Steam Workshop allowing creators to charge for mods

I don't understand what the hell valve are doing, paying for mods are they crazy and also taking a 75% cut! :eek:

Pay for mods never! :mad: To the high seas we will take folks! :p

Really? Releasing the biggest game of the last few years a year and a half later and their last GTA game played like absolute **** and still does for a lot of people. They're hardly down the bottom with EA and Ubisoft but they're hardly saints.

They still deliver on the GAME though, which for me is what matters (ok GTA IV had issues, but was still a brilliant game once it was sorted.. Just like people are saying about BF4 etc.)

And like I stated, they're not perfect, so don't think I'm putting them that high up, but from what we've seen they don't charge us hundreds for 'seasons' ridiculous amounts for parts that should have been in the game etc.. Even on console they don't do that, they are an age old game developer that gives us good games without having to pay premiums (unless you're pc is an historic artifact).

Who else do we have? Codemasters, they are also a classic developer, but all they seem to be doing is F1 games and arcade racing games ATM. TBF the games have been good, so I'm still happy with them

Rockstar gives us good games without all this extra BS that unfortunately modern day (rich) gaming seems to be about

Edit to Witcher 1979: Exactly! A developer that pays attention TO THE GAME, instead of how much they can rinse us off afterwards!

Another edit: My console flat mates saw me playing GTA V on PC and they were gobsmacked, One of them hasn't actually played his GTA since, because admit it, Rockstar did an amazing job with 5 so we can all say they delivered
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Anyone else thinking that Valve have just painted a massive target on themselves for a hack/DDOS attack, similar to the backlash against Assassin's creed's always-on DRM or against Sony?
Delivering for PC gamers has nothing to do with the quality of the game itself or whether or not they sell X amount of DLC, my point is that a terrible port and a year and a half wait for two of their main series games is hardly having PC gamers in the forefront of their minds. I'm happy to admit that the PC version of V is the best version of the game available but they didn't really have a choice after making them wait a year and a half and announcing multiple delays, within which I, and I'm guessing a fair few others, have already played the game across two console generations.

Anyway, we're getting off topic. If you think highly of Rockstar then great, honestly. I'm just saying I personally don't think they're anything close to say CDProjektRed in terms of their PC mentality.
All I'm saying is what decent developers DO we actually have left? We all thought Valve would always be by our side, now they have stabbed us in the back with a £250 CS:GO knife skin.

My point really is we are losing the developers we once thought we're great, and I'm sure Valve was at the top of a lot of our lists we felt would support us, and now they have proven us wrong horrendously!

Carrying on with topic, Valve are becoming EA - profit money mad ******s
What mainstream developer has made a great PC title lately?

Of Course we all know we're going to be second to consoles, It always will be forever now and onwards. It's just the quality that they give us these games that shows what kind of developer they are! Ubisoft anyone?
Half life 2 was PC first, consoles second.. Now Valve have changed things around, who's to say HL2: E3 won't be consoles 1st, pc 2nd? From the way they're going it seems very likely
I remember the times I've spoken out against shady things Valve have done in the past, was greeted with nothing but hostility from the users on here.

Now look, doing the kind of stuff I always predicted, get rekt fanbois.

Now, don't get me wrong SkyUI is a decent mod, but these chumps really seem unaware that once they go to the other side of the paywall expectations of them and their "product" will change.
With free mods I accept that my game might get hosed by a sloppy scripting error, that there's going to be incompatibilities and I'm the one who has to jump through hoops to make it play nice with other content, and that the makers aren't always 100% professional. The second you charge for your DLC (and yes it's now DLC not a mod imo) I expect the same from you I'd expect from any dev, incompatibility? You make the patch to fix it. ****ed up script borking people's saves 24 hours in? You better damn well fix it fast and help "I'm trying to fix it but real life is hectic and I don't know when I'll get around to it" doesn't cut it anymore, nor does acting like a little ***** in the comments section with anyone who isn't 100% behind you.

Whats more is valve will only give you 24 hour's for refund and is in steam credit.
What mainstream developer has made a great PC title lately?

Of Course we all know we're going to be second to consoles, It always will be forever now and onwards. It's just the quality that they give us these games that shows what kind of developer they are! Ubisoft anyone?

Please someone answer this question.. (Forget Rockstar, apparently they're still rubbish)

What mainstream developer made a great console title recently????
Tripwire updated the EULA for Killing Floor 2 to disallow paid mods. Link

nicely played by tripwire

•Your Mods must be distributed for free, period. Neither you, nor any other person or party, may sell them to anyone, commercially exploit them in any way, or charge anyone for receiving or using them without prior written consent from Tripwire Interactive. You may exchange them at no charge among other end users and distribute them to others over the Internet, on magazine cover disks, or otherwise for free.
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