Star Wars: Jedi - Fallen Order (Respawn Entertainment)

I ended up pre ordering this because Star Wars but yet to have a go, I'm hoping it's good because everything told me it wasn't going to be.... yet still pre ordered :p Numpty (or not if its good ;) )

same. I might do the EA premier pass thing.
Managed to get it working now, had a suicide overclock on my 1080Ti for some RDR2 benching :).

Looks and runs really good, only played an hour or so but quite like it, albeit a bit grinding and that. But the cut scenes are really good and its Star Wars :p
Games never look as good when watching streams so not sure why the negativity towards the graphics.

I'm a couple of hours in and the game looks amazing. Story line is looking good so far. :)
Had a quick play this morning through some of the opening level and so far, very impressed!

Cranked everything up to max in 4K (with no supersampling) and was getting between 45-50fps with dual Titan Xp's with almost maximum scaling on both cards so can confirm excellent scaling for anyone with SLI rigs. It was a little jerky so dropped the resolution down and it's virtually 60fps at all times (can't go higher due to playing on lounge TV).

Combat is quite tough but not helped by my being absolutely awful at games where parrying, blocking are necessary!

Look forward to getting back on it this evening or tomorrow.
So... is it good and how long do you think it is to complete?

Yeah it's very good, and between IGN, Eurogamer and Gamespot they averaged 25 hours for the main story, with the side stuff adding an extra 10. So depending on how fast/good you would be at the game, you'll be looking at 30-40 hours for 100% completion.
Meh, got premier for this though figured it would be worth it for a play through kotor and force unleashed and some other things as my Windows gamepass trial is coming up to an end soon.

It's way more (as far as I'm into the story) Force Unleashed than Kotor. I basically knew literally nothing about the game going in other than it was a star wars game. But you say Star Wars to me and I'll try it and hope for Kotor 3 every time. It's, limited. It's linear, it's platformy without really being fun platforming, the combat is, frustrating. It's exceptionally simple/easy with a lot of them but the odd creature is just absurdly fast in how quickly they can attack while you can't get out of the way, however when bosses look exactly like the normal creature and you can't figure out why you can't take them down... that may have been my bad.

It really feels like a lot of things have been put in to be frustrating rather than complex, fun or a worthwhile addition to the game such as these stupid explode if you get too close things that are on the ground.

If it turns more 'Kotor' like later with actual characters who speak more than a couple of lines maybe it will get interesting but as it stands the story is pretty tame and not much is being said as you run around playing a combination of Titanfall/Dark Souls (for the dodging around avoiding attacks).

The opening was I thought amazing, while linear and not exciting the area was really, well, Star Wars feeling, you see so much stuff that just draws you into the world of Star Wars again and it felt like a good tutorial of wow you're in a Star Wars game and since then it's been pretty meh.

I hope it becomes more interesting and the story gets better because gameplay as been pretty boring so far.
Yeah it's very good, and between IGN, Eurogamer and Gamespot they averaged 25 hours for the main story, with the side stuff adding an extra 10. So depending on how fast/good you would be at the game, you'll be looking at 30-40 hours for 100% completion.

Excellent, seems to fit the bill - thanks!
Im going to do the EA premier thing to play this for only 15 quid its like ive rented it id rather do that than pay 50 quid and be stuck with a game ill probably never play again once ive completed it.
Tried it on Jedi Master which was fine for the first hour or so. Some of the enemies on the first couple of planets are pretty tough though, even on Jedi Knight. Quite surprised with the combat difficulty level although I imagine it just takes a bit of time to master the timings...
I imagine it just takes a bit of time to master the timings...

/Yoda voice, “Timings, yes, to master, takes time it will.”


I’d love to give this game a go but between COD and RDR2 I don’t have enough spare minutes in the week. :(
Still on Jedi Master but it's very hard, mostly as the NPCs can do crazy damage in a short window if you miss a parry.
After the first planets mini boss cheesery, I'm LOVING it, got 5 stim packs now, got a few more core abilities. Likely game of the year for me.

Playing on Jedi Master and I might up the difficulty as I'm starting to cut through enemies a bit too easily.

Here is my progress after 6 hours:

Mostly explored the first world, took a trip to the red planet where the Sisters were but can't progress further until I have some form of double/extended jump. However, it's key going here after the first planet as you get the double edged lightsaber just from basic exploring. I then went to the first main mission planet and got force push. Explored as much as I could and now I'm on the wookie planet. I went back to the first real quick to unlock a few items that required force push.

I'd STRONGLY suggest exploring, you get a lot of stuff.
Larger enemies are an absolute pain to deal with, insane hit boxes, floating during animation. Not fun.

Everything else, sublime.
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