Stormzy Cambridge Scholorship

Sure, especially if it was aimed at underprivileged white kids.

I’m sure a few people on twitter would get grumpy, but no different to a few people on here getting grumpy about it being aimed at black kids. They should just be ignored, society would be a better place if we did.
Or alternatively society would be a better place if race/colour were not an issue at all and never even considered when deciding on a group to help.

EDIT: I'm white. I married a pakistani woman. My kids are mixed race. Skin solour never enters my head. Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if people just didn't see skin colour at all?
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Serious question for a moment:

With stories like this, and something similar. Every. Single. Day. Does anyone else feel like they are being played? I mean seriously being played...
This is the wonderful new world of identity politics. Divide and rule.
Ahhh. Positive discrimination. The only sort of discrimination the OcUK bigot brigade will ever rail against.
Its racism, but because he is black that makes it OK in the eyes of many.

This. Racism is racism no matter what colour you are.

The worst thing in the world to be is a white male because there are so many genders or races ahead of you in the pecking order now in the interests of 'equality'.

Sickens me with how hypocritical people are but they use BS reasons to justify it.

'Positive discrimination' - such a bad thing as it creates segregation.....
For his next publicity stunt he'll perhaps concentrate on the dreaming spires of Oxford and getting one of his beneficiaries dressed in sky blue and ivory <LOL>
Funny how people love to throw out statistics about how young black men are over-represented when it comes to urban crime, yet when someone tries to do something to address this (however small) it's also a bad thing. :D
What are you talking about?
Absolutely - poverty doesn't exist if you're white.
Dave M is spot on, there is no one in this country who can't afford to go to university. The way repayments are set up is that you only pay back what you can afford. Anyone who doesn't know this is being ignorant.

And he is completely right, simply taking away the burden of paying that debt for two already successful applicants to Cambridge is poorly targeted. Anyone accepted into Cambridge will (or really should) be making more than enough of a living afterwards that they don't need this help. The burden is a very manageable percentage of your salary which you pay for the privilege of having been well educated. Removing this isn't doing some significant social good. The gesture by Stormzy is admirable but it would be better spent elsewhere.

Stormzy is offering to pay for young adults university education. But only if they're black.

Surely this is absolute definition of racism? Discrimination against students of other races? Can you imagine if a white musician was offering to pay for the university education of white people?

Or am I making a big deal out of nothing.

I draw parallels with this over the new Disney film with the gay character being played by a straight actor (forgot his name)

Some clown came out and said "it's fine for a gay actor to play a straight character, but not the other way round"

Really? I am open minded and get extremely irritated by discrimination but I see discrimination going both ways. Positive discrimination is just as toxic as negative discrimination and promoting positive discrimination is ludicrous as all you do is give a clear pass to those peddling negative discrimination in return.
I draw parallels with this over the new Disney film with the gay character being played by a straight actor (forgot his name)

Some clown came out and said "it's fine for a gay actor to play a straight character, but not the other way round"

Really? I am open minded and get extremely irritated by discrimination but I see discrimination going both ways. Positive discrimination is just as toxic as negative discrimination and promoting positive discrimination is ludicrous as all you do is give a clear pass to those peddling negative discrimination in return.
I read that a couple of days ago, I think it was Jack Whitehall who was getting the grief for playing a gay part.
This is discrimination not racism. Stop misusing words or you will erode its meaning. (TBF the left has done that already).

Regarding the thread topic, I can see why this is unfair but on the other hand it is a way of targeting black kids and encouraging them to aim for success rather than this gang life rubbish that is heavily promoted now. I don't think it is the best way of doing it but fair play to him for trying.
********, there is no way Cambridge university would allow this?

All he is doing is privately funding someones tuition after they got accepted, why would Cambridge have a say in the matter?

It's not like they will decide that the student is no longer eligible because it came from someone they disagree with.

Regarding the thread topic, I can see why this is unfair

If this was a government funded course, then i can see why it is unfair - as everyone would be entitled to the money. As it is just Stormzy sponsoring a few kids, i don't think it is unfair at all as it should be his choice how he wants to spend the cash. Would it be fair on him or one of the black kids if you turned around and said 'actually it has to be someone else?'

No more unfair than the way rich parents can pay their own kids tuition.
are blacks really under represented as a percentage of the population or at a disadvantage compared to anyone else in the same financial circumstances.

you know where black people really are under represented , check out staff in supermarkets, why don't they do something about that.
maybe the ones not going to uni can fill the role

That might be because you live in newcastle where there is a small percentage of black people. If you are really desperate to see black check out staff I would recommend going to London there is plenty of them to see their, just try not to be to obvious when taking pictures.
The thing is if we want to get rid of discrimination/racism and bring in true equality then we need to stop putting people into different categories which is what the left is all about, the far left establishment is unable to examine any situation without first sorting everyone involved into different categories based on race, sex, sexuality etc. and then their solution is almost inevitably to give special treatment to any minorities and by extension persecute any individual who belongs to a larger group. It's this sort of excessive pandering that is driving people across Europe and the US to resent minorities. I think I've heard it described as "bigotry of low expectations" in that the left believe that blacks and other minorities aren't capable of competing in a society without being given special treatment but either way it's an extremely divisive way to operate and is creating a bit of a toxic climate between the different groups.
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To get rid of categorization you need to remove it from all aspects of society. For example, you have to recognize foreigners should have the same rights and opportunity as the locals, that there is no difference between these people. It is not just 'the left' that is to blame for discrimination and racism, the 'look after our own' mentality and demonizing of other cultures or ethnicity is certainly not due to 'leftist categorization'. Discrimination resides all along the political spectrum, people who are racist will justify their beliefs whichever way they lean - be it left or right.
That might be because you live in newcastle where there is a small percentage of black people. If you are really desperate to see black check out staff I would recommend going to London there is plenty of them to see their, just try not to be to obvious when taking pictures.
. BME children accounted for 22% of the school population in 2011
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