Star Wars VIII : The Last Jedi [WARNING: SPOILERS]

Just got back from this.

Put simply, if I wasn’t with a group of friends, one of which was driving home, I genuinely could have seen myself walking out of this.

Absolute kids films, stinks of standard franchise film of like likes of superhero films, I’m genuinely worried about Star Wars going forward...
Well reading this has at least re-assured me I'm not the only one who didn't really enjoy it that much.

I honestly thought Episode 7 was better, maybe watching that before this was a bad idea in the end.

In general it felt overly long with a story arc which in essence didn't need to be there or achieve anything in the end.

The whole casino part in general was the story arc which just wasn't required. Sure Poe didn't have the 'plan' shared with him but in essence while people got into danger it was pointless, his plan failed yet the other plan was working. I really just despised that whole side plot, it did absolutely nothing to move the story on rather than give us something while the Carrier drifted forward at a leisurely pace to stay out of range.

Was a very meh film in my opinion but of course there were some entertaining and impressive parts to it.
OK just got back.. i enjoyed the film but felt very disappointed.. some thoughts.
Snoke could have been epic... yet killed off to quick
Luke vanishing at the end.. hmm didn't like this.. thought he deserved a big send off in truly epic fashion instead he floated away like a silent fart but his performance was good. Force ghost in EP9 anyone?
Fin needs to die pronto..
Poe just seems overplayed.. think he can be a big character but seems just like he cant wait for BB8 to get back so he can pop his Poe stick in him.
The whole Rey's parents thing.. I don't buy this at all. the flashback showed them leaving Jakku yet Kilo says they were drunks and died on the planet.. they made to much of that for it to be that simple I think Rian threw us off for a big reveal in EP9

I really think without the main three characters (Luke, Leia and Han) it just doesn't work.. and only because their replacements are just in the same league. I want Rey to be epic.. I want Poe to be a bit more like Han.. Finn can just do one.

For me as much as i liked Kylo Ren in this he just not the big bad Snoke could have been.. any chance Snoke isn't dead?

To also add Hux is another over acted character... hes no Peter Cushing..

it certainly seemed like ESB in reverse

I just read that JJ is back to direct/write EP9.... he said it will be the climax of the Skywalker saga... but how??? Luke is gone.. Leia wont be in EP9 as confirmed by Disney so there is no Skywalker left.. Ben is a Solo so cant be talking bout him.
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Lol what did I just watch. Far too messy for me, was all over the place. Such a shame as I enjoyed the previous one and the rogue one spin off. :(
Rubbish, they still stand up amazingly, time hasn't significantly changed their impact or relevance and I would say that every single Star Wars that has followed has lacked the magic that the OT had. I would go as far as to say none of them have even come close, which is probably why they are still trying to futilely copy the same formulas without success (Force Awakens being a laughable example).

The original trilogy worked on pretty much every single level I can think of, and any weaknesses in acting or dialogue were completely smoothed over by the on-screen chemistry and charisma of the cast. The original puppetry still feels more real than CGI, and they had a dark, gritty, realistic and yet beautifully understated feel that no sequels have ever replicated, and everything was just shot and written in such a seamless way as to make them feel like one single extended movie. Every single actor put their all into their characters, and it had an emotion, gravitas and intensity that is rare in movies of this genre.

All of the heavens aligned for those three movies, and to expect anything to ever recapture them in the same way is an exercise in folly. It's simply not going to happen. Ever.

this really - i consider the originals to be masterpieces and empire is probably one of the greatest films ever made.
i don't know how they did it and clearly most fil makers feel the same as they have tried and failed many times.

as long as this is reasonably ok i think i will be happy but i'm not expecting them to match the originals as think thats unrealistic.
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Just got back from seeing it an hour ago. I'm a huge fan, been looking forward to seeing this SOOO much. I'll say it was an entertaining movie with many spectacular moments but...

I'm torn and devastated. They've done too much with it, almost as if the director thought he'll end the "trilogy" one episode early.

Now I totally understand that they're wanting to make a new future for Star Wars because the old cast are getting old and I expected Luke to die in this trilogy... but not in this movie, not in the manner he did. Although you can argue it was epic, it felt to me more like they just wanted him out of the way. We didn't get to see him fight, we didn't get to see him even train Rey apart from one little meditation session. Now I understand completely why Mark Hamill was so against the script and I feel sorry for him and for all the fans who wanted to FINALLY see Luke in action given that he wasn't even in Force Awakens. There was no need for it to happen at the end.

They spent too much time on characters and elements of the story that just ultimately didn't go anywhere nor were all that interesting. Even though I like Rose as a character and thought the actress really pulled it off, what they did with her and Finn just pulled me right out of the movie, and despite all of their efforts, nothing actually came of it anyway. It didn't matter in the events of the story.

