Now, don't get me wrong SkyUI is a decent mod, but these chumps really seem unaware that once they go to the other side of the paywall expectations of them and their "product" will change.
With free mods I accept that my game might get hosed by a sloppy scripting error, that there's going to be incompatibilities and I'm the one who has to jump through hoops to make it play nice with other content, and that the makers aren't always 100% professional. The second you charge for your DLC (and yes it's now DLC not a mod imo) I expect the same from you I'd expect from any dev, incompatibility? You make the patch to fix it. ****ed up script borking people's saves 24 hours in? You better damn well fix it fast and help "I'm trying to fix it but real life is hectic and I don't know when I'll get around to it" doesn't cut it anymore, nor does acting like a little ***** in the comments section with anyone who isn't 100% behind you.