Star Wars VIII : The Last Jedi [WARNING: SPOILERS]

i loved how they captured the Ben Solo/Luke relationship and basically Ben wasn’t (at the time) evil and nor was Luke. They both just made a horrible mess and are now suffering the consequences.

I thought that was really well captured and quite emotional

Yes, yes - wow, that was brilliant - there were moments in TLJ when the visual reveal were just incredible, seriously top ideas. I wonder who chucked it into the script?

But then, the main plot seems, once again somewhat familiar:
- let's look at the structure of Empire Strikes Back in reverse:

- Luke goes to find old Jedi master, asks Yoda to train him
- Yoda gives him handful of tips, with training unfinished Luke decides to go help his friends, Yoda says he's not ready
- Luke goes to help his friends, faces the villain, villain reveals his birthright to him and offers him to rule the galaxy together, things do not go according to plan

Act II
- after small adventures on the way Han heads to The City in Clouds to locate a man that can help them
- It turns out to be a trap

Act I
- Bunch of remaining rebel forces are hiding in run down base on snowy planet
- Empire locates them, sends serious fire power and a main villain to destroy them
- Battle ensues, handful of main characters barely escape with their lives in Millennium Falcon

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This thread is going to get interesting! Just back from seeing it. Not 100% sure how I feel about it but I'm erring towards the "It was poo" end of things. I will probably go see it again to be sure. The first half I was thinking "definitely not seeing this bantha fodder again" then it picked up. There was one visually stunning bit that I thought was great. For context I actually thought TFA was good.

Bad parts were some truly pants (substitute these mild words for what you think I might really be thinking) acting, plot holes, baggy plot arc, etc. Agree about the too much comedy - it works for Tony Stark because it's his character and the GOTG because they're supposed to be screwballs but it doesn't have to be all the time in every film. Just the odd joke is fine like Poe's "who talks first?" line when he first encountered Kylo Ren in TFA. Too much slapstick as well, again sparingly it could be fine.

Main upside was Tallie Lintra is hot as **** (and a couple of other hotties in the Resistance and one in the First Order). Other good points....erm.....some good visuals in certain scenes......erm.......
Yes, yes - wow, that was brilliant - there were moments in TLJ when the visual reveal were just incredible, seriously top ideas. I wonder who chucked it into the script?

But then, the main plot seems, once again somewhat familiar:
- let's look at the structure of Empire Strikes Back in reverse:

- Luke goes to find old Jedi master, asks Yoda to train him
- Yoda gives him handful of tips, with training unfinished Luke decides to go help his friends, Yoda says he's not ready
- Luke goes to help his friends, faces the villain, things do not go according to plan

Act II
- after small adventures on the way Han heads to The City in Clouds to locate a man that can help them
- It turns out to be a trap

Act I
- Bunch of remaining rebel forces are hiding in run down base on snowy planet
- Empire locates them, sends serious fire power and a main villain to destroy them
- Battle ensues, handful of main characters barely escape with their lives in Millennium Falcon


there was also quite a few elements of return with the redemption (albeit temporarily) the throne room scene and a few others.

Rumour has it the next will be something brand new and not a RotJ rehash but I will hold judgement as I’m not sure what new stuff they can do in one film considering the fact it’s the end of the arc.

Snoke was a huge disappointment after his build up. Pointless force user, no idea where he came from, how he ascended or anyhthing. Just there now dead (though his death was rather epic!)
Anyone catch the leftist rubbish as well? :o

Pro women, anti men
Anti capitalism (casino planet and the speech about how rich people are greedy, bad war mongers)
Poe is completely disregarded and portrayed as an impulsive idiot who makes the horrible mistake of doubting the infinite wisdom of women, even though they simply refuse to share their reasoning with him when he raises very valid doubts about the situation.
It appears fights can no longer be won through military might or power, only through the selfless sacrifice of heroic women or the magical power of friendship.
Possibly anti meat with the Chewbacca scene, unless I'm reading it wrong. I couldn't tell if the creatures were after a bit of the meat, or against him eating it. Seems like it was put in to make a point about the horrors of eating meat

Hell, it even had a purple haired woman giving a speech about oppression.
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Watched it at midnight last night... won't be doing that again lol

More than a few issues already listed, seems more like a Marvel film rather than a SW film etc, but the visuals were on point.

