Actually Episodes 1-3 are more exciting than TFA and TLJ. Especially Attack of the Clones I have watched it so many times, that I know the damn script by heart.
Also they are not stuffed with stupid jokes or pointless characters and story lines. Especially from the second half of Attack of the Clones all way to the end of the Revenge of the Sith, are pretty dark films considering they were targeting the same audience age TFA and TLJ do today. Which are stuffed with stupid shoe horned comedy and complete no sense PR.
From the original trilogy, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Sith (minus all the Ewoks scenes which I despise), are also the good ones.
New Hope, lets be honest, other than the final battle, isn't that inspiring. Some times I find it even boring if Vader is not on the scene.
But yet, all those films have watched them dozens of times. TFA watched it once, and I was wishing the neuralizer from MiB was real to wipe that from my memory.
Hell I have watched the Clone Wars (film and series) several times up to now, and never got bored of them, even if they are targeting a younger audience than the films.
(and they are pretty dark in places, with no useless jokes).
And I agree with
@dannyjo22 on his post regarding the prequels.