Star Wars VIII : The Last Jedi [WARNING: SPOILERS]

Whilst the prequels are - shall we say - not the best, they at least tell a coherent story that fits the overall narrative of Star Wars. TLJ laughs manically whilst throwing away established lore and even the very hooks that TFA provided as a starting point for the sequel trilogy.
I also watched the prequels on ITV over the last few weeks and the main thing that stands out to me is that despite all their flaws they do 'feel' more like Star Wars than the sequels.
If the prequels had come out in todays climate, they would be absolutely lambasted for the trash they are.

Midichlorians, Jar Jar Binks, Children piloting ships and all that ****.
If the prequels had come out in todays climate, they would be absolutely lambasted for the trash they are.

Midichlorians, Jar Jar Binks, Children piloting ships and all that ****.
Most of that is cut out in the No Cheese edits. The few scenes with Jar Jar that had to be left in have him speaking in an alien language with subtitles.
If the prequels had come out in todays climate, they would be absolutely lambasted for the trash they are.

Midichlorians, Jar Jar Binks, Children piloting ships and all that ****.

They got bashed for much of that at the time - especially Jar Jar - but they did atleast have a semblance of consistent narrative, etc.
Just compare even the worst of the prequels (TPM) and see the scope it had. Multiple planets, events (plot lines) that matter, characters who actually develop, expansion on the Jedi/Sith, etc. OK, there are many terrible points but it was grand and built of previous work (Ep 4-6). Contrast that with TLJ which was basically a dull car chase with an entirely pointless interlude preaching about the evils of capitalism and animal cruelty (but did nothing about child slavery). Stripping it back, it's the plot worthy of one of the more mediocre episodes of The Clone Wars.
The prequels aren't bad, they're just bloated. Look up the No Cheese versions on youtube to get an idea how much beteter they could have been if better edited.

i disagree - i think they are irredeemable garbage.
A few of my friends think ROTS is the best of the 3 but i think its the worst - i physically cringe every time i see it, its embarrassing. I remember people were laughing at it (not with it) when i saw it in the cinema.
The prequels aren't bad, they're just bloated. Look up the No Cheese versions on youtube to get an idea how much beteter they could have been if better edited.

They were just a cg circle jerk, everything had this weird looking unnatural cleanliness to it. Lucas tried to wow people with the tech involved in them but the stories were lacking to say the least.
They were just a cg circle jerk, everything had this weird looking unnatural cleanliness to it. Lucas tried to wow people with the tech involved in them but the stories were lacking to say the least.
It's true, he went way, way too far with the CGI. Even innocuous things like various rooms that could have easily had sets built were CGI.
I've heard this argument a lot recently. Like, people pointing me towards the fan edited versions of the prequels for a more accurate representation of what those films should have been. But at the end of the day, that's not how it works. The prequels in there original, unedited states are objectively awful when looked at from a purely cinematic point of view. Nothing about them feels in anyway tangible, the performances are almost universally dreadful, the editing (especially in AotC) is shameful and the direction is almost none existent. People talk about the third one having some genuinely exciting moments, particularly towards to the end, but there's NO stakes whatsoever because you know exactly what's going to happen.

TLJ is messy and a little incoherent at times, but it's not an objectively BAD movie like the prequels no matter how offensive it may appear to fans of the series in general.
I'm amazed this thread is still so active considering the 'love' in here for the film, you all do sure like talking about it 8 months on... it really wasn't that bad.

Looked like their was about 12 of them left, hardly enough to start a pub brawl...

That's not what happened in the film, they constantly spoke of having 'friends' all over the galaxy, just because they didn't turn up for this one fight doesn't mean those that were in the falcon is all that is left.

The 'rebellion' also isn't organised like the first order and is more of a loose alliance between distinct separate groups with their own agendas, leaders and committees. They don't follow all follow Leia into every battle she decides to have. They are not all so keen to get in the fight.

It was fairly obvious from the end of the film that Luke's 'death' is going to rally the galaxy against the first order with Rey discovering a whole new generation of force users to lead the fight against Kylo and Finn bringing up the rear leading the grunts.

The whole trilogy is about killing off the old guard, the die hard fans just can't accept that.
I'm amazed this thread is still so active considering the 'love' in here for the film, you all do sure like talking about it 8 months on... it really wasn't that bad.

That's not what happened in the film, they constantly spoke of having 'friends' all over the galaxy, just because they didn't turn up for this one fight doesn't mean those that were in the falcon is all that is left.

The 'rebellion' also isn't organised like the first order and is more of a loose alliance between distinct separate groups with their own agendas, leaders and committees. They don't follow all follow Leia into every battle she decides to have. They are not all so keen to get in the fight.

It was fairly obvious from the end of the film that Luke's 'death' is going to rally the galaxy against the first order with Rey discovering a whole new generation of force users to lead the fight against Kylo and Finn bringing up the rear leading the grunts.

The whole trilogy is about killing off the old guard, the die hard fans just can't accept that.

"Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong". :D

If thats what you took away then thats your opinion, I just thought differently when presented with the same film so here's what I thought about the same issue you mentioned -

No Rebellion - Leia herself said the they'd been abandoned by their friends.
Lukes Death - I don't think it'll rally anyone as he was already a forgotten figure in the universe, but Leia's might.
Die Hard Fans - We knew that this trilogy would be a "passing of the torch" and I'd say 99.9% have no issue with that. It's just that the way it's happened has been so bad, that's the most annoying thing.

Of course those are just my opinions and everyone's allowed to agree/disagree over my particular interpretation.
Well this seems to be on Sky movies now which means I'll watch it with the wife at some point in the next few days. I feel distinctly uneasy about this given how much of a disappointing wasted opportunity I found it on release. May the force make us thankful for that we are about to receive.
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