Ha yeh just remembered how bad that was...So how do you setup the controls for playing FPS games through the Link like BF?
Also what are you guys using as controllers? I'm conscience about FPS games with joypads....
Not really sorry. Not needed to do this.any advice on how to set up pc purley for this, got it set to auto sign in, but this doesn't apply to when waking from sleep?,
also want it to wake from sleep without touching it, wake on land somehow maybe? etc, any one got a pc just for streaming what have you done.
it does drop qulity ever few minutes for a second or two on wifi, but doesn't matter for the games i play. liking it so far, other than my computer is slow and noisey
Yeah quite sure, I paired them manually too. Pulling my hair out with thisare you sure your powerlines are still set up and connected
Nice one keenan, what 2D scrollers may I ask? Is there any lag especially considering such high paced games?
What controller you used?
Limbo and Inside.
I am also playing Max, The Curse of Brotherhood with my 6 year old. It's also fun, but more aimed towards youngsters.
Both Limbo and Inside are fantastic games though.
I started off with a wireless xbox360 controller. I just connected the usb receiver to the link and everything worked without any issues.
When I heard Steam added built in support for the Playstation DS4 controller I paired mine and used it to play Resident Evil 7 with assisted "gyro" aiming.
Doom also works brilliantly this way and I really cant say that I experience any latency, even in Doom..
Thanks this is interesting.
I want to play games like Civ and Cities: Skylines, but fear the Xbox360 controller perhaps isn't adequate for these?
Got a technical question that might be better in it's own thread, or even in the OS forum, but it's specifically about the Steam Link, so I'll try here first.....
When the PC upstairs is off, and I turn on the Steam Link via the X360 pad, the link has the ability to 'wake' the PC, however, the PC on Windows 10 boots to the password screen and of course there it stays.
I'm the only person with access to my PC, and I have no reason to require a password but can't find an option to boot without requiring one.
Assuming that simply can't be done, is there any way for the Steam Link to run as normal without me going upstairs to input the password?
Very FWP I know, and not a huge deal, but still something I'd like to address if possible.
Got a technical question that might be better in it's own thread, or even in the OS forum, but it's specifically about the Steam Link, so I'll try here first.....
When the PC upstairs is off, and I turn on the Steam Link via the X360 pad, the link has the ability to 'wake' the PC, however, the PC on Windows 10 boots to the password screen and of course there it stays.
I'm the only person with access to my PC, and I have no reason to require a password but can't find an option to boot without requiring one.
Assuming that simply can't be done, is there any way for the Steam Link to run as normal without me going upstairs to input the password?
Very FWP I know, and not a huge deal, but still something I'd like to address if possible.
this, full guide hereOn your PC, press (win key + R) and type netplwiz. There you can untick the box that requires the password when you log in..
bummer looks like I will have to try and raise the cash tomorrow some how then lol how much will it be after the deal?I think its going to finish in less than 24 hours bud according to Steam.
As of posting this, the timer is at 20:54 and counting down.