Steam Workshop allowing creators to charge for mods

When a mod is sold on Steam, the creator only gets a 25 per cent cut of the sales, while Valve takes home 75 per cent to split between itself and presumably Bethesda. If a mod fails to make more than $100, then the creator doesn’t get paid at all.

Not really worth it IMO!
Rumour kicking about that Steam just pulled paid mods.. fingers crossed.

If you check it says
An error was encountered while processing your request:

This item is no longer for sale, but if you have purchased it, you will still have access to it."
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Rumour kicking about that Steam just pulled paid mods.. fingers crossed.

If you check it says
An error was encountered while processing your request:

This item is no longer for sale, but if you have purchased it, you will still have access to it."

Still working for me. Seems to be 17 paid for mods.

Quality. And sitting on a large valve if title "Give Me Money For No Reason" was too subtle.

It's not "Pay what you want" at all - you have to pick a price from a drop down menu, and of course, the initially advertised price is the lowest option. False advertising!!
^It's just the start. The whole thing is so badly thought out it is almost unbelievable!

Its not thought out at all thats really annoying part of it. I used to like Steam and the holy Gaben but lately they seem to be moving further and further in the direction of a faceless corporation with no concern for anything but profits and certainly little or none for end users and that includes modders.

The Steam workshop has long treated modders badly if someone trolls your mod comment thread.. nothing you can do about it. Remove the comments, thats it. You can't stop them posting more and you can't block them in anyway. Nexus at least allows you to do that.

Have a problem? Wait for days on end to get a reply with a Steam Support ticket. The forums are a joke moderation is almost non-existent a mod will pop in once a day on average to sweep up the worst detritus and thats about it.

Want to stop someone uploading your mod and charging for it? You can't. Used someones free assets? Steam don't care. I'm currently having to upload my mods to Steam because I have no choice but to do it before someone else does and charges for them and hope I don't get a DMCA takedown request from a pirate who uploads them and files a claim against me and I end up having to pay for my own mods! It's all copyright Bethesda so Steam don't care who uploads it honestly, no mod author has any "rights" over ownership.

Whats it all about? Greed. Pure and simple.
If everyone who is against this were to start making DMCA requests against every single mod, surely it would completely swamp Valve? Jus' saying... :p

Now, don't get me wrong SkyUI is a decent mod, but these chumps really seem unaware that once they go to the other side of the paywall expectations of them and their "product" will change.
With free mods I accept that my game might get hosed by a sloppy scripting error, that there's going to be incompatibilities and I'm the one who has to jump through hoops to make it play nice with other content, and that the makers aren't always 100% professional. The second you charge for your DLC (and yes it's now DLC not a mod imo) I expect the same from you I'd expect from any dev, incompatibility? You make the patch to fix it. ****ed up script borking people's saves 24 hours in? You better damn well fix it fast and help "I'm trying to fix it but real life is hectic and I don't know when I'll get around to it" doesn't cut it anymore, nor does acting like a little ***** in the comments section with anyone who isn't 100% behind you.
EA Games made great games, now they just make generic, profit above all, rip you off completely games, and now VALVE! VALVE FFS! our last legendary game developer that we still trusted and loved. Now they do this EA trickery??
Thank god we have Rockstar guys, not saying they're perfect, but they're still a developer that delivers for us pc gamers..
All the legends have either been wiped out, or completely brainwashed into something the complete opposite of what they once were..
If things are correct and they're charging for mods, I might have to get my Fallout and Skyrim from (cough twice) another place..

Edit: Come to think of it, I regret getting GTA V on steam now :(
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Thank god we have Rockstar guys, not saying they're perfect, but they're still a developer that delivers for us pc gamers..

Really? Releasing the biggest game of the last few years a year and a half later and their last GTA game played like absolute **** and still does for a lot of people. They're hardly down the bottom with EA and Ubisoft but they're hardly saints.
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