**Star Wars Outlaws Open World Star Wars game from Massive Entertainment**

It says in that article..

“We don’t even know what gameplay looks like”

And fair enough, we don’t, but one look at the Shrek/Jimmy hill mash up main character tells me all I need to know :D

Gameplay planetside will likely be a lot like AC:Valhalla but with speeder bikes instead of horses.

From what we've seen so far the space sections look a lot like Starfield.

I can totally overlook the main character looking like the sister of Sloth from The Goonies if we have fully manual take off/landing and atmospheric flight.
£115 for the digital only 'ultimate' version....

Still trying to milk every penny out of the corpse of the franchise with yet another 'AAAA' game that'll probably be half finished on release with yet more generic gameplay.
And Ubisoft has set the precedent that they will revoke your license to play the game when it gets old.

Star Wars Outlaws looks amazing!!

Can't wait to use get my big blasters out exploring the galaxies as the most beautiful Kay Vess!

Looking forward to this in 2024, may the force be with Ubishat!!!
It's a double standard, men get kept the same as they look or made to look even better. But female actors are turned into monsters

Totally agree.

And Ubisoft has set the precedent that they will revoke your license to play the game when it gets old.

Sorry yes it's £115 to 'rent' a, digital only 'Ultimate' version of yet another generic Ubisoft game with a skin pack cynically slapped on it from a once loved franchise.....

all up until some unspecified point in the future when they decide to pull the plug!
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It's a double standard, men get kept the same as they look or made to look even better. But female actors are turned into monsters

I think a lot of the reasons for this can be understood when you know two thing...

The amount of women involved in producing such games has increased in recent years


Female intrasexual competition revolves more heavily around denigrating potential competition vs male intrasexual competition...

Basically women are more prone to taking indirect/ less obvious action to make the completion seem less attractive to others.


Indirect aggression includes behaviours such as criticizing a competitor's appearance, spreading rumours about a person's sexual behaviour and social exclusion. Human females have a particular proclivity for using indirect aggression, which is typically directed at other females, especially attractive and sexually available females, in the context of intrasexual competition for mates. Indirect aggression is an effective intrasexual competition strategy. It is associated with a diminished willingness to compete on the part of victims and with greater dating and sexual behaviour among those who perpetrate the aggression.


The study of sexual selection among human females has primarily focused on two competition strategies used to attract mates: (i) self-promotion and (ii) the derogation of rivals. Self-promotion involves epigamic displays of physical attractiveness such as wearing make-up or sexy clothing to attract the attention of a potential partner. The derogation of competitors involves making a rival seem less attractive or less appealing to members of the opposite sex, which is typically achieved by disparaging the competitor's appearance or by spreading rumours that question the fidelity or level of promiscuity of a rival.


When comparing mean levels of direct forms of aggression, which includes physical aggression, there is a clear and pronounced sex difference favouring males across the lifespan. When comparing sex differences in mean levels of indirect aggression, there is a slightly higher rate found among females during childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Importantly however, when examining the proportion of engagement in this type of aggression, research demonstrates that females preferentially use indirect aggression (e.g. 52% for girls versus 20% for boys in 15-year olds; over all other forms of aggression. When girls and women aggress against others, they almost invariably use indirect aggression.

One competitive strategy that women use is derogation--any act intended to decrease a rival's perceived value. To investigate intrasexual competition through derogation, the influence of oestrogen on women's ratings of female facial attractiveness was examined. During periods of high oestrogen, competition, and hence derogation, increased, as evidenced by lower ratings of female facial attractiveness. By contrast, oestrogen levels did not significantly affect ratings of male faces. These findings support the theory of female intrasexual competition with respect to attractiveness.

Some women have noticed this phenomenon to...

(This was a twitter alt for a Lisa Graves of Jarvis Dupont/ Godfry Elfwick Twitter fame if you follow that sort of stuff)

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