** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

19 Nov 2004
I'm far from a true fan of Star Wars (and I'm not a massive sci-fi geek...another kind, perhaps). But surely any "true fan" would never say that after the horror of the prequels?

uh what? you don't have to be a true fan to understand the concepts of a good or bad film.

If anything he's saying the opposite - a true fan is unable to tell the difference :confused:

Basically what I'm saying is that no matter how bad the film is (and it won't be worse than the prequels), you're going to love it and overlook it's faults for the simple fact that it's Episode 7; something that we all thought would never materialise.
5 Jun 2005
I am satisfied I will like it. I have read and watched so much stuff on it. Subscribed to lots of star wars youtubers and and with the trailers and comic con I just know I am gonna love the film. That sick feeling of watching the phantom menace and thinking oh my word this is rubbish won't be returning.
9 May 2005
Making my way through the new canon books, most have been utter ****ing gash. Dark Disciple is the first one with decent characters and potential. For those familiar with Ventress and Quinlan Vos it's a worthy read and more evidence for why Skywalker has to turn to the darkside in these upcoming films, like he did in the Dark Empire series.

I have always hoped he wouldn't because of 8 year old me that always thought Luke would be this all powerful Jedi and restore the Jedi order. Yet grown up me now see's the Darkside is more powerful and would make for a better story.

As for the above comments, I highly doubt the film will be Phantom menace poor but it will be picked apart just as much in this internet age. So would empire if it was released today with modern technology because after all the story is a bit cack and ROTJ is even worse.
6 Jun 2005
As for the above comments, I highly doubt the film will be Phantom menace poor but it will be picked apart just as much in this internet age. So would empire if it was released today with modern technology because after all the story is a bit cack and ROTJ is even worse.

Big difference between a real story (albeit for kids, with plot holes etc)with real actors and sets and the CGI mess of the prequels which was all about Political shennanigans (and boring to go with it) with the added mistake of cartoon main carachters which were annoying for everyone over about 8yo
9 May 2005
The trouble with the prequels is you have to invested too much time in the whole story. The political story makes zero sense in the PM. The story was too condensed in the films. He had so much to tell and it didn't work in 3 films. When viewed with the Plageius book (which is now presumably non canon) and the Clone Wars series it makes much better sense. So does Anakins fall seem so much more gradual than the films made it seem.

But I have 100% confidence every little thing in the new films will be dissected just as much while ignoring the terrible things in the originals that make no sense. These films make no sense as adults, they were everything when we were kids and we expect to feel the same way about new ones. We won't, people need to let that go. My son adores the prequels, he doesn't question the dodgy lines and poor CGI. He doesn't even know what that is. I like one of the prequels but I'm now willing to let them all slide because I see in him how I must have looked when I watched the originals, with my dad shaking his head at a bunch of teddy bears running about.



12 Jan 2006
In my opinion, if it turns out Luke did/does turn to the Dark Side then for me personally it will destroy the original trilogy. :(
9 May 2005
In my opinion, if it turns out Luke did/does turn to the Dark Side then for me personally it will destroy the original trilogy. :(

I did think that, part of me still does but Luke was pretty weak. He had given into his anger when fighting vader. The empire series shows him embracing the darkside to understand it and become stronger. So many of the books have carried that theme, as have some of the new canon material. I read something a few weeks ago explaining that luke was already heading that way and it makes sense. Luke was weak and poorly trained. In makes complete sense for him to fall.



12 Jan 2006
By the end of Jedi though you (or at least I) get the impression that Luke understands that he could go down that path but is resisting it and is stronger for it.

Also I would have thought seeing what happened to his father would help him to resist it.

I've not read any of the extended universe or the new stuff that's out so I can't comment on them but as I said this is a personal thing for me, I can however see why people would like the Dark path for Luke. :)
12 Oct 2004
Aberdeen, Scotland
Making my way through the new canon books, most have been utter ****ing gash. Dark Disciple is the first one with decent characters and potential. For those familiar with Ventress and Quinlan Vos it's a worthy read and more evidence for why Skywalker has to turn to the darkside in these upcoming films, like he did in the Dark Empire series.

I have always hoped he wouldn't because of 8 year old me that always thought Luke would be this all powerful Jedi and restore the Jedi order. Yet grown up me now see's the Darkside is more powerful and would make for a better story.

As for the above comments, I highly doubt the film will be Phantom menace poor but it will be picked apart just as much in this internet age. So would empire if it was released today with modern technology because after all the story is a bit cack and ROTJ is even worse.

Have you read Aftermath? I'm just starting on it, 4 or 5 chapters in, and I'm really struggling with the use of the first person, it's jarring.
14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
Well, I'm going to bow out and go spoiler free. Usually I love finding out every little detail, but this time we're just over a month away and I still don't know much about it. I'm gonna keep it that way and maybe experience a surprise or two!
21 Dec 2012
Making my way through the new canon books, most have been utter ****ing gash. Dark Disciple is the first one with decent characters and potential. For those familiar with Ventress and Quinlan Vos it's a worthy read and more evidence for why Skywalker has to turn to the darkside in these upcoming films, like he did in the Dark Empire series.

I have always hoped he wouldn't because of 8 year old me that always thought Luke would be this all powerful Jedi and restore the Jedi order. Yet grown up me now see's the Darkside is more powerful and would make for a better story.

As for the above comments, I highly doubt the film will be Phantom menace poor but it will be picked apart just as much in this internet age. So would empire if it was released today with modern technology because after all the story is a bit cack and ROTJ is even worse.

Which did you find the best? Looking to read a couple.
25 Jun 2005
On a hill
I just can't see Luke going to the darkside. He's been there and fought that battle. For them to bring it back up would be like going in circles with his character, and his character pretty much is Star Wars, he's too important to waste.

Personally I think he's in hiding, probably something to do with him training more Jedi (remember Yoda told him "pass on what you have learned") and something went wrong. However I don't think he'll be the same old Luke we know, they're hiding him from publicity for a reason. It's either something to do with his appearance, maybe he got badly injured in what the big event was, or perhaps he's gone a bit strange like Yoda did on Dagobah - like a drunken Kung Fu master :p
7 Feb 2010
Which did you find the best? Looking to read a couple.

I'd like to hear a few suggestions too. Friend of mine mentioned Jedi's flying over a ground battle and using the force swipe away fighters below. That really wet my taste buds.

Making my way through the new canon books, most have been utter ****ing gash. Dark Disciple is the first one with decent characters and potential. For those familiar with Ventress and Quinlan Vos it's a worthy read and more evidence for why Skywalker has to turn to the darkside in these upcoming films, like he did in the Dark Empire series.

If we don't know Ventress and Quinlan Vos, is Dark Disciple a poor place to start?
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