I liked the lightpseed destruction scene however idiotic it was.

Plot issues about, stupid characters and i couldn't wait for it to finish.[/spoiler
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Anyone catch the leftist rubbish as well? :o

Pro women, anti men
Anti capitalism (casino planet and the speech about how rich people are greedy, bad war mongers)
White guy Poe is completely disregarded and portrayed as an impulsive idiot who makes the horrible mistake of doubting the infinite wisdom of women, even though they simply refuse to share their reasoning with him when he raises very valid doubts about the situation.
It appears fights can no longer be won through military might or power, only through the selfless sacrifice of heroic women or the magical power of friendship.
Possibly anti meat with the Chewbacca scene, unless I'm reading it wrong. I couldn't tell if the creatures were after a bit of the meat, or against him eating it. Seems like it was put in to make a point about the horrors of eating meat

Hell, it even had a purple haired woman giving a speech about oppression.[/

Nope, just you :)

Spoiler that stuff too, please.
White guy Poe is completely disregarded.

Poe isn't white?
He was criminally under-used in the film though. Certainly didn't have much of him at his best apart from the very start.

EDIT - Identity politics should be left at the door but unfortunately aren't. FWIW I actually really thought Rose and the actress who played her were pretty good, her race is irrelevant to me.

The PAWGs were annoying too, forgot to mention that.

EDIT 2 - Cancel your subscription to any publication that tells you this is a five star movie.
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Poe isn't white?
He was criminally under-used in the film though. Certainly didn't have much of him at his best apart from the very start.

EDIT - Identity politics should be left at the door but unfortunately aren't. FWIW I actually really thought Rose and the actress who played her were pretty good, her race is irrelevant to me.

The PAWGs were annoying too, forgot to mention that.

Yeah I suppose he isn't actually.
And same. I have no problems with the cast at all, I thought they were all excellent. :)
Film just did not work at all.

The way they treated the legacy characters as well was truly shocking. Clearly this movie was all about throwing them away for the new bland boring replacements.

0/10 from me.

10/10 for Mark Hamill but everyone else was on a different level & belonged in another franchise. No wonder box office is already 30% down on TFA in some markets.
Back from seeing it and, as mentioned above, despite really enjoying EP7 even though I could see all of its flaws, Ep8 made me feel the same way I did when I saw Ep1 for the first time, that same feeling of ".......but this isn't good, how can this be?". I saw Ep7 about 3-4 times at the cinema yet my initial thought on Ep8 was "won't be watching that again".

To say I'm absolutely gutted would be a massive understatement. Most of my "bad" points have been mentioned by others above but it just felt really "stupid" as a story and no amount of looking absolutely fantastic (even the CGI) can hide what I think is a extremely poor storyline with wasted main/new characters, stupid decisions, unnecessary side plots and just wasted screen time.
Summed up in one line:

A good movie in its own right.. but not a Star Wars movie.

I feel, I never though I’d say this, the whole franchise was in better hands before Disney acquired it. At least with Lucas you had developed story lines and a whole database of extended knowledge and character development. This trilogy, unless they serious surpass my now rock bottom expectations, makes absolutely no sense.

Let’s start with Snoke.. Supreme Commander Snoke.

Firstly.. who was he? There is no backstory on how he is so attuned with the force, it is fairly evident that he is highly trained and can yield the force in a way that has not been seen on film since Sidious. Yet we know nothing about him.

There are rumours online that place him as “The First Jedi” due to the visual encyclopaedia that accompanies this release showing an image of the mosaic set into the floor of the temple in which there is a figure with a slight similarity to Snoke.

But that is all guess work, there is nothing concrete on who he is.. where he came from and what his motivations truly are.

I personally hoped he was Plagueis “The Wise” and honestly still do.. as at this rate he just seems like a villain for the sake of a villain.

And.. on his tuned skills with the force.. how the hell did he not feel/sense the light sabre moving. He can use telekinesis over light years of space to bridge minds and thoughts but can’t sense what is happening right next to him. Literally right there. Wtf.

