Star Wars VIII : The Last Jedi [WARNING: SPOILERS]

The last jedi was a space comedy.
Severely hampered by its main plot with nowhere meaningful to expand to.
All the villains are a joke. Kylo ren is decent but borderline joke.
All the hero's are borderline dull.
I don't even think the rebellion should win. I hope the next film is them just being orbitally bombarded\ cut to credits. They are such Muppets.
There was so little emotional investment.
I feel like I connected with the pogs more than the Chinese sales market character.
If I were him, I would think "Hmmmmm, I really only made 1 half decent film in the New Hope….I gave the other 2 good ones to someone else and I messed up the prequels, i am glad I am not doing the new trilogies anymore".

His ego might think he can do better but the reality has proven that he can't.

Actually Episodes 1-3 are more exciting than TFA and TLJ. Especially Attack of the Clones I have watched it so many times, that I know the damn script by heart.
Also they are not stuffed with stupid jokes or pointless characters and story lines. Especially from the second half of Attack of the Clones all way to the end of the Revenge of the Sith, are pretty dark films considering they were targeting the same audience age TFA and TLJ do today. Which are stuffed with stupid shoe horned comedy and complete no sense PR.

From the original trilogy, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Sith (minus all the Ewoks scenes which I despise), are also the good ones.
New Hope, lets be honest, other than the final battle, isn't that inspiring. Some times I find it even boring if Vader is not on the scene.

But yet, all those films have watched them dozens of times. TFA watched it once, and I was wishing the neuralizer from MiB was real to wipe that from my memory.
Hell I have watched the Clone Wars (film and series) several times up to now, and never got bored of them, even if they are targeting a younger audience than the films.
(and they are pretty dark in places, with no useless jokes).

And I agree with @dannyjo22 on his post regarding the prequels.

Same here. Solo movie, not interested. Ep9, what is there to look forward to? Ep8 has done nothing to build up to it imo. The critics are still very positive about this film, I just don't get it. Bring on the old republic with some decent lore, battles etc.

I don't get either how the critics like it...... The next one, if it has even 2 minutes Ewoks on the screen and even been completely crap, they will still rave about it.

If by Old Republic you mean the period between 3681-3600 BBY sure. I am up for bringing Darth Malgus and Eleena Daru on the big screen :D
And there is a very addictive book they can make a start for. Deceived.....

Also, always said Cloak of Deception (pre-Naboo blockade), Labyrinth of Evil (pre-Revenge of the Sith) are fantastic stories to make films, and Cloak of Deception could have replaced Phantom Menace, finding young Anakin at the very end somehow.... Also Darth Plagues books needs to be a 2 films.

But wishful thinking.........
I don't feel the scope in the last 2 films.
The first order just feels as small as the rebellion, all be it better armed.
There's been no bigger picture in these films it's just a few characters, copies of previous hero's, in conflict for no reason we see as viewers.
Does the first order occupy star systems like the imperium? Or do they just fly about failing to win battles vs. morons?

Who knows???? :P
Look guys, whether it's prequels or current sequels, nobody is denying that they are entertaining sci-fi movies, it's just that in a billion dollar franchise made by apparently cutting edge industry leaders the plots/scripts don't meet preset expectations even compared to expanded universe books, and that was often lofty fan fiction drivel. Surely at that kind of level, with that kind of money Lucas or Disney should be able to do better than movies about trade disputes, turn cinema's ultimate villain into immaculately born wimp with hormonal issues or create Mary Jane heroes that win duels with trained Sith on a first outing with light sabre. Yes, a Star Wars movie, even an excrement filled Star Wars movie for Xmas is still better than any other franchise outing, but wouldn't it be just grand if it actually wasn't written by someone stoned, had a solid, coherent plot and didn't rely on stupid mcguffins all the time? If Star Wars money can't buy good script, what kind of money does one have to chuck at motion pictures to get equivalent of the original trilogy or original Alien? What happened to movie industry that made good scripting die out?
Just watched IV again. It's really not that much of an amazing movie. I think a big part of its popularity was perhaps it being ahead of its time? And in turn a huge fan base came about and people fell in love with the original cast. There are plot holes and certain negatives about the recent films, but i thought ep7 was good, ep8 slightly worse, but as stand alone films they're actually so much better than the original. Better acting and atmospherics (barring Harrison Ford) nevermind visuals. I need to see V (often quoted as the pinnacle) to see if i am missing something, but i think anyone making new star wars films are doomed due to the "core" fans. I'll grant that ep1 isn't fun once you're over 11 years old, II is very dry, but ep III and all newer films since then I think have been perfectly good 8/10 films, just with certain things that could have been done better if they perhaps got together a core star wars fan user group who signed NDAs. ROgue one was great too, not sure what others think.
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I don't feel the scope in the last 2 films.
The first order just feels as small as the rebellion, all be it better armed.
There's been no bigger picture in these films it's just a few characters, copies of previous hero's, in conflict for no reason we see as viewers.
Does the first order occupy star systems like the imperium? Or do they just fly about failing to win battles vs. morons?

