Stealing drinks out of the works fridge

buy a can, photograph it with the rim between your ass cheeks.

Put can in fridge.

The day after the can disappears put a poster up saying "to the person that stole my can, how'd it taste?" and then the photo.

You don't even need to use the same can, it'll be enough to make it stop :D
This is probbaly the best shout..

Find away to have the mento fall in when the lid is removed

You sew thread through a single mento. Hold it tight across the top of the bottle and screw the lid on. cut the extra cotton off and when they open it the mento falls in. :D
Be very careful before you go 'doping' a drink to be consumed by the offender(s)

People can and have been prosecuted for doing this

There are more serious offences if you cause serious harm and even this offence is subject to a term of imprisonment up to 5 years and is subject to trial in Crown Court.

laxative is the perfect option. If it is your drink you are taking it for your constipation so no malice or harm.
Superglue a mento to a piece of cotton thread, suspend said mento by thread in the cap thread of the bottle. Trim off the excess thread. Done well you shouldn't see the Mento nestled up in the cap.

When the bottle is opened, the mento on thread will drop into the coke, winner winner. :)

edit: this

Superglue a mento to a piece of cotton thread, suspend said mento by thread in the cap thread of the bottle. Trim off the excess thread. Done well you shouldn't see the Mento nestled up in the cap.

When the bottle is opened, the mento on thread will drop into the coke, winner winner. :)

edit: this

This ^^
I used to label my milk "Bull semen" in the work fridge.

It still got used. :(

Was it used more after you put the label on? Some people have odd tastes.

All the fun options could potentially lead to you being fired, could do something safe like superglue the lid on a bottle of coke but would only be mildly irritating.
I was thinking, how lucky am I, I never worked anywhere that had a “works” fridge, then I remembered, around 1980-81, I had a LHD articulated Mercedes-Benz, that had a mini fridge, behind the cab, on the side, I only kept OJ, Coca-Cola, or water in it, and I was the only one who drove it.
Herbal nite-ol crushed up in the bottle? Or for the next level, the non-herbal version. There is a danger of injury though if he falls asleep using tools or drives home.
I was tempted to do this as a joke to a guy I used to work with, we worked in an office and he got the bus to work so no danger of injury. I never got round to doing it though :(
I have never once witnessed a successful dismissal or prosecution where an employee added their medication to their lunch, indeed that legislation would suggest if I were for example to add diazepam to my coke it would not be illegal as I did not intend to inure someone.

For adding a supermarket food flavouring to a drink? If such a low threshold were to be constitute "noxious" it would make many foods illegal to sell. Just not going to happen in reality.


The intent you are doing it with is to annoy which is covered.

It's not used in food to annoy

with intent to injure, aggrieve, or annoy such person

Your diazepam wpuld 100% be intent to injure though. You could very easily kill somone doing that as they drive home under the influence.

Which would be a perfectly foreseeable outcome, or in the ops case the guy has a horrific injury in the workshop because some tit drugged him
Stop being a killjoy. Nobody cares.

I still vote for the chili sauce!

The law cares and people have ended up in crown court for similiar stunts to the suggested laxative one.

I would not want to be running a defence, in a court trial, that the laxative in the coke bottle in work fridge was there because in was for strictly self administered medicinal purposes only

For adding a supermarket food flavouring to a drink? If such a low threshold were to be constitute "noxious" it would make many foods illegal to sell. Just not going to happen in reality.

The legal defintion of "Noxious" is very wide....

The Court acknowledged that the meaning of noxious is very wide, such that placing an obnoxious, obectionable, or unwholesome thing into food or drink with the intention to annoy the victim would be sufficient to constitute an offence under s.24 of the OAPA 1861.

Source criminal law ref

Its the intent that's key... . You can but super hot chilli sauce to add to your own food legally but chuck in a coke bottle to annoy the colleague that drinks your coke without asking and you could be in trouble.
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