Story behind your forum username?

There actually isn't any real meaning behind my username,Unsure why back in the day the username popped into my head :D
A lot of people said it sounds like the ship out of the Matrix which is spelled "Nebuchadnezzar" but really just a random lol.
Mine is completely random, which is why I was so surprised when it turned out to be a minor variation of my first name and initial!!! :D
PlacidCasual is mentioned in a Super Furry Animals song on the Radiator album, my favourite album by one of my favourite bands. It also fits my character.

edit: thanks you for sharing peeps been interesting reading.
@Feek please can you change my name for me? Sounds stupid but can you make it MouthBoy? Reason being is that my four year old calls Malfoy from Harry Potter this and it cracks me up everytime.

Yes, I am already aware I may need to be ridiculed before with some random unwanted name of sorts.
Old work nickname from 20 years ago & a Sitcom called 'the Grimleys' was popular back in the day. I carried a bit more weight back then & my 'co-workers' :rolleyes: thought I looked like Gordon Grimley, so instead of being offended, I took it for my discussion forums username as defiance. So if you see my username on other forums its probably me. :p
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My username stems from playing Ridge Racer in an arcade back in the mid to late 90's in Skegness. You could only put 3 letters in the high score table & I came 2nd & my mate suggested I put "Zod", it stuck & I used that in arcades for years.

Then I got a Sega Dreamcast years later & I had to register for something, might have been Dremarena, can't remember as it's been 20 years ish & it needed a 6 letter username so it became Iamzod.
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