He is potentially a big misstep by the writing staff.

On his death.. that now leaves us with a partially trained villain whom is basically a spoilt brat with no control and offers no fear factor at all. Like none, he is just mentally fragile.

One redeeming factor was Mark Hamill as Luke, I felt his performance was superb.. a cautious and paranoid Jedi Master.. but now with Luke gone.. who is going to further train Rey??

This is the biggest question for me moving forward, we have 2 characters whom are clearly powerful to n the ways of the force but are not trained enough and without further training I cannot see how they could realise their true potential. Unless their is a significant time gap between 8 and 9 I just can’t see what is next for the series.

I found the young child at the end of the film an intriguing prospect, this along with the very upsetting news that Rey’s parents were simply nothing special clearly indicates that the writers want it to be known that you don’t necessarily require a particular bloodline to be adept with the force.. however I cannot see how this could impact the saga unless they go beyond the 9 films.

One thing that I enjoyed about the prequels was the inclusion of the measurement of Midichlorian levels to aid the selection process of future Jedi, something which has not really been included since Episode 1 and I don’t see why they couldn’t have included it in this saga as well. That’s kinda off topic.. it happens.

This film supplied too many instances where the situation was unrealistic given the events unfolding.. a pretty stupid thing to say given it is science fiction.. let me digress. The perfectly unaffected getaway ship on Snoke’s ship for example.. everything has been destroyed around it.. but it is perfect and placed exactly where it needed to be.

For the ninth film I really wanted to see masters of the force doing battle.. big scope scenes with action of the highest order. Something to really amaze me.. a bit like the small Vader scene at the end of Rogue One. Something to make me stare in awe. Due to the this particular instalment I can’t see how they can do that.. I feel like the next film will just be a run of the mill drama epic with a few gags in for good measure.

As a summary.. I can clearly see where they are trying to take this saga. They want it to be about balance.. whereby the force doesn’t matter. I don’t like it.. the conflict between the dark and the light is one of the most important factors of the Star Wars universe.

Just my thoughts. Yes I may have gone into too much detail but I feel passionately about this movie series and just don’t think this film did it justice.

I can’t fully put into words exactly how I feel about it.. it isn’t as fresh in my mind now. I’ll not be rushing back to refresh.
I'm a huge SW fan and actually liked TFA (despite it's obvious copying over previous plot lines). Saw TLJ last night at midnight showing after getting myself hyped up. I left the cinema with a distinct feeling of meh mixed with being let down. Won't be rushing to watch it again.

Film started well with some good action. But the whole middle of the movie plot with Finn and Rose was utterly pointless.
Bad stuff: Leia flying back into the ship from outer space was retarded.
I didn't like the weird anti-capitalist/animal cruelty messages thrown in at the casino city. What was the need?
Didn't like at all what was done with Luke and how he's gone now. Was hoping to see him be badass. Although he himself played the part well.
Snoke, introduced with super force powers and killed off quickly with no explanation.
Admiral woman on the cruiser could have just shared her plan to Poe, it made no sense to keep it a secret.

Good stuff: Throne room battle. Lightspeed cruiser crash (all be it rather silly), looked epic. Lukes reunion with Leia brought a tear to my eye.
Its quite weird how many people are saying the same thing

Just watched it, honestly don't know how i feel about it

I feel the exact same way i came out like, Wow that was not what i was expecting and that there were many times i found myself thinking what the hell is going on this isn't star wars, but the last 45 mins I found good enough to perhaps combat this

And then I think, do you know what it was fairly entertaining, some great scenes, a bit weird in places, made the cinema laugh a few times allbeit a bit stupid. 4,5,6 had no comedy moments in, i am not sure we really need them

Maybe i loved it without knowing it yet, the thought of going to watch it again excites me so maybe just maybe i will enjoy it more

The big test for me is, if star wars 4,5,6 is on sky movies i can watch them time and time again, 3 not to bad, 1,2 a lot less. TFA I can watch once in a while, Rogue one i cant get into at all outside of my cinema viewing its much too involved, and I couldn't see me flicking TLJ on every few weeks while on the movie channels.
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