Who knows???? :p

I would argue that only the prequels instilled a good sense of scope, and even that was at the expense of the small story. Even in the originals did we ever feel how big the Empire was? It's pretty much the same as the new ones.

I agree that we haven't really been shown what the first order's reach is like (or even the republic's from TFA) I would assume that it's similar to the imperial remnant from the old expanded universe where Snoke took control over the imperial forces from at least part of the star systems they controlled.

Given TLJ seems to suggest the republic has been destroyed though it's also possible they control most of the galaxy (maybe there are independant systems?) The rebels seem to think they have allies they can contact so it's likely there are still some systems either openly defiant or wanting to be
just with certain things that could have been done better if they perhaps got together a core star wars fan user group who signed NDAs.

Often the worst thing you can do is something like that. Fans don't really know what they want (and as is clear they disagree) and ultimately they don't know how to make movies or what works on the big screen.
Fair enough didn’t know that ruling.

Seems odd that it’s different to tv shows, i think people enter threads to be out raged, I wouldn’t enter a film thread I hadn’t seen when it’s out because what chat is there going to be that isn’t spoilers as you can see from the hidden content. For future reference could we have just started a thread discussing it that contained spoilers separate from this one?
Yes, to clarify; if there is a spoiler thread AND a non-spoiler thread you can post whatever you want in the spoiler thread.

incident see that the casino planet was garrisoned in anysuch way. To be fair we haven't seen any real urbanised planets other than the ones being destroyed by starkillerbase for a greif second of shock horror
Did they blow up Coruscant too? I don't even know? I thought I was a fan!

I hope the next film does a bit of lip service to the galaxy we know.
I don't think we know anything about Coruscant yet unless it's been in the books (I haven't read them, didn't hear great things) it's just a normal planet now that it's not the capital so no reason for them to destroy it unless it had rebelled. it's always difficult to get that kind of detail across in a film, most of what we know about Star Wars before this came from the extended universe so hopefully they can write some good books!
I really thought Lando might turn up in this one when they were talking about contacting other allies from the base. I could almost hear his voice. I'm not sure they'll introduce many old characters, I think (and I understand why) that they want to forge star wars forwards instead of focussing on the past and they're limited with what they can do with aging actors. Shame Disney didn't buy Star Wars 10/15 years ago :(
Actually Episodes 1-3 are more exciting than TFA and TLJ. Especially Attack of the Clones I have watched it so many times, that I know the damn script by heart.
Also they are not stuffed with stupid jokes or pointless characters and story lines. Especially from the second half of Attack of the Clones all way to the end of the Revenge of the Sith, are pretty dark films considering they were targeting the same audience age TFA and TLJ do today. Which are stuffed with stupid shoe horned comedy and complete no sense PR.

From the original trilogy, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Sith (minus all the Ewoks scenes which I despise), are also the good ones.
New Hope, lets be honest, other than the final battle, isn't that inspiring. Some times I find it even boring if Vader is not on the scene.

But yet, all those films have watched them dozens of times. TFA watched it once, and I was wishing the neuralizer from MiB was real to wipe that from my memory.
Hell I have watched the Clone Wars (film and series) several times up to now, and never got bored of them, even if they are targeting a younger audience than the films.
(and they are pretty dark in places, with no useless jokes).

And I agree with @dannyjo22 on his post regarding the prequels.

I disagree.

No point stirring the pot and debate about it, these movies have been out for decades, our minds aren't going to change because I say something about it, but all I can say is…Ja Ja bloody Blinks.
Saw it yesterday I loved every moment of it, didn't feel long either, my only concern is it felt like a season finale in a sense, there isn't much left story wise to carry on, I can't see any surprise coming or anything, jj has a tougher task making 3rd part than he did when bringing star wars back
I don't think we know anything about Coruscant yet unless it's been in the books (I haven't read them, didn't hear great things) it's just a normal planet now that it's not the capital so no reason for them to destroy it unless it had rebelled. it's always difficult to get that kind of detail across in a film, most of what we know about Star Wars before this came from the extended universe so hopefully they can write some good books!

It has been in the books. Bloodlines explained a lot about the current state of the galaxy. Reading a book shouldn't have to be necessary though imo.
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