is butchered by studio execs.
I don't like this term 'unedited'. It might be a directors/preview cut but it's clearly not 'unedited' is it. /nitpick
25 Jun 2005
On a hill
The more I see of Daisey, the more pleased I am they've picked her for the role. It's also good to see Finn actually relaxed and talking normally, you get a better sense of what he's going to be like.

Going by the JP trailer I now believe:
The body Rey is crying over is Finn. The jacket is too light brown whereas Han's is darker charcoal colour.

With her saying she's waiting for her family, it pretty much confirms that she's Luke's daughter too me. The way she's looking at and talking to Han as if for the first time, it doesn't feel like it's her dad... or maybe she just doesn't know who her father is.

I think it's more likely Luke has hidden her on Jakku (probably after what happened with Kylo) and promised that he'll return when the time's right because whoever took Kylo is no doubt after her. I think Rey and Kylo will be cousins.

It's interesting that Kylo says "I will fulfil OUR destiny" clearly using the collective and seeing himself to be the same as Vader in some way. The question is, does he mean in a darkside "bringing order to the galaxy" type way, or something more to do with being a Skywalker.
The one gripe I have with all the footage and stills we've now seen is the really unnatural lighting the movie has. Not in the daytime scenes which look incredible, but it looks like they've gone a touch overboard with set lighting or something. It's probably just me, I don't normally even think of stuff like this but there's just something off in my eyes :o
9 Jan 2007
Returning video tapes
If this had been the 'proper trailer' I'd have been worried. It felt very off, lacking the beautiful flow of the other ones, but I suppose it's meant to appeal to Japanese tastes rather than us Gaijin. It didn't feel spoilery to me, just non essential. All we were seeing was a bit more footage, still with no context to any of it. Probably...

I still can't believe they'd whack John Boyega straight off the bat. Not only is he's Disney's only ticket to the Urban Market, but they can't kill off the new blood, as this is what this trilogy is all about. That body is Han, and it's time we accepted this... The only thing is, who would take over the loveable rogue role?
The one thing these trailers have done really well, is selling Daisy to me. At the start of all this I didn't have much time for the new characters, but if she's our Luke for this trilogy, then I won't be complaining.
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