Star Wars VIII : The Last Jedi [WARNING: SPOILERS]

EP9 could surprise, but there are zero questions, cliffhangers or anything else that make me want to rush to see it. As a diehard fan I always will though. I still enjoy the spectacle. Nothing comes close in terms of the action scenes - it was ridiculous in 3D. Shame the writing has dived.
solid 7/10 for me.

i enjoyed most of it.
clearly not as good as the originals (but nothing will ever reach those heights imo).
far better than the prequels and about on par with TFA. Better than rogue one, which was chopped to pieces and had no soul.
Went to see it this morning and thoroughly enjoyed it - despite the story not being particularly strong imo, it had the sense of adventure and certainly felt more like a Star Wars film than any of the prequels ever did. As others have already said Adam Driver came across a lot stronger (certainly much better than the whiny teenager he was in TFA). Overall 9/10 from me.

Only bit that I think was completely unnecessary
Leia in space - should have let her die, would presumably have made things easier for the next movie, but could also have been the turning point to trigger Luke into becoming involved
I really liked TFA to start with but now Ive seen it 4 - 5 times, its way too similar.

I think EpVIII makes up a lot of the ground TFA lost - but I will wait to see how I really feel this time next year when Ive probably will have seen it the same amount of times.

I really don't like Adam Driver at all, he still comes across as a snively little child, and Snoke is even worse as the Emperor equivalent.

I can see why so many people are disappointed with the lack of Jedi training for several characters, but I found "Rey's cave" the most disappointing - it was a non entity in the end really. I can also see the directors point of view about not wanting to repeat the same old things - and hoping this will stand on its own two feet as it were, and I think its got a better chance to do that than repeating plot lines from Empire etc.
The whole premise of humans being the strong ones in the force is laughable in these films anyway, in that way the prequels made more sense with so many of the Jedi Council being non human as lots of them lived longer. Anyway took my son to see it today he loved it, I didn't but the failings are nothing to do with the makers as such and more me never being able to let go of what I thought should happen. The EU story for Luke just makes more sense but has become impossible with how late they left it so I can see totally why they have gone this route.

The EU also ran into the problem of you have X as a powerful Jedi that every story was just waiting for X to swoop in and save the day. Which for me is why they would have been better off at this point having a Jedi council and academy that Luke trained and then kill him off. Leaving more than one girl to take the story forwards, they also have to conjure up another ridiculous quick jedi when she doesn't want to do another film. I just don't feel what they have done is as strong as the backbone of the EU.

My son loved it and that's all that matters, but I'm checking out of anything going forwards now. It's just not for me. I think what will shine for me is every thing they can make pre-sidous, kind of old republic stuff Jedi vs Sith as it will be new ground and none of the characters I have become attached too. I just don't care about these characters. I thought it was much better than TFA, but if I never see it again I won't care.
And Mods what's the timescale for being able to discuss this without spoiler tags like we did in the TFA thread? Surely now the warning should be it contains spoilers and keep out?
The question I always ask is how many viewings can it keep me entertained for.

The originals never get boring.

Im really not fussed about watching TFA or TLJ again.

I've seen Empire loads of times and will happily watch it over and over again. It has a sinister undertone to it.

There's something about movies made in the 70s and 80s which have a kind of magic which is lacking in these modern ones. Can't put my finger on it but that secret ingredient is missing.

Maybe it's the story telling? Whatever it is it's more of a feeling. These new ones seem a bit lifeless.

Have to admit at times I thought I was watching a computer game.
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