Every scene with Snoke was incredible, it was SO interesting to see how he treated Kylo and it gave so much depth to Kylo's character and behaviour. Honestly Kylo for the first half of the movie was so interesting, even the "force bond" thing with Rey was really interesting (A cool idea they stole from Knights of the Old Republic) but when they killed off Snoke (which really surprised me) Kylo suddenly turns into a one dimensional character, like a desperate amateur villain. It's like all threat has gone and all that remains is a pair of hammy villains bantering with each other.

Rey... didn't get as much screen time as she needed, nor did Luke. But honestly what did we learn about Rey? Not that much really. She had big plot threads from Force Awakens - who is she and why is she so powerful? And... it's not really been answered. The way they handled her parentage was such a missed opportunity. I mean I don't mind that she's no one, I actually predicted that was the case, but we could have gone on a journey with her to discover it, instead its slapped right out during a moment in the movie that's dealing with something bigger than her parentage. Another potential plot point severed.

The humour, I actually wouldn't have minded so much if it wasn't used in the most inappropriate places. The very beginning when they're trying to establish the desperate predicament that the Resistance is in, the tension and fear, they ruin it with a joke that went on far too long between Poe and Hux and turned the villain into a clown. As I said above, Kylo after Snoke's death becomes a kind of silly villain, lost all his composure and joins Hux in a bizarrely ridiculous pantomime.

So where do we go from here? Honestly I have absolutely no idea, and that would normally be fine, however the worry is I'm sitting here and I honestly don't care anymore because all interesting plots and characters have been literally severed from the story. Now we're left with Rey who clearly needs no training and can do whatever the hell the story wants her to do with no explanation needed, Kylo+Hux as the main pantomime threat, Finn and Rose who seem like characters from a different movie, a destroyed rebellion with Poe as the new leader and probably force ghost Luke who has conveniently been pushed aside so that his ghost self can't do anything significant.

Two years ago when I came out of seeing Force Awakens my mind was racing with the potential of the story and characters and I couldn't wait to see Episode VIII. Now I'm just not interested.
But alien 3 was coherant and had its own internal logic this was more of a prometheus. After TFA I felt that disney at least had an understanding of how to carry on from the original trilogy even if it was nothing more than a retread of ANH. This though is as if the entire team working on the plot were replaced by inifinite monkeys on infinite typewriters. Also going down the film comparisons route this was the star wars reloaded of the trilogy so we have star wars revolutions to look forward to next.
Saw it last night and loved it. It was light, funny, entertaining with solid acting performances.

I had avoided all spoilers so really enjoyed all the twists, turns and nuances. I liked the direction it went in.

Very Guardians of the Galaxy esq in tone which is no bad thing. Certainly family friendly with no bad language which is a welcome change. Heck the original episodes IV and V had the equivalent levels of comedy within their later 70s early 80s context and social constructs.

I can see why the more serious starwars fans would feel butthurtz but times move on.
Saw it last night and loved it. It was light, funny, entertaining with solid acting performances.

I had avoided all spoilers so really enjoyed all the twists, turns and nuances. I liked the direction it went in.

Very Guardians of the Galaxy esq in tone which is no bad thing. Certainly family friendly with no bad language which is a welcome change. Heck the original episodes IV and V had the equivalent levels of comedy within their later 70s early 80s context and social constructs.

I can see why the more serious starwars fans would feel butthurtz but times move on.

Being guardians of the galaxy esque is a bad thing if it's supposed to be a star wars film ;)
That's a good thing ? dear oh dear.........

Well yes exactly that, it is a good thing. We don't need this move to not quite family not quite R rated that happened to loads of genres from the early - mid 2000s when R rated films were tanking.

Thanks to Deadpool & Logan R rated films are back en vogue which means family films can move back to having that family charm. Much like the original star wars before it went all revenge of the sith on us.
Being guardians of the galaxy esque is a bad thing if it's supposed to be a star wars film ;)

Yes but Star Wars needs to be accessible to all otherwise it becomes a niche film for niche audiences, who will still moan either way.

A small group of star wars fans can't even ever seen to agree on plots, lore or direction in a pub or at a convention so there is no hope relying on them a critics.

Like any franchise that is rebooted, the long term fans seem to view the nostalgia with rose tinted glasses.
I can see why the more serious starwars fans would feel butthurtz but times move on.

But that's the problem right there. This trilogy was sold as the continuation of the Skywalker saga but after this film i can't see how they will end it as there ain't any. For me i enjoyed it but the feeling i had after was maybe fear of what EP9 will bring. I am all for passing on the torch but the way this film has handled it leaves me with nothing to look forward to with any of the 3 main characters. Poe just seems to have no story. The Rey question has been answered so for me she is a nothing character now if that truly is her origin and Finn.. will i have made my feelings clear about